sorry but i really agree with your ideaSOTP MEMING UNDER MY SERIOUS THREAD
I am gonna cry becueas you bulLyYour name
Well just /ban meI am gonna cry becueas you bulLy
Moderators and the reporting system are a big meme, many kids espacialieyeye me wants to ban legi... cheaters. Oh ye when i see you ingame 1v1 me noob e/z game flawless triple glutch.If this is ever done, it would be total chaos, innocent people would be banned and many hackers would still be there ... Also, what are the moderators or the cubecraft reporting system?
if this get's added i ban you hax0r!Perhaps, us
Nvm, I don't agree with your suggestion :D
TruWe should also get an unban command so if you log on and do /unban then you can log on so if you get false banned then you can still play
If we dont tell the haxors then they wont use it