yooo what up nerds
So I was forced to work on an update, enjoy!
FFA Featured Kit
We want the ability to add new kits but not overwhelm the selection when you first spawn in.
Introducing a weekly featured kit! Each week this kit will change from a pool of kits. This makes it easier to implement more content without impacting the core game too much.
FFA Rocket PvP Event
We've added a new event, inspired by one of our previous gamemodes, QuakeCraft!
New Duels Kits
If you didn't know, we recently hosted a community competition on Discord! We have added a few of those kits in-game and made some tweaks while playtesting. How exciting. Lots more content!
Other QoL
Along with the featured kits, we've added some Quality of Life features to Free for All!
Battle Log
We've added a battle log to FFA, meaning when you're killed, information about the last fight will be sent into the chat. In the FFA pre-lobbies, you'll also get a battle log item on your hotbar, click this to view the last 20 unique players from fights from your last life, showing your kills and information about them. You can also use /battlelog at any point to see the information about the last 20 unique people you fought. If you kill the same person, the info stacks/merges.
Damage indicators
From now on, when you have a fight in FFA, you'll see floating damage values, showing how much damage you're dealing. But don't worry; you have the ability to disable this in your FFA settings in the pre-lobby.
bless up porkins 
So I was forced to work on an update, enjoy!

We want the ability to add new kits but not overwhelm the selection when you first spawn in.
Introducing a weekly featured kit! Each week this kit will change from a pool of kits. This makes it easier to implement more content without impacting the core game too much.
- Blind Luck - Netherite Sword, Random armour, from Leather to Netherite, Protection 0-4, Sharpness 0-2
- Stealth - Sharpness 3 Iron Sword, No Armour, Resistance 3, Invis Pot, Health Pot, End Crystal, which makes you invisible on click
- Assassin - Iron Armour Protection 3, Sharpness 4, Iron Sword Slowness Pot, Leap Feather, which launches you
- Barbarian (Java only) - Leather Armour Protection 3, Diamond Axe Sharpness 1
- Poseidon (Moved into featured kits) - Diamond/Iron Armour Protection 1, Trident Loyalty 1

We've added a new event, inspired by one of our previous gamemodes, QuakeCraft!

If you didn't know, we recently hosted a community competition on Discord! We have added a few of those kits in-game and made some tweaks while playtesting. How exciting. Lots more content!
- Palisade - Created by SquishyFerret
- Fisherman - Created by BLST GHG
- Trickster - Created by Sparkie
- Wizard - Created by IIMoxi
- Horse - Created by MarwanPro

Along with the featured kits, we've added some Quality of Life features to Free for All!
Battle Log
We've added a battle log to FFA, meaning when you're killed, information about the last fight will be sent into the chat. In the FFA pre-lobbies, you'll also get a battle log item on your hotbar, click this to view the last 20 unique players from fights from your last life, showing your kills and information about them. You can also use /battlelog at any point to see the information about the last 20 unique people you fought. If you kill the same person, the info stacks/merges.
Damage indicators
From now on, when you have a fight in FFA, you'll see floating damage values, showing how much damage you're dealing. But don't worry; you have the ability to disable this in your FFA settings in the pre-lobby.
- New event added - Rocket PvP
- Featured kit stand
- Blind Luck
- Stealth
- Assassin
- Barbarian
- Poseidon
- Battle log implemented
- Added floating damage indicators
- New kits
- Palisade - Created by SquishyFerret
- Fisherman - Created by BLST GHG
- Trickster - Created by Sparkie
- Wizard - Created by IIMoxi
- Touch Grass cage added
- Hell cage added
- Toxic win effect added
- Need healing gravestone added
- Popcorn arrow trail added
- Toxic arrow trail added
- 5 prefixes added