We understand this - stream sniping is definitely a demographic that we understand that exists on our server, like people like DarkStray and Related do. We have established a solution - private games - and are wanting to work on it so that content creators and their fans are able to play games with each other without needing to click on a button at the same time as everyone else, only to play a game with three of their fans. This will be a lot more outreaching and will be a better experience than it is right now. However, as Rubik said:
We'll be working with creators and external communities alike to ensure that the private games system is as good as it can be. However, this is a future goal of ours to achieve. :)
Where are you getting this information from? I'm curious because the poll we've run here shows the opposite.
Again, this isn't something we're forcing onto you - you're able to opt-out of this mode and play against players of harder difficulty, but not downgrading so that mobile players aren't adversely affected in a way that this dynamic queuing system isn't completely useless.
When looking at mobile players, retention of these players are pretty low on our end - likely due to them not having fair games. All it takes to lose a game is for there to be one KBM player, and you've lost. To demonstrate this
huge discrepancy, I've been playing a bit of Solo Survival Games on Bedrock in my spare time, and, uh...
Most games are with mobile or controller players. I'm averaging almost 8 kills a game when I'm casually playing, in a call with someone, or just quickly jumping on for a game. I've also got a win% of 78.5%. This is a
huge issue that we simply cannot overlook otherwise problems will occur later on. These games for KBM players may be casual, however mobile players are often struggling, getting 10-hearted, and leaving the server entirely because of this, which is something we simply cannot afford to happen.
This isn't really the question to ask us - Windows 10 Minecraft has always been around and part of the Bedrock program. We can't just neglect them entirely or stop them from joining the server just because "you can play elsewhere".