I love Battlefield, but Battlefield 4... Is just horrible, unplayable and not finished. They better not rush BF5...in battlefield 4 you can fight on land but at the same time there are poeple in the air in jets or helicopters and som poeple in boats or jeeps. And unlike cod or any other fps games, when you get knifed by someone u can counter it and have a 50% chance of killing the other person! Oh and u can also destroy entire buildings just by taking out the support underneath, unlike any fps environment is destructible with a certain weapon or vehicle. therfore making it the best fps ever in my 0pinion
....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................shushI love Battlefield, but Battlefield 4... Is just horrible, unplayable and not finished. They better not rush BF5...
first person shooterI don't think CoD counts as a FPS, its an Arcade Shooter.
Isn't Halo Reach Halo 3 xDScrew Halo 4 and Halo Reach, Halo 3 is the best of all time :D
The game is broken and you know it, I know a lot of people that are disappointed, bf4 is not a successful game....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................shush
I don't play all theses games all the time I thought reach was threeSeriously...