I thought it'd be cool to show off how much money I've earned in game. I am a very skilled player and this isn't very hard to obtain for me. I am hoping that there are other very skilled players that will add screenshots of their inventories also, as I am very curious to who is good at this game and who currently has good loot. ;)
NO HACKERS! There are SO many hackers running around with full diamond and they don't deserve it. Please hackers, don't post your diamond on here, just show it to all of your other hacker friends.
Please provide a screenshot and IGN
Make it look good! organize your inventory and try to impress your peers.
NO HACKERS! There are SO many hackers running around with full diamond and they don't deserve it. Please hackers, don't post your diamond on here, just show it to all of your other hacker friends.
Please provide a screenshot and IGN
Make it look good! organize your inventory and try to impress your peers.