Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Want better death animations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 8 53.3%

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betty's oldies

Forum Expert
Feel like MineCraft's vanilla death animations are bland? Want better, more detailed ones? Then this is for you!

Let's have better death animations based on how an entity was killed. This applies to all entities or can just be for player deaths only. The body is still there, but with more detail on how the entity died.

Under options, this can be enabled or disabled. By default, better death animations is disabled.
Enabled: Detailed death animations
Disabled: Vanilla death animation

Video below will show specific death animations depending on how the entity was killed (this video is from SC2, but just an example). Time stamps are added below as examples:

-If killed by melee, then it will show the body cut in half (in any direction, e.g. horizontal or vertical). Example: 0:55
-If killed by projectiles, then arrows will stick to the body or produce a corpse like the example given. Example: 0:12
-If killed by fire or lasers, then the body will stay on fire as if it was still on fire. Example: 0:58
-If killed by magic, then the body will dissolve, burning up similar to fire (let's assume the harming potion contains acid). Example: 1:27
-If killed by fall damage, it produces a ragdoll (same as in SG where a body is produced). Example: 0:26 (shows ragdoll)

The next 2 animations use this example video:

-If killed by an explosion, then the body will explode with body parts (legs, head, torso, and/or arms) flying out of the body. Example: 1:24
-If an entity is killed while airborne (flying or falling at least 5+ blocks above ground), then it will always produce parts (same animation as explosion).

(Optional): Blood particles will show when an entity dies. Death screams also play when players die.

Frequent responses
Too much gore! It's extreme!
-I edited the OP to include an option to enable/disable better death animations. By default, it's disabled. This game also doesn't have a rating (though the server encourages all content kept to PG-13).
Last edited:
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Reactions: Despacito 2


Dedicated Member
Sep 1, 2016
I think this isn't a bad idea, but some of them are a little extreme! Blood & gore is fine for some people (like myself), but others might find it a bit disturbing seeing their friends being cut in two, limbs blown apart or lying a pool of their own blood. It could scar a poor kid for life xD Well maybe not, but you catch my meaning...

The arrows sticking out of the body and 'afterflame' effects seem ok though!

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
I think this isn't a bad idea, but some of them are a little extreme! Blood & gore is fine for some people (like myself), but others might find it a bit disturbing seeing their friends being cut in two, limbs blown apart or lying a pool of their own blood. It could scar a poor kid for life xD Well maybe not, but you catch my meaning...

The arrows sticking out of the body and 'afterflame' effects seem ok though!
My suggestion is based on StarCraft 2's detailed animations for dead units. It's a T-rated game; for M rated, it would show more detail. I don't want it too gory but some is fine.

To chimp: The body should still be there, but with more detailed deaths.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
There things called mods...

Also I'm will make an Ultimate Minecraft setup in the future so don't worry...


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Mineplex made a way to show blood particles on player death (just red dye coming out) and some mods show different death animations.
What this dude is talking about is quite a lot more complicated then just simple red dye coming out of a dead body. Note that this simple animation is also the only "optional" animation.

-If killed by melee, then it will show the body cut in half (in any direction, e.g. horizontal or vertical).
-If killed by projectiles, then arrows will stick to the body.
-If killed by an explosion, then the body will explode with body parts (legs, head, torso, and/or arms) flying out of the body.
-If killed by fire or lasers, then the body will stay on fire as if it was still on fire.
-If an entity is killed while airborne (flying or falling at least 5+ blocks above ground), then it will always produce parts (same animation as explosion).

(Optional): Blood particles will show when an entity dies.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
No, the only reason i say is for the kids that play and dont want ot to be too violent for their age (i would be fine with it, jist looking out for the younglings :))

Maybe there xould be a way to disable it?


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
As long as the body remains an entity but you can walk through it (so you can't make a dead body wall around for instance your egg) I say it's awesome! Especially when fighting killaura hackers :P. Just don''t make it too graphic because there are indeed young players playing on cubecraft.


Novice Member
Dec 30, 2016
It would be difficult to implement, as you would have to make a model of everyone's torso, head, arms and legs for the explosive and airborne deaths, and also the melee death would be difficult to implement, as cutting across the model of a player means showing the inside of the body, which hasn't been defined beforehand, so it could look awkward seeing a creeper having a human inside :/

No from me

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
It would be difficult to implement, as you would have to make a model of everyone's torso, head, arms and legs for the explosive and airborne deaths, and also the melee death would be difficult to implement, as cutting across the model of a player means showing the inside of the body, which hasn't been defined beforehand, so it could look awkward seeing a creeper having a human inside :/

No from me
The inside is just a red interior (if you have seen an upside down steve skin, the head is red inside).

To kronos: the body should still there but shows a more detailed death than just a lying body.

I will edit the OP right now.


Forum Expert
Dec 26, 2016
Could you explain why? Personally I don't like this idea.. but if it does somehow get added atleast make it so that you can turn it on/off
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