Hi spookycrafters ! today im gonna suggest many suggestions to make eggwars so much better , like the items in shop re-pricing , better shop UI , better emerald generators and better emerald shop !
And the most big part is : experience points for kills !
After posting this thread : 100000 disagrees, hopefully not :)
• Overpowered mode :
• Player tracker : 4 diamonds
• Normal mode :
• Player tracker : 4 diamonds
• Hardcore mode :
• Player tracker : 10 diamonds
All generators on Eggwars are fine, except the emerald one, so, it has to be fixed, im also gonna talk about the emerald shop re-pricing, cuz y'all know its impossible to win / or lose a game in under 4 hours if you wanna buy from the emerald shop..
• Upgrading the emerald generator from level 0 to level 1 : costs 10 diamonds
* Idea : Instead of collecting 10 diamonds and upgrading the emerald generator from level 0 to 1, i suggest to update the emerald generators lvl to be 1 minimum, and that makes life easier ...
• Speed of level 1 emerald generator : 1 emerald per 10 seconds
• Upgrading the emerald generator from lvl 1 to lvl 2 : costs 5 emeralds
• Speed of level 2 emerald generator : 1 emerald per 7 seconds
• Upgrading the emerald generator from level 2 to level 3 ( MAX ) : costs 10 emeralds
• Speed of level 3 emerald generator : 1 emerald per 4 seconds
• Emerald Shop
• Speed potion : 4 emeralds
• Eggmite : 1 emerald per 3 eggmites
• Speed potion : 3 emeralds
• Weakness splash potion : 4 emeralds
• Slowness splash potion : 4 emeralds
• Blastball : 5 emeralds
• Tower builder : 2 emeralds
@suspicionbridge : In bedrock, more specifically the console players, the shop UI requires you to have to scroll down each time you want to buy something at the end of the list. It gets really annoying, having played on Switch for a bit.
My idea is that there could be an option for a chest shop or the classic shop. The classic shop could be re-arranged as a grid system, and the chest shop could be an option for PC players.
Plus, there could be custom shop categories that you can name and add items into, so that you can have all your necessities in one convenient area.
If this is too much, all I request is that the current shop UI doesn't reset back to the top after buying something near the bottom :)
You can visit his thread by clicking here
Finally, i would suggest to get xp for breaking eggs, or even kill someone...
Example, you break blah blah's egg, you get 1 or 2 xp, and you get xp also if you kill someone , you get 1 xp , and to prevent farming kills and keeping getting xp , you earn 1 xp for killing someone, then , when you kill him once again, you dont get any xp, and that's it !
*The XP system should be added to all of the games, not only eggwars
• This suggestion took me a long time making , so i would appreciate if you like the suggestion
If you agree , react with

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