I would like to see a 10v10v10v10 i think it could be a very fun addition +1
I do love this idea. Also, maybe instead of introducing this as a new map for eggwars, have the "mega maps" somewhere separate, that way people who appreciate the original game can keep enjoying it.
I think it would be really interesting, and there are things you could do to make them less chaotic. If the islands are further apart, this would help. Also, having slow gens in mid, and maybe a pre-mid-island with turned off diamond gen. Even a shared pre-mid-island with an off diamond gen and an on gold gen would encourage teams to take care of the team nearest to them first and help the game not be so long. I find that the closer the islands are together the more chaotic it is.
The reason why I like the idea of a map like this is that it would force you to adjust your tactic. People seem to use the same formula for every game for the most part, and you wouldn't be able to do that here. You would have to use teamwork to win because the likelihood that you could rush and catch 10 people off guard is unlikely. It is also unlikely you could get the egg all by yourself. I also feel like maybe because of that reason, we should wait until Mojang or Cubecraft figures out how to make team chat possible. Maybe even use preset commands for your team (such as, lets all attack, I will defend the egg, let's upgrade the generator, they are coming, obsidian the egg, etc).