Hello CubeCrafters, how are you all? Just thought I'd make a forum post to say that yesterday (21/12/2015) was our 3rd birthday! Three years ago @rubik_cube_man made the server and nobody knew how big it would become. Two years ago, on our 1st Birthday, we hit 1000 players and now we hit over 30,000! We've come so far in such a small amount of time.
Also, because it's our 3rd birthday and nearly Christmas we're having a 30% OFF SALE! This sale is for everything on our store and will end around the 4th January. To visit our store CLICK HERE!
On behalf of all the Management Team I'd like to thank all the staff that have come and gone, the players and other people that have been involved with CubeCraft, without you guys we wouldn't be where we are. I've added some older stuff below relating to server. If you have any images I'd love to see them so post them in the comments!
Thanks - Joe :)
P.S. If I don't speak to you before the 25th, I wish you all a Merry Christmas & the best for 2016!
The Original CubeCraft!
Our 1st Birthday + 1000 players. (Remember the logo?)