- Okay, okay, before all of you supporters of the recent update (Which I have nothing against you) start telling me that Block Wars was a dead and that's why it got removed. Listen up.
Block Wars had been in the server for a long time already, it was the perfect combination between a PvP and a non-PvP based game. It required building (Non PvP), but it also required fighting (PvP). Most important of it all though, it required strategy. Yes, Block Wars was one of the few games that made the player think for a second and develop a quick action plan (Even if involuntary). What I'm trying to say here is, Block Wars wasn't only a game but it was extremely representative of what Cube Craft was. Sadly, that is no more. Block Wars and perhaps other mini games like MinerWare were games that made CubeCraft feel different from other -much more popular- servers like Hypixel.
In other words, Block Wars was a distinctive mini game that made CubeCraft be special, even unique I'd say. And I know CubeCraft already has a unique trait in general and that is its 1.9 style PvP. But the new players will always find more enjoyable to spam rather than waiting between clicks, why? Because it's easier. One of the main reasons this update apparently happened. You facilitated gameplay to the players. The only problem is, if there are faster, easier and much more crowded versions of a game somewhere else... why playing it in CubeCraft? (This is a thought that a new player would most likely have. Because naturally, they are going to prefer the easy stuff).
Oh wait... there was a reason to keep playing in CubeCraft, a reason that made it different than other servers. But oh well... what happened to those reasons? They got removed. Not a smart move I must say.
Block Wars had been begging for an update for a long time already and it received one, but it wasn't really big nor did it bring much change, it's not like a few kits and trap blocks would save a mini game. This happened mainly because its community isn't very present in the forums. Except for myself and some other people.
Additionally, getting rid of those "small" player bases such as Block Wars, brings no benefit at all. You are simply making the server lose more players, not matter how small the amount is, you have reduced the chances and reasons of someone playing in your server.
The Block Wars community may be considered small, but that's just because it isn't very present in the forums. But I am here to give them voice, to show the rest that Block Wars wasn't dead, it still had a huge community.
I went around lobbies asking people if they wanted the mini game Block Wars back (Permanently), or if they disagreed with its removal. These were the answers:

And an additional reaction of two individuals:

(Disclaimer: the pictures aren't cut in any way to prove this wasn't some sort of montage, additionally, I removed the messages irrelevant to the topic)
As you can judge by the screenshots, they weren't many players online so that's why they weren't many answers but these screenshots are proof of the existence of a Block Wars community. This demonstrates Block Wars was a game liked by many players.
So please Cube Craft, take us into consideration and bring Block Wars back as a permanent game. It has a lot of potential and many people want it!
We added nothing but community suggestions, mostly from Thefty and other big SG players of the time,
Not to sound mean but you're basically telling us that most of the updates were taken from a few selected individuals instead of the community as a whole?
His thread received 55+ likes about SG, that seems like the community as a whole in my eyes.
If this thread receives a similar amount of support (Or maybe a little bit less for the forums community has decreased) will it be taken into consideration? Will Block Wars come back?
Thank you for reading! Any Feed Back is appreciated! I hope you help me and the Block Wars community to bring the game back.
I will be adding more screenshots tomorrow, when there are more players online.