Speaking of these though, why do builders require so little depth, detail and shaping? At least on the examples shown on builder qualification, the builds are extremely sub-standard for what I'd expect from a builder. Its sad really, on the sunfury creative server the builds that can only qualify for the second rank (ember) would have not just got there, but ran in, stolen everyones keys and be found sleeping upstairs. I'd apply for builder but I dont have skype. WHY DOES THAT EVEN MATTER :(. Email should really be good enough. Skype just lags your computer tremendously, even when its closed (which is another extremely annoying thing about skype... aside from windows task manager, how do you close it?) Considering my current rate of lag, skype would make minecraft multiplayer literally unplayable... after easter comp I'll build a build anyway for builder rank and see how it goes I guess...