Name: Cowpigsheepchickenman
Super Powers: The Cowpigsheepchickenman is, surprisingly, a combination of a cow, a pig, a sheep and a chicken. You might wonder: Then why isnt he just called Cowpigsheepchicken, since he is not a man. Well, I don't know, but man sounds cooler. Anyway, the Cowpigsheepchickenman has some special abilities. Let's start with the Milky Milkgun. Doesnt that sound awesome? The Milky Milkgun! The Cowpigsheepchickenman grows an udder on his belly and starts shooting milk for about 10 seconds. The stream is extremely powerful and it will make you fall asleep as if you were a baby. After the Cowpigsheepchickenman has used this super power, he needs to eat some grass before he can use it again. The only way to block the milk stream is by wearing a carrot costume. So, I would really recommend wearing a carrot costume all day, because the Cowpigsheepchickenman is extremely unpredictable. Another super power of his, is called the 'u mud bro?'. The Cowpigsheepchickenman will scream 'U MUD BRO?' and a ton of mud will fall from the air on his head. He will be completely covered by mud and noone will be able to see him. Perfect camouflage. The downside of this ability is that the Cowpigsheepchickenman will not be able to move while he is covered by the substance. The next ability that the Cowpigsheepchickenman has, is the Bah. The Cowpigsheepchickenman will scream BAH as loud as he can. All people in a radius of 30kms will be scared and deaf. Everybody will start running around and they keep screaming. So, the bah will cause a terrible chaos, which is always useful... right? The last super power of the Cowpigsheepchickenman is Rapid Egg Fire. The Cowpigsheepchickenman will turn around, bend over and there they go; thousands of eggs will leave the place where the sun doesnt shine and they. will. never. miss. There is technically nothing you can do against it. If the Cowpigsheepchickenman starts using his Rapid Egg Fire, you will have no chance and you will probably die, because the eggs can reach a speed of 300 km/h. These are all the abilities of the Cowpigsheepchickenman, but, like any other super heroes, the Cowpigsheepchickenman also has a weakness. This weakness is.. hymns. Starting singing hymns and the cowpigsheepschickenman will disappear.