Hello, people on Cubecraft! Today I'd like to suggest a change to the way killfarmers are handled (primarily in Eggwars, as I don't think it is that much of a problem elsewhere).
Currently, killfarming is mentioned in the Trolling rule (which you can see below), but it is only punishable if and only if the kill farmer uses obsidian to block enemy players in their spawn area.
View attachment 203033
That, however, is not how killfarming should be handled for the following reasons:
1) Killfarming increases statistics for free, and if one wants to farm kills, they don't have to block the enemy's spawn area with obsidian to achieve that, as collecting all the iron from the iron generators/building around the enemy's villager is more than enough to prevent the players being killfarmed from ever escaping.
2) Of course, being surrounded by obsidian can be very frustrating, but I think that giving someone the feeling they can break out from being killfarmed, while you're just going to keep doing it, is at least as frustrating.
And what I suggest is that killfarming should be punishable if a player is killing an enemy player(s) over and over again, without trying to break their egg,
regardless of whether they've blocked out their spawn area with obsidian or not. Killfarming is killfarming, regardless of how it's done, and yet it isn't always punishable. This should change.