Since this player wont be banned I thought I would share this so everyone will know he is a cheater.
Watch these 3 videos that clearly show the player Keviinexe cheating
He was originally banned for the first and then the second but somehow had the ban overturned, I don't even know how he managed to fool the mods into thinking hes legit and to be unbanned twice.
Now onto the next part watch these videos from his channel .
Being the goon he is he records himself while cheating
Watch the hits specifically at 1:45,2:24 There are a few more fishy ones but those are the most blatant in his own video.
Again in this video watch the hits at 2:16,2:19
If you can't see how those hits are weird, set your playback speed to 0.5x
This is such obvious hitbox,where he is most likely using vape with his labymod.
When players players like this are allowed to continue to cheat, well this only leads to the staff looking incredibly incompetent.
When there is as many closet cheaters as on Cubecraft, the ones who are actually good at hiding it will never be caught when someone this obvious continues to evade his ban.
Watch these 3 videos that clearly show the player Keviinexe cheating
He was originally banned for the first and then the second but somehow had the ban overturned, I don't even know how he managed to fool the mods into thinking hes legit and to be unbanned twice.
Now onto the next part watch these videos from his channel .
Being the goon he is he records himself while cheating
Watch the hits specifically at 1:45,2:24 There are a few more fishy ones but those are the most blatant in his own video.
Again in this video watch the hits at 2:16,2:19
This is such obvious hitbox,where he is most likely using vape with his labymod.
When players players like this are allowed to continue to cheat, well this only leads to the staff looking incredibly incompetent.
When there is as many closet cheaters as on Cubecraft, the ones who are actually good at hiding it will never be caught when someone this obvious continues to evade his ban.