Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall
(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Credits to @SanityPrevails for original idea for a thread!

Being staff on a large server can get stressful, and people on the internet can be real douchemuffins sometimes, even if we're here purely voluntarily with one goal: to save our city to make playing on CubeCraft the funnest (idc if its not a word, it's a word now) experience ever. So, with that said, I feel us (as the awesome community we are), have the ability to cheer anyone up with our words. Here's the format and stuffs.


Staff Member's Name:
How you met this Staff Member:
What is awesome about this Staff Member:


1. Follow the forum rules

Staff Member's Name: @Snodia
How I met this Snoodle: I first met Sno on The Chunk when she was a Sr. Mod, and I thought she was really cool and stuff. I eventually hopped on TS, she was on, and we've had amazing fun times ever since! :D
Awesome stuffs about Sno: If you have any problems, come to her, she solves them and then makes you feel 100x better. She's extremely considerate to everyone, and she's an awesome person to hang around. SHE ALSO LIKES ANIME, AND ANIME IS AWESOME, SO SHE IS AWESOME.

Staff Member's Name: @Deestinyer
How you met this Dee: It might've been on TS, although I also have terrible memory so maybe not. Let's just say it was somewhere on the internet because I'm not british.
Awesome stuffs about Dee: Well for starters, she has a flippin' british accent, WHY IS THE BRITISH ACCENT SO COOL AND ALL I GET IS SOME CRUDDY CANADIAN ONE? OOPS CAPS? NOPE. Anyways, umm, she says she has no soul buuut she also is extremely nice and fun to be around, and she laughs at everything and i mean everything. She's hawt, nice and british! There's only one fatal flaw, she prefers ham over cheese.
Staff Member's Name: @SevereWarning (Severe) (Sev) (Seth)
How you met this Sev: First saw him on The Chunk checking us out before the big 'ol merge. We hung out and played some Death Drop and Tower Defence. After I became Helper on CCG, he helped me out and answered any questions I had, thanks maaan!
Awesome stuffs about Sev: He's the funniest and most mature 14 year old I've ever met on the internet, and that's severely (heh) amazing. As a staff, he makes sure he gets le job done and that it gets done correctly. You're an example for everyone man! :) P. S I totally wasn't making this thread instead of playing TD with you, buuuut *hands raincheck*
Last edited:


Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
Ooh I like this.

Staff Member's Name: @Stefanvld
How you met this Staff Member: On creative, he asked me if I was Frikandel_Likker, and I was.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: He's a little clownfish, he can change his gender whenever he wants.
Also, he's a very serious staff member, but he can be very funny too. Once I told him that he would become a helper and look where he is now. A very inspiring staff member for me.

Staff Member's Name: @Soph
How you met this Staff Member: We never talked much with each other, but I know her because of @Dutchy_Nub aka Pietjes (soph knows what I mean with pietjes.
What is awesome about this Staff Member:she's very nice and helpful. And everytime she sees Dutchy, she calls him pietjes, what makes me LMAO everytime.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2014
Staff Member's Name: @Soph
How you met this Staff Member: Well long story short I was added into a call with her and about 5 other people and she didnt speak. And when she finally spoke we just started speaking
What is awesome about this Staff Member: She is a lil muppet but will always talk if you spam her enough ;)


Dedicated Member
May 8, 2015
a galaxy far, far away....
Staff Member's Name: @Stefanvld
How you met this Staff Member: I met him (through our friend Carmen) in a Skywars lobby.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: He's a very active and helpful Mod, he can do alot of reports in one day :p He's also very smart, if I have a Mod-related problem I normally go straight to him. And he always has very funny stories :D (One of them involves a flying brick wearing a tutu but let's just stop it there xd)


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2015
Name: @Aimee2323
How did I met here?: Well I was depressed so we both starting to talk.
Good things about her?: What is wrong with her? Nothing, besides we always end in a argue.


Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2015
London, UK.
Staff Member's Name: @Moooofin (the male cow with udders)
How you met this Staff Member: via Reina!!!
What is awesome about this Staff Member: Such a nice guy, he's chill and always up for a laugh. He's also an easily amused person (rly, rly?!) (campurrr, play simzzz)

Staff Member's Name: @Roroyourboat_ aka ImABoat!!!
How you met this Staff Member: Just randomly spoke to her one day and started playing together often.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: Such great person to speak to, always on the level & understanding!!!
(water tank?!?!) (u dat woman who swallowed dat mouse)


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2015
Awh Callhoom you qt3.14

Prepare yourselves, as I have a lot of people to appreciate.

Staff Member's Name: @Cheez
How you met this Staff Member: Oh my, it surely was through other people like 1-2 years ago. I remember Cheez2009 and I would tear each other apart in hardcore games on the chunk. Well more precisely, he would :[ I never really spoke to him in those games. I just knew that he was good, and that he was my main target ;) Anyway, we spoke on teamspeak for the very first time (I meet everyone on ts pretty much). He was so down to earth and chilled out, still is.

What is awesome about this Staff Member: It amazes me how I could say whatever to him, and he'd always keep his cool. He's an amazing person and everyone should look out for people like Cheezy. He freaks me out with his Canadian milk bags though ;] He's also the ultimate cheezus rice. Callhoom, ly man <3

Staff Member's Name: @CARDAN16

How you met this Staff Member: He's probably the second person I became friends with on chunk, or minecraft in general. We met in a lobby of hardcore games, waiting for it to begin. Later then, I'm sure he invited me onto the ts and we became friends! :) I think it was December time. (I have a screenshot from like them two ish years ago from when we met, I'll post later as I'm on my phone at the moment)

What is awesome about this Staff Member: Oh my, what doesn't make him awesome? Well, excluding our never ending pie vs cake war.
Anyway, I'd happily call him my virtual best friend. He let's me be weird, and I'm sure that he enjoys being him weird self around me too ;) We had many ups, and not a single down. He's really one of the most open and friendliest people you'll meet. I've told him this before, but I'll tell him again. (Car)Daniel - you're amazing!
Though, you'd be even more amazing if you liked pie.

Staff Member's Name: @Snodia

How you met this Staff Member: The first chunk member I met. She was Sr.Mod at the time. I remember I gained courage to join teamspeak, and she was so very welcoming towards me :)

What is awesome about this Staff Member: Once again, everything makes her amazing. She's the sweetest, the kindest and one of the greatest people you'll come across. We had sooooo many moments with eachother, where we'd end up crying of laughter - leaving people wondering what just happened (miss those times). We always enjoyed playing everything together, mainly hardcore games :) You're amazing Snoodles <3

Staff Member's Name: @Josh_Sturgeon
How you met this Staff Member: Teamspeak of course! Probably became good friends after I became helper on the chunk though. Sometime 1.5 years ago

What is awesome about this Staff Member: His ways of accepting me for whatever I am <3 Oh boy did we have some good moments and some bad ones too, all for the best though because you're still one of the people that I'm lucky to have met. He's funny, smart and just a legend in my opinion. He can be an idiot sometimes, but that's what makes him perfect! :)

Staff Member's Name: @Eystian

How you met this Staff Member: Seanypoo my darling! I met him on teamspeak (what a surprise) I remember I was playing uhc with Snodia, and he randomly joined ts and attempted to annoy Sno cx

What is awesome about this Staff Member: Seriously I can not find any bad things about Sean, apart from him never saying hello to me ;[ c;
He's the most down to earth dude, like ever. He will laugh at my terrible jokes, although sarcastically, it still makes me happy :D

I could be my 100% self around him and he wouldn't judge. He's a little sweetheart <3

Staff Member's Name: @Macreddin

How you met this Staff Member: Well, he randomly joined ts - though rarely. Got to know Mac when I became helper/staff.

What is awesome about this Staff Member: His music taste!!! Back when plug.dj was still around, we'd spend hours chatting and playing our fav tunes.
Another thing that makes him awesome that he's really a great dude that likes to lead 50 different projects at a time.

He also let's me bully him so that's cool :) We have a few inside jokes ;)
Mac is also great for liking pie over cake, in fact we have our own virtual pie factory somewhere ;]

Staff Member's Name: @Brian_321

How you met this Staff Member: Most likely in teamspeak :)

What is awesome about this Staff Member: He's good at like everything he does, like every game tbh. Apart from his non stop singing in teamspeak ;) he's also incredibly down to earth. He's also one of the nicest and sweetest people I've had the chance to meet. We have our own hilarious inside joke - cookies and the oven! ;) I also remember we both spent like the whole day doing a small lobby parkour on some server the first time we met, racing each other like 50 times over.

Anyway, he is the best :)

Staff Member's Name: @DamoTheChive

How you met this Staff Member: On the cube teamspeak some time ago

What is awesome about this Staff Member: Absolutely noth-
I mean - he's a funny guy. That's about it.

Really though, we both like to annoy each other but in the end it's all for the banter :] He's easy to talk to and make friends with, and we also share the same type of humour ;] Also, he freely let's me spam him with the unicorn effect on snapchat :D

Staff Member's Name: @Soph

How you met this Staff Member: Once again on teamspeak

What is awesome about this Staff Member: She's really fun to talk to and an amazing person overall <3 I always enjoy playing games with Soph as she's also very down to earth. A person worth being around :)

Woo, that's all (for now ;))
I haven't really got the chance to properly talk to more of the original cube staff members, so this may update in the future :)


Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2015
Staff members name:
@Roroyourboat_ aka Reina / Reinchew.

How did you met this staff member:
Correct me if I am wrong. But I think it was from Matt (@Moooofin).

What is awesome about this staff member: Reina is a well loving girl, helps out everyone if he needs a quick favor :)
Sa7? Reina ;)

Staff members name:
@Moooofin aka Matt, cow, Mooo and many other names.

How did you met this staff member:
I've known Matt for over a year already! From the day that he had lapiz till now.
I still remember the good old days with tou Matt, you being randomly gold rank on one day. (WHAT YOU STILL DIDN'T TOLD ME WHO, BUT DID TO OTHERS!) And after you being gold, that you got in staff.

What is awesome about this staff member:
Matt is a amazing guy, helps you when you need it. Is a good CCG player. And will always be himself in chat.

Staff members name:
@ImABubbleHead aka Jack, booble

How did you met this staff member:
I met Jack when he was just a obsidian ranker. Sure I met him from Matt.

What is awesome about this staff member:
Having conversations with Jack about who can and who can't enderpearl save. (I CAN AND BOOBLE CAN'T!) It's always a lot of fun with you mates.

Staff members name:
@SSunny aka Erin, MA HOMIEEEEEE<3

How did you met this staff member:
I met Erin while playing with Reina. As always Erin being adddicted to the same map, we always played that map. But it sure were some good old days!

What is awesome about this staff member:
Erin is a beautyfull and funny girl. If you're in a bad mood, Erin is the way to go for me! She ma homie once, and for ever. :) <3

Thanks for the lovely times on Cube brothers from another mothers.


Forum Expert
Feb 8, 2014
Land O' Corn
Staff Member's Name: @Iselciour
How you met this Staff Member: We joined the same game lobby on another server
What is awesome about this Staff Member: Everything :P He's a nub and fun to hang out with, though we don't talk much anymore, he's the friend I've had the longest

Staff Member's Name: @Dai_Matsumoto
How you met this Staff Member: Catching hackers in KitPvP
What is awesome about this Staff Member: He's cool, fun to play with on the occasions I've had, though he's shy in skype calls

Staff Member's Name: @SevereWarning
How you met this Staff Member: Uhh.. I think through Sara
What is awesome about this Staff Member: He's chatty and very funny, and probably the most mature person I've met so far. That, and he lives close to meh :P
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Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2013
Wot is dis thread.
He's cool, fun to play with on the occasions I've had, though he's shy in skype calls
and I'm not shy
Anyways, I'd like to mention an old staff member
Staff Member's Name: SGTKuzey
How you met this Staff Member:
First time I joined a server, when ccg was still at most 30 players.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: First thing, he's like a brother to me. I've known him for a really long time and we've been throughout a lot of things together (not gey) Anyways, now thats out of the way, Kuzey is a really awesome guy. It sounds really weird to be just saying he's an "awesome" guy but I don't really know how else to describe him. He's one of the people I want everyone to get to know because I know he's one of the longest and greatest staff members on this sever.

I might be doing more later on :P


Forum Expert
Dec 21, 2014
Freak Show
Staff Member's Name: @SerketSyndrome
How you met this Staff Member:
I met her when we both got helper, it was a special moment, we talked about what we liked and really just got to know each other.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: she is so nice! I skype her every so often and she's really funny she's friendly mean and I really like that about her. She has such a unique personality and such a big sense of humor, love you Lindsey <3

Staff Member's Name: @Foodyling
How you met this Staff Member: it was just a casual day on cubecraft with @iLoveYouu in survival games, iLoveYouu and I were just talking until Foody walked into the lobby with his yellow nametag thinking he was a normal player with the gold rank. Me and iLoveYouu questioned each other and asked who he was and he was a developer. Now me and Foody are really good friends and talk like 2-3 times a week and do a group call with some other staff most weekends.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: Foody loves to joke around a lot. When we have a group call, he's like the final piece of the puzzle who really brings the picture together. He brings the entertainment and fun to everything. He always scream at me but we both know it's out of friendship :33 love yah Foody <3

Staff Member's Name: @ModernRevolution
How you met this Staff Member:
I mean ModernRevolution on assassination. Foody told me they were in a call and invited me to a call with them and so now we're great friends!
What is awesome about this Staff Member: how do I even start. @ModernRevolution is such a great friend! She always makes you feel welcomed and you always have that special moment. I always make her laugh cause of the stupid things I do which you can see on her information part on her profile here: https://www.cubecraft.net/members/modernrevolution.39/ love you Claudiaa <3

Staff Member's Name: @Iselciour
How you met this Staff Member: I met Evan on creative. I would always be the start of the conversation when talking to him, from there he talked pretty often but I wouldn't say all the time.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: omgg, Evan is like...that type of guy who is friendly mean. He is fun to talk to. I think he was the first staff I ever met I remember being so scared of him but when you get to know him he can be such a kind person. I don't know much about him considering he doesn't really talk about everything. Over all you're an awesome guy, Evan (;

Staff Member's Name: @Stefanvld
How you met this Staff Member: I met Stefan on Sky Wars right before my
Helper interview a few months ago
What is awesome about this Staff Member: Stefan you're fire. You are so friendly and nice. Even thought I've known you for a few months, I feel like I've known you forever. Just know you're an awesome staff member. I'm so glad we're fiends cause people like you are very rare. This one is so short I am so sorry but I hope this makes you very happy. Love yah Stefan (;

Staff Member's Name: @Roroyourboat_
How you met this Staff Member: i met Reina in a place I am not allowed to talk about :x
What is awesome about this Staff Member: you! Gosh. Reina you're so nice and you're so open. You're those people who really care about others and you have a great sense of humor! I used to be so scared of you, I am not lying. When I met you i immediately knew you weren't the person I thought you were. The first message you sent me I knew you were gonna be such a kind and loving person. I remember reporting and you answering my reports, I would have never thought, NEVER I would be skyping you, talking to you, having deep and emotional conversations and honestly you're one of the people I really do look up to. you have such a big heart, Love you reinaa <3

Staff Member's Name: @Terrarialover11
How you met this Staff Member: I met Juan on assassination
What is awesome about this Staff Member: juan I remember meeting you for the first time and you were so nice and you're very mature! You're so open and kind I love the way you interact with people! Although I met you a few months ago, I reslly feel close to you. I love how we share our favorite songs with each other and builds, it feels so special. Love you juan ((;

Staff Member's Name: @ImABubbleHead
How you met this Staff Member: i met this pancake head on skywars I believe.
What is awesome about this Staff Member: Jack you're always full of joy. You bring the party to the room and you're so nice. I love you're personality and your sense of humor! You're such tons of fun and just know you're very important to people (; lots of love for you phatty. <3


Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2015
Staff Member's Name: @ImABubbleHead
How you met this staff member: In a SkyWars lobby when he was helper
What is awesome about this staff member: he is checking reports (most staff too)
He is active.

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