Britney Spears
Staff Member's Name: @Foodyling
How you met this Staff Member: I met FoodyBooty in a random eggwars lobby , I never really met a developer before and i didn't really knew what they where doing for the server , so i asked foody what he was doing on/for the server and he answered all my questions and he really seemed like a very kind guy.He was also telling me that he didn't like his skin , but i thougt it was awesome haha :)
What is awesome about this Staff Member: He is very active in the chat , he is one of the staff members that really tries to interact with the people that are asking him something in the chat , which in my opinion is very awesome.And ofcourse , the cuteness of his profile picture c:
How you met this Staff Member: I met FoodyBooty in a random eggwars lobby , I never really met a developer before and i didn't really knew what they where doing for the server , so i asked foody what he was doing on/for the server and he answered all my questions and he really seemed like a very kind guy.He was also telling me that he didn't like his skin , but i thougt it was awesome haha :)
What is awesome about this Staff Member: He is very active in the chat , he is one of the staff members that really tries to interact with the people that are asking him something in the chat , which in my opinion is very awesome.And ofcourse , the cuteness of his profile picture c: