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Would you like to see these Armoury changes?

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Dedicated Member
Mar 18, 2020
Hey everyone, following up here:

Thanks for the feedback so far! I'll be going through all of your comments tomorrow & seeing what edits I can make to the kits, I've seen all of them but I also want to respond to all of them!

As a sidenote, I see 5 "No" votes but not any one of the voters have commented about why it shouldn't be added. Could you guys explain yourselves with this? I do want to turn this thread into a bit of a debate, so it'll be nice to know why you guys voted no! @ItsDavey_ @IRekU_Sem @GroeneBanaan🎃 @Jukaido @Elizaa

Thanks everyone! You're all awesome (:
You voted yes without explaining? You don’t see me tagging everyone though.
If you really want your answer, I voted “no” since I didn’t want to vote “yes”
Again, a poll is made so you can quickly vote without needing to explain yourself. That's literally why there is a poll.

Deleted member 492126

You voted yes without explaining? You don’t see me tagging everyone though.
If you really want your answer, I voted “no” since I didn’t want to vote “yes”
Again, a poll is made so you can quickly vote without needing to explain yourself. That's literally why there is a poll.
He asked you for feedback very nicely. If you don't want to answer, then don't, but there's no need to make a drama out of it. :)


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
You voted yes without explaining? You don’t see me tagging everyone though.
If you really want your answer, I voted “no” since I didn’t want to vote “yes”
Again, a poll is made so you can quickly vote without needing to explain yourself. That's literally why there is a poll.
I voted yes, and I did explain myself in the initial response to the thread.
Voting "No" is completely fine, I'm not berating you for that, but I am curious to know your standpoint for the suggestion, that's all. If there's not any response as to why you're against the suggestion, how are we meant to make sure that this is fine to release to the network? Without your feedback, we can't do that safely. :)


Oct 13, 2020
2 suggestions:

Game: SkyWars
Kit name: Iron golem
Basic: Chain helmet, leggings and boots
Normal: Like as it is now
OP: Diamond Chestplate and Boots with protection 1.

Game: SkyWars
Kit name: Swordsman
Basic: Stone sword with sharpness 1
Normal: Like as it is now
OP: Iron spoed with sharpness 2 OR Diamond Sword with Sharpness 1 and fire aspect 1
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Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
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Oct 17, 2016

I'll try to give my opinions on most if not all (Java) and go in-depth about Eggwars for obvious reasons
Here we go!

Basic is fine, just enough for one layer. No place for mistakes just like basic: Be careful with your resources!
Normal is fine
OP: change to 18, that way you have a 2 layer defence if everything is placed correctly!
Make it all jump 2, jump 1 is fairly useless :)
Also, 1 - 3 - 5 would be better simply to not give that much food. 8Golden carrots is a lot of food, let alone iron from a kit.
This is fine, since the things you buy with iron already get a price change
All fine :)
Keep it the same as now, 1 gap is not enough in hardcore and 3 gaps in OP is too much. I'm pre
Basic and Normal are fine
Op, Eff 3 looks a bit too much (tested in survival) Eff 2 seems better
Honestly, amazing change!
Again, amazing change!

Too many kits and I'm not too interested in Skywars, so I'll just be doing the kits I don't like

Still kind of useless in OP, agree with spuuni add gold ores or something
Op: Iron sword
Op: Again, iron chest plate not diamond
Op: Again, iron chest plate not diamond
Basic: back to iron stuff
Normal: Iron Prot 2
Op: OK!
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Dedicated Member
Mar 18, 2020
the procrasti-nation
I really like where this is going. At the time of this post, I should technically be doing school work, so I'll give a more detailed response when I have time by editing this post.

Loving the initiative on behalf of the admin team to get players feedback :)


Gameplay Engineer
Jul 12, 2020
The Netherlands
Game: Skywars (Java)
Kit Name: Bomber
Gamemode: 1. Overpowered / 2. All modes
1. I'd like to have a bit more TnT in this kit on the overpowered mode because it currently is the same as on normal and basic. Overpowered is a crazy mode and I feel like having more TnT in this kit will maintain that craziness.
2. Remove the 2 tripwire hooks and 5 string from the kit. I have never seen anyone using them before and can't imagine any way to use these. It'd be better to add them to the Redstone master kit.
Game: Skywars (Java)
Kit Name: Redstone master
Gamemode: All modes
Contents: I feel like there are way too little pistons in this kit. There currently are two normal and two sticky pistons. I'd make it so you get 32 normal pistons and 32 sticky pistons. This generally doesn't make it more OP, it just expands the trap idea you can make with this kit.
Game: Skywars (Java)
Kit Name: Fisherman
Gamemode: Overpowered
Contents: This kit currently contains depth strider V leather boots but a fun fact about this: depth strider only goes up to III, any higher won't work.
My suggestions:
- Change the depth strider from V to III and give the kit a drinkable speed I potion (1m30)
- Change the depth strider from V to III and make the boots golden with unbreaking I
- Change the depth strider from V to III and give the boots an extra unbreaking II enchantment (they break really quickly when fighting other players because you receive so many hits)
I don’t agree with the Redstone master changes you suggested. 32 pistons and 32 sticky pistons would be way too overpowered. The problem isn’t that that are too much pistons, but they are too much blocks. I think the Redstone master would changed like this:

Pistons: 6 sticky pistons, 2 normal pistons
Remove: hopper, comperator; I don’t know why they added these in the first place, probably that you can make a clock, but I don’t see a situation where you could use one :)
Last edited:


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
I don’t agree with the Redstone master changes you suggested. 32 pistons and 32 sticky pistons would be way too overpowered. The problem isn’t that that are too much pistons, but they are too much blocks. I think the Redstone master would changed like this:

Pistons: 6 sticky pistons, 2 normal pistons
Remove: hopper, comperator; I don’t know why they added these in the first place, probably that you can make a clock, but I don’t see a situation where you could use one :)
I know a server where you get 64 pistons, it never has been a problem and a lot of people play on that server. If players want blocks they can open one single chest or pick the lumberjack kit. This kit doesn’t have a weapon so it’s not really worth it to rush neighbours with the amount of blocks.

I do agree with removing those random components lol


Dedicated Member
May 30, 2020
I really like this! I have some feedback on a couple of kits:

Game: SkyWars
Kit Name: Digger
Gamemode: OP
Contents: Iron pickaxe (efficiency 4, unbreaking 3, fortune 2), 8x diamond ore, 12x iron ore, 7x coal ore, 14x gold ore, 2 furnaces
Why: To be honest diamonds and iron are useless in OP chests (unless you want to craft a bucket). You get full enchanted diamond armor from chests so you don't really need more diamonds. Adding gold ore will give the player a chance to craft 1 or 2 extra golden apples (depending if they have the ability "Mining Luck" unlocked)

Game: SkyWars
Kit Name: Archer
Gamemode: OP
Contents: Bow (power I), 10 arrows, diamond chestplate
Why: In OP chests there are no unenchanted bows, so adding power I to the kit will make it more balanced imo
Yes but in op on java there’s like 30 gapples in a chest


Dedicated Member
May 30, 2020
You voted yes without explaining? You don’t see me tagging everyone though.
If you really want your answer, I voted “no” since I didn’t want to vote “yes”
Again, a poll is made so you can quickly vote without needing to explain yourself. That's literally why there is a poll.
This is your average copy paste message when someone politely asks you to give feedback, at this point I would just prefer you to not respond. You have said this to me and many others and it’s very negative

it just makes people feel sad :(
Ps mods sorry for posting 2 msgs in a row :’(


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Ye I can’t delete my own messages so..
there is a button called "Edit" if you didn't know : p
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Novice Member
Sep 17, 2020
The United Nations of Planet Canada
Interesting post. I have had my fair share of people voting last second to ruin everyone's kit choices! Hopefully this will help!

However, I do have a question. Will these kit changes be to all kits, or just armor-based kits?
I also feel like if you buff one kit, people will automatically use it because it is new and not because it fits their playstyle or skills.
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Novice Member
Sep 29, 2020
Yes, I love to see this update cause I also thinks that kit is unbalanced in skywars and such games

I think that's a great change to games and I can't wait to see it that's why I like cubecraft ❤️


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
My kit ideas for eggwars (bedrock)

New kits:


Basic: wooden axe
Normal: wooden sword
OP: wooden sword with sharpness II


Basic: leather chestplate
Normal: leather set
OP: leather set with protection IV


Basic: 10 terracotta
Normal: 15 terracotta
OP: 20 (25) terracotta

Changes to current kit


Basic: wooden pickaxe
Normal: wooden pickaxe with efficiency I
OP: wooden pickaxe with efficiency II


Removed the annoying helmet, terracotta replaced with endstone

Basic: 5 endstone
Normal: 10 endstone
OP; 15 endstone

Baker replaced with chef

Basic: 3 carrots
Normal: 7 carrots
OP: 5 steak

Healer (might be too op)

Basic: instant health potion
Normal: 1 golden apples
OP: 3 golden apples


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2019
the land down under
If we are doing kit ideas, here is some ideas for kits for bedrock gamemode (Note: Or means Original)

Eggwars KitOriginal (All)HardcoreNormalOverpowered
Chef (Or: Baker)1 Cake4 Carrots4 Steak12 Steak
Defender (Or: Builder)10 Andesite
Leather Helmet
5 terracotta5 gold ore5 obsidian
Bridger / Rusher-New Kit-5 terracotta10 terracotta15 terracotta
MinerWooden PickaxeWooden PickaxeIron PickaxeDiamond Pickaxe
Warrior-New Kit-Wooden Pickaxe
(A stick with sharpness would work better)
Wooden SwordWooden Sword
(Sharp II)

This kit mostly justs balances out the Chef kit while adding quite a few more kits. The warrior kit could be balanced out so its about the same value and the Miner kit could do with some grey leather pants or helmet. The Defender kit has the kits that way so the miner kit acts as a counter and now has more of a use

Skywars KitOriginal (All)BasicNormalOverpowered
Builder20 Bricks
Leather chest
8 Planks16 Planks32 Planks
Barbarian (Or: Chef)1 Wooden sword
3 steak
1 Wooden Sword
2 Steak
1 Stone sword
4 Steak
1 Diamond Sword
16 Steak
TankIron Chest and BootsLeather Helmet
Leather Legs
Chain Helmet
Chain Legs
Iron Helmet
Iron Legs
Healer1 Golden Apple1 Golden Apple2 Golden Apple4 Golden Apple
Archer-New Kit-1 Bow
6 Arrows
1 Bow
12 Arrows
1 Bow (Power I)
24 Arrows

This mostly balances out the kits, adds archer kit and changes Chef to Barbarian

Lucky IslandsOriginalNormalBlessedCrazy

Survival GamesOriginalBasicNormalOverpowered
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