Disclaimer: Most of these suggestions are primarily for Bedrock. Only a few of them could work for Java.
Hello BedWars players!
If you aren't aware, CubeCraft has recently added BedWars: Out of Beta to the Notion Board.
The major issue players are not happy with is that the BedWars Rank for Bedrock (at least according to the Notion board) is a subscription rather than a permanent rank. This inspired me to make a community suggestion post where I work with you guys to help improve this game for its full release.
Personally, I want the game removed because we already have EggWars, but we all know that it won't happen, sadly.
Here are the suggestions (will add your ideas to this thread, with credits):
1: Make BedWars Rank Permanent
This is an obvious one since every other game (with the exception of Beta Games, but that is exempt as the games there are temporary). Making BedWars Rank permanent will keep it in line with the other games. Also, the rank itself will be selling like hot cakes anyways.
2: Solo Mode
Another obvious one, BedWars players who play alone would want Solo mode to be added. Maps in this mode would be 8 players maximum. In the scoreboard, it says Team BedWars and in the warning before game starts, it also says Team BedWars.
3: Map variety on duos
More map variety would increase replay ability. Players who want faster games on duos would play on the 4 team maps while those who want more action and longer games would play on maps with 8 teams.
4: Improve the shop
Add favorite items tab to the shop and make it open it by default, rather than the last category the player was in. This would not only make players shop faster but it also doesn't destroy muscle memory like it does now (at least on Bedrock). How many times have you bought multiple stone swords instead of wool?
5: Improve shop balancing
There are some prices I don't agree with in the shop and maybe some of you also don't agree with it. Why are wool and pickaxe so expensive?
Suggested prices:
Pickaxe - 10 gold
16 wool - 5 iron
6: Nerf turrets and totems
Add caps to turrets and totems. Sometimes you'll find a team that has like 10-20 turrets in their base, so it's harder to attack their base. By totems, I mean the ones you place, not the one you get during Deathmatch.
7: Replace Iron Tools team upgrade to Haste
Stone tools are not fast enough, so I think they could use a slight buff to replace them with iron tools. The team upgrade would be replaced with haste (allows you to mine blocks faster). The reason for the haste upgrade is that it'll affect the entire team even if they don't have tools.
8: Remove leather armor from shop
Give them to all players when they spawn. Iron will no longer be used to buy armor. This will make the protection upgrade useful early game because all players in your team have armor by default.
9: Add end stone (suggested by @BicolourSine41 🇺🇦 )
End stone would be a strong block to protect your bed with. It will be blast resistant. If you add this block, nerf clay by removing blast resistance from it.
What are your thoughts on the ideas so far? If you have any feedback or idea you want to add to the list, comment them.
1: Added suggestions 6 to 8, and added suggested prices for pickaxe and wool
2: Added suggestion 9
Hello BedWars players!
If you aren't aware, CubeCraft has recently added BedWars: Out of Beta to the Notion Board.
The major issue players are not happy with is that the BedWars Rank for Bedrock (at least according to the Notion board) is a subscription rather than a permanent rank. This inspired me to make a community suggestion post where I work with you guys to help improve this game for its full release.
Personally, I want the game removed because we already have EggWars, but we all know that it won't happen, sadly.
Here are the suggestions (will add your ideas to this thread, with credits):
1: Make BedWars Rank Permanent
This is an obvious one since every other game (with the exception of Beta Games, but that is exempt as the games there are temporary). Making BedWars Rank permanent will keep it in line with the other games. Also, the rank itself will be selling like hot cakes anyways.
2: Solo Mode
Another obvious one, BedWars players who play alone would want Solo mode to be added. Maps in this mode would be 8 players maximum. In the scoreboard, it says Team BedWars and in the warning before game starts, it also says Team BedWars.
3: Map variety on duos
More map variety would increase replay ability. Players who want faster games on duos would play on the 4 team maps while those who want more action and longer games would play on maps with 8 teams.
4: Improve the shop
Add favorite items tab to the shop and make it open it by default, rather than the last category the player was in. This would not only make players shop faster but it also doesn't destroy muscle memory like it does now (at least on Bedrock). How many times have you bought multiple stone swords instead of wool?
5: Improve shop balancing
There are some prices I don't agree with in the shop and maybe some of you also don't agree with it. Why are wool and pickaxe so expensive?
Suggested prices:
Pickaxe - 10 gold
16 wool - 5 iron
6: Nerf turrets and totems
Add caps to turrets and totems. Sometimes you'll find a team that has like 10-20 turrets in their base, so it's harder to attack their base. By totems, I mean the ones you place, not the one you get during Deathmatch.
7: Replace Iron Tools team upgrade to Haste
Stone tools are not fast enough, so I think they could use a slight buff to replace them with iron tools. The team upgrade would be replaced with haste (allows you to mine blocks faster). The reason for the haste upgrade is that it'll affect the entire team even if they don't have tools.
8: Remove leather armor from shop
Give them to all players when they spawn. Iron will no longer be used to buy armor. This will make the protection upgrade useful early game because all players in your team have armor by default.
9: Add end stone (suggested by @BicolourSine41 🇺🇦 )
End stone would be a strong block to protect your bed with. It will be blast resistant. If you add this block, nerf clay by removing blast resistance from it.
What are your thoughts on the ideas so far? If you have any feedback or idea you want to add to the list, comment them.
1: Added suggestions 6 to 8, and added suggested prices for pickaxe and wool
2: Added suggestion 9
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