Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

How do you feel about the update?

  • I love it! It feels refreshing and I'm looking forward to exploring it further!

  • I think it is great, but it will take some time to get used to...

  • The update is alright, not what I had hoped for though.

  • I don't really like it, it feels like a complete new game and I prefer the old one.

  • This is the worst update CubeCraft has EVER put out, everything is bad and I'm dramatical!

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Forum Expert
Dec 3, 2016
Antwerp - Belgium
The CubeCraft 1.19 Update
Lets try and compile all you crazy opinions and thoughts into 1 big thread, shall we?
Don't forget to vote on the poll and leave as many opinions as you want in the replies below :heart:

The bugs
This is where all submitted bugs will be put, I will update the thread once bugs are resolved by making them like this.
Submit all bugs by leaving a reaction below, please include some details like how it happened and what it does.

- Chunks not loading in FFA! x1
- Throwing a trident doesn't set off combat timer! x1

The bad parts
Which parts of the update do you not like? New features, new changes, and maybe the aesthetic make you wanna leave the server?
Feel free to tell me all the parts you wish were left unchanged and explain why you feel that way in the replies below.

- Poor Eggwars sweats will be sad! x1
- Eggwars is ruined! x1
- The new blocks don't support old texture packs! x1
- The new FFA kit is too weak! x1
- Minerware barely got any content! x1
- The update is too big, too much to get used to at once! x1

The good parts
There are plenty of good parts to this update too, right? Lets try and make a list of the best ones!
Which features or changes do you believe are for the better? Or maybe you love the smaller parts like the new maps and economy changes?

- Main lobby looks amazing! x1
- Skywars lobby has greatly improved! x1
- The new Minerware is good! x1
- I'm very fond of the changes made to Lucky Blocks! x1
- Queueing/Parties have been improved/Fixed! x1
- The way the FFA maps load is very smooth! x1
Last edited:


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm personally very fond of the changes made to the games. Mainly MinerWare and Lucky Blocks. Survival Games, my main game, hasn't changed much. Additionally, I think the lobby revamps and the new SkyWars lobby look AMAZING. Great work was provided by the Designers. Heck, the EggWars lobby somehow looks even more spacious despite being the same size!

The bugs I have found, I've already reported in the correct sub-forum (seeing as the bug reports channel on Discord is closed). I suggest anyone who is planning on sharing bugs they have found to NOT do so here. Instead, report them here with the same evidence.

bathie ✨

Pink Clubhouse President ✨️
Jul 15, 2022
Out of this world 🪐
The update is  MY favorite because of the use of new blocks, mechanics and everything added from the previous minecraft updates. The lobbies look amazing as well and im in love with the map revamps! 😍 As a blockwars ctf main, I can't really speak much about other gamemodes other than mine. so here:

The Bad Parts
-Although this was implemented almost a year ago, I hate how they changed the xp reward system. I don't believe xp should really depend on the time spent in the game. This is one of the changes that made most of the OG players of CTF stop playing the game. This also encourages stalling and hogging of the flag in order to gain more xp and that's is already punishable.

-The midgame queueing. With 1.19, it seems like it's kind of fixed but I'm certain that it's still a thing. This feature is not intended for the normal game of CTF and Bridges. I do see it as a thing for Giga BlockWars and believe it should stay there. A lot of threads and suggestions about this were open and we kind of let it go because we waited for this update to release and hope this would be reverted.

The Good Parts
I'm honestly happy with most changes done to it. The maps look so good with the different blocks used. There is so much going on and I love it. Now there were a few good things that this brought.

-They fixed map select for CTF. You can now choose maps immediately after the game ends and that was also one of the problems we had before

-The queueing got better. Games no longer take more than 5 mins to fill up and I love that. There is something buggy about the cage and flags but reports about that will be made.

-Parties are fixed ( I think ). I was able to queue with a friend and did not get split up.

There rest of the changes were really helpful and have been there before the update. Overall I love this update so much and cannot wait to try more of it. (Pulling all nighters even though I'll be having 8 a.m classes 🥳)


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2020
your mom's house
I've been playing since 2018 and do not like this new update at all. Eggwars is completely ruined, the new blocks don't work properly with my texture pack, and I want a refund for all the cosmetics/ranks I purchased as I probably won't be playing much on this server anymore.


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Sep 15, 2022
I enjoy this update a lot tbh. As Nathie said, the new blocks and mechanics are amazing indeed. I haven't noticed any change in my frames like I've seen a few people complain about in the lobbies. :P

Since I main FFA and a little MinerWare, I'll just give my opinion on these 2 gamemodes.

I love the way the entire maps are loaded, it looks really nice and surprisingly doesn't kill my frames at all, if anything my frames have been pretty smooth now. However, this doesn't fix the "void" bug or chunks not loading, it's a bit more uncommon (from my experience, can't speak for other players) but when it does happen, it's just an invisible wall you can't walk through and users who can walk through it, look very buggy.

The knockback really isn't that bad, I believe I can get used it once I'm able to play on my own region (NA), it's a bit odd but it's definitely possible to adapt and have fun with it. The new kit is pretty interesting though, it's not bad but it's also not that good. I honestly think it could use a slight buff in protection, either a buff or the crits shouldn't do so much damage. Also, a silly bug where throwing the trident doesnt enable to combat timer :P

Overall, these changes to FFA have quite a bit of potential once the bugs are fixed and everything is running smoothly :D

Not much has changed in this gamemode, the new blocks are so much better. There was a few slight changes to some of the gamemodes which is pretty but fun but I wish there were more maps/designs, more of a suggestion than an opinion but it would be nice !!

Anywaysss, it seems like eggwars was mostly affected by this update, hopefully it will be improved so the majority can enjoy it again :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I feel like this update is way to big. Cubecraft should try smaller, more frequent updates. They could have had one update for switching versions, a performance/sentinel update following it, an update that added new features, and an update for map changes. Right now, playing cubecraft for me feels like a fever dream.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Keep in mind this update is currently in public beta testing and is not officially released yet. Hopefully, the staff team make the necessary changes to improve the update before it officially releases.
  • Wow
Reactions: Hoshi


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Keep in mind this update is currently in public beta testing and is not officially released yet. Hopefully, the staff team make the necessary changes to improve the update before it officially releases.
The update was actually released onto the main network earlier today.

But the fact that changes can still be made is indeed true. Feel free to read this thread.

small bob 294

Novice Member
May 15, 2021
In my opinion eggwars was completely destroyed from the inside out. People take way too much damage, regen is way too fast (it's java regen now which I do not prefer), items are bought in odd amounts (concrete being 32 and gapples being 8 among other things), concrete replaced terracotta for no reason, random things being way overpriced (leather armor and steak), and the whole emerald system is super odd. I think changing all of these shop prices and amounts were taking the changes too far, as it takes away everything that used to define eggwars. So my opinion on the update is that it is currently a mess but could be great if cubecraft would go back and change some of these numbers back to what they used to be, as 1.20 has a lot of potential for cubecraft.
  • Agree
Reactions: gaIaxy


May 7, 2023
Keep in mind this update is currently in public beta testing and is not officially released yet. Hopefully, the staff team make the necessary changes to improve the update before it officially releases.
It was released I thought? The old one is gone
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You’re new pfp is so pretty!
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