First of all. This post is made very nice and probs took you time, congrats
Second, I like this idea a lot it will make cubecraft better :3
+1 Vote
Second, I like this idea a lot it will make cubecraft better :3
+1 Vote
It indeed took me some time.First of all. This post is made very nice and probs took you time, congrats
Second, I like this idea a lot it will make cubecraft better :3
+1 Vote
"Croubs" are truly worth the 80$ difference between the ranks...I think it should be perk for Obsidian only, because there isn't a big diffirence between Emerald and Obsidian. Also, if we'd allow more people (than Obsidian only) to make Croubs, there would be too much.
But I do agree with the fact that Vanity Points are rank-only.
Thank you! <3"Croubs" are truly worth the 80$ difference between the ranks...
Ye, i was sarcastic 2.. <3Ever hear of sarcasm?
Already suggested a few times, LOVE the idea. Plz add this would be amazing to have!Hey, everyone!
First of all, this thread was inspired by @✌ TiminqTime ✌
He informed me about everything he wanted in the thread, and asked me to write it.
Personally, I added some things to this.
Croubs are basically Guilds.
Oh yeah, we-don't-want-to-copy-hypixel people can just leave this thread already.
A Croub is a word that exists out of "Cube" and "Group"
This name was also found by @✌ TiminqTime ✌.
A Croub can only be made by an Obsidian.
A Croub would exist out of following "ranks"
(Although, personally, I want diffirent names!)
Leader (Only one)
Co-leader (Depends, we'll discuss this later on!)
I will now discuss with you what each rank can do.
The leader is basically the founder of the Croub. He can simply do all the /c commands possible, but we'll discuss those later on!As I said, I want diffirent names for this.
A Co-leader can also do all commands, but he -obviously- can't kick the leader. He can't change the Croubname either.A VIP can invite people to the Croub. The (co)leaders get a request in chat
If they are offline, the request would look like this (when logging in)
If they are online, the request would look like this
To reduce the amount of spam requests, you can only send a request every 10-15 seconds.
A Member can't do a lot.
All they can do is enjoy the boosters and increase the Croub-level (read on, we'll discuss both later on!)
But now, why would you want to be in a Croub. What's the point?
If an Obsidian rank starts a Croub, 10 people are able to join (just the basic limit).
These 10 people their levels get added together (="Croub level"). The higher your Croub level, the more Croub-coins you get per win. Every time someone of your Croub wins a game, Croub-coins get added.
With these coins, the leader can buy more Croub-slots (to add more players), but he can also do a lots of other stuff!
[ ! ] You don't get any Croub-coins in PvP
There is no maximum level a Croub can reach, there can be Croubs existing out of hundreds of people.
If the leader feels like there are enough people in the Croub, and he doesn't want to spend coins on slots anymore, there still are other features! These are playing a private game with (specific or all) Croub members together.
Like playing Skywars trees with 12 people of your Croub. Every private game costs 1000 Croub-coins.
[ ! ] If you play a private game, you don't get any coins when winning
Croubs are also able to make a custom miniature as a mascot.
[ ! ] Only the leader can make a Croub miniature if the Croub level is 1000+
(This shouldn't be to hard to reach, just some leaderboard players with level 100+ can reach this easily)
This is to prevent that everyone can make custom miniatures, and so it wouldn't be a too big chaos.
The leader can create a mascot by armor stands in the main lobby.There is no /c command yet. So this would come in handy!
(To make a Croub: /c create <name>)
/c invite <name> (invite a player)
/c kick <player> (kick someone)
/c changename <new name> (change your Croub name)
/c level (see your current Croub level)
/c coins (see how many coins your Croub currently has)
/c privategame <game> <map>
/c status (shows all co-leaders, VIPS and Members, together with an option to kick them)
/c buyslots <amount> (Every slot costs 1000 Croub-coins)
/c leader <name> (make someone leader, but this will make the current leader a co-leader! You can only make Obsidian rankers leader!)
/c coleader <name> (make someone co-leader)
/c vip <name> (make someone vip)
/c member <name> (make someone member, for example VIP -> Member :p)
/c invite <name> (invite a player)
/c kick <player> (except other the leader or other co-leaders
/c level (see your current Croub level)
/c coins (see how many coins your Croub currently has)
/c status (shows all co-leaders, VIPS and Members, together with an option to kick them (except the leader and other co-leaders))
/c invite <name> (invite a player)
/c level (see your current Croub level)
/c coins (see how many coins your Croub currently has)
/c status (shows all co-leaders, VIPS and Members, without an option to kick someone)
/c level (see your current Croub level)
/c coins (see how many coins your Croub currently has)
/c status (shows all co-leaders, VIPS and Members, without an option to kick someone)
The higher your Croub-level, the more (vanity)points you get. This would also encourage Stones due the possibility to also get Vanity Points. But, they should ALWAYS get less than Iron+, because they still payed really money for it!
But, to make this "worth it", this should happen:
I worked on this thread for more than an hour, so please give me some feedback and give your honest opinion!
EDIT 1: I forgot to mention how many co-leaders you can possible have. Let me put it this way:
The bigger your Croub, the more co-leaders possible :p
EDIT 2: @Siftenly came up with an awesome idea to make Croubs payed. Obsidian players should normally have lots of Vanity Points because Vanity just sucks, so they can't really do anything with it. That's why a Croub would cost 50.000 Vanity Points.
EDIT 3: Croub chat can be enabled by /c chat
And would look like this
There would be some new commands for this chat: /c themecolor (opens up the colour menu like /color does. This changes the color of "Cubeaddicted")
Besides that, Croub names would NOT be visible in Public Chat, they would be in tab
EDIT 4: I get a lot of these replies asking why it would be Obsidian only. I'll explain this.
There are currently not that many features that differentiate Obsidian from Emerald or other ranks.
This is also to make sure there wouldn't be too many Croubs, and it would encourage players to buy Obsidian rank, and that means more money so this could be handy!
EDIT 5: @Elivat came up with some more ideas to add!
I like some ideas of this! Especially the idea to make a leaderboard (I think in the main lobby) and to make custom banners, which could also be used as a shield in PvP.
I like idea of leagues, but how would they be played? Feel free to start a conversation with me, and I'll add that information to this thread!
Tegen dat ze dit adde zijn we 2 jaar verder Haha ×ParkourSure, Why not?