Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Lightning McQueen

One wall. Two teams. Two flags.

The team islands are separated by a large body of water. You’ll need to make bridges over the water forming paths to enemy island. The islands are fairly big and the gap between them is around 100 blocks.

You have kits, you also have resources which can be mined like iron, diamonds. quartz obsidian etc. It is survival based CTF, so you’ll be required to mine blocks to protect your flag. You can make artificial traps using TNT and trapdoors. You can make bridge using materials yourself if you’re the rusher type.

To make some materials available, they’ll be put into hidden chests, some will be mobdrops. You’ll be required to get food yourself.

The map-

-Two large islands
-Spawn points
-Pig spawner, cow spawner
-Underground spider,zombie,skeleton spawners.
-Deactivated nether portal
-A ready farm
- Caves with resources
-Hidden chests

Nightime starts 4 mins after the game starts. If you die you’ll respawn in 10 sec. Everyone automatically spawns with a wooden sword.

1. Archer
Bow (one spectral arrow recieved every 10s, max stack 10

2. Builder

20 Bricks and a pickaxe, maybe some leather.

3. Troll

Gunpowder, redstone, pressure plates, buttons.

4. Fisher

Fishing rod, cooked cod.

5. Tank

Chainmail chestplate, shield

6. Miner

Iron pickaxe

7. Speed Demon

Speed 1 pot (20 sec)

Keep in mind all materials will be available in the map. The nether would simply be a large island with zombie pigmen, ghasts, blaze spawner and magma cube spawner. It will come with soulsand, lava and magma blocks.


Fishing yields loot like gapples (rare), armour, weapons, sheilds, etc.

Buried treasure-

Custom loot table : TNT, fish, blocks, potatoes, poison potions, dragons breath, end rods, chorus fruit, endstone, rabbit’s foot etc.


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
Soooo... It's like UHC and blockwars in one gamemode?
Those are like the two deadest gamemodes on the entire network, how can you make sure this won't end in a similar fate? How can you guarantee this will be worth investing time in?

Don't get me wrong I like the idea but I doubt it'll be popular enough.

Lightning McQueen

Soooo... It's like UHC and blockwars in one gamemode?
Those are like the two deadest gamemodes on the entire network, how can you make sure this won't end in a similar fate? How can you guarantee this will be worth investing time in?

Don't get me wrong I like the idea but I doubt it'll be popular enough.
Those games are only dead because cubecraft is incompetent. Anyway CTF is not blockwars and salvaging isnt uhc


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
Anyway CTF is not blockwars and salvaging isnt uhc
well then
One wall. Two teams. Two flags.
all part of blockwars
you also have resources which can be mined like iron, diamonds. quartz obsidian etc. It is survival based
so you’ll be required to mine blocks
all uhc
to protect your flag
You’ll be required to get food yourself.
-Underground spider,zombie,skeleton spawners.
-Deactivated nether portal
part of uhc
- Caves with resources
Nightime starts 4 mins after the game starts.
day and night cycle, uhc
Keep in mind all materials will be available in the map.

You could also replace the word UHC with Bingo if that makes more sense, but since bingo is kinda dead too, my argument still stands.

Lightning McQueen

Blockwars = CTF with block barricade, mostly useless, very unnecessary. Bland kits, no fun features, aesthetically ugly blocks, horrid teammates and poor excecution. Includes traps nobody breaks.

UHC= good pvp game but killed by CCG bugs, kits and non-vanilla terrain.

This = CTF where you mine blocks and place them to make creative traps, game isnt limited to 1 type of block so foag defenses have variation, kits are balanced, the game draws inspiration from survival aspects.

They share similarities but the similarities are from the good aspects of both games. Not redundant trap and clay blocks or bad kits.

Only thing I can guarentee will probably harm this game is bad CCG players.
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