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betty's oldies

Forum Expert
Thank you for taking the time in replying to all of my points in detail.
1. Yeah I see how I exaggerated it. I agree with the emerald gens, there should only be one level one. However, I don't quite agree with the diamond gens. A level two diamond gen holds 12 diamonds, and having two on one map seems a little much. To me it seems like too much diamonds for a quick 30 second trip, especially in a 1v1 type game. In traditional eggwars whoever gets good gear fastest is already at a decent advantage in a lot of cases. Don't you think that should be toned down a bit for something that is 1v1?

2. As I said in one of my other posts, the levels I used were examples that one could use for a baseline. Yes and I agree that they should reflect that, but high level gens seemed to take that a tad far imo. I just don't want it to become another game where camping situations become common. Maybe not level one, but level three or two level twos, perhaps a level two, or a level two and level one would help. Idrk, it would take some experimenting on cubecrafts end.

3. I didn't mean it would guarantee a win, sorry if it came across that way, again my post was exaggerated a tad far. However people still attempt it, people will chug gaps in order to delay, and attempt to give themselves higher chances of winning by using gap chugging as a crutch.
I agree, and yes the first person to mid is guaranteed to get better stuff, and that is how any game like eggwars, skywars and games like them work. I realize now my post has made it seem like that was the issue, and I will make appropriate fixes. Yes, first to mid gets the advantage, but due to the scale of the maps, and the 1v1 gamemode, I think with high level gens and the prices make it a bit too much of an advantage for a duels game.

4. I never said to change the entirety of OP mode. A change in gap prices, like going back to 3 gold instead of 2, I think would be better. Yes you need gaps, but not like 1200 (exaggerating to make a point). When you get critted you dont just sit there and eat gaps and let it happen? That would be stupid. Maybe not unbeatable, but chugging a large amount of gaps takes time, and its just overall annoying to deal with. Think about runners in ffa, it feels exactly the same for me. They dont spawn with extra gold, I'm talking about gold in middle, and large amounts of gold obtained through camping.

5. People who crit spam are easy to combo tho :(

You're supposed to charge at each other in duels. YES. That is what I want, but when I played all I got where people that sat in middle and their base.
Okay, my turn. I numbered your paragraphs so that I can respond to each one nicely and as clearly as possible. Though I've last played eggwars near the end of 2021, I think my information should still be fresh for the main game.

1. I didn't play 1v1, so I don't have comments on the 1v1 mode. However, most changes that occur for one variant must be carefully considered as those changes also apply to other variants (solo, duos, teams). In regular eggwars, if you allow someone to get to mid first and equip themselves, you deserve to be at a disadvantage for not denying mid.

2. There's a reason why ender pearls and bridging in the sky exist. They're to allow you to get to a camp, and where there's a camper means he's not going to get as many resources as you are. If it is just one person camping, you will have control over as many islands as you've conquered as well as mid. Meanwhile he's down to 1 island (and he cannot change islands or you'll cut him off).

3. If they chug gapples, reposition yourself so that the knockback they receive will (eventually) knock off the edge of the island. Crit them with your best sword so that they'll take more damage and have to keep chugging, all while you're knocking them off. If they're in a corner, you can try to squeeze yourself in there (provided that they don't cancel eating) to knock them away or wear down their armor by comboing them.

4. See #1 and #2. Deny your opponent access to the map to prevent people from having access to gold. If they're crossing bridges, use a bow to directly kill them or knock them off. Bows of any kind are MVP for getting map control.

5. N/A; I don't have comments on this one.


Novice Member
Aug 21, 2021
Okay, my turn. I numbered your paragraphs so that I can respond to each one nicely and as clearly as possible. Though I've last played eggwars near the end of 2021, I think my information should still be fresh for the main game.

1. I didn't play 1v1, so I don't have comments on the 1v1 mode. However, most changes that occur for one variant must be carefully considered as those changes also apply to other variants (solo, duos, teams). In regular eggwars, if you allow someone to get to mid first and equip themselves, you deserve to be at a disadvantage for not denying mid.

2. There's a reason why ender pearls and bridging in the sky exist. They're to allow you to get to a camp, and where there's a camper means he's not going to get as many resources as you are. If it is just one person camping, you will have control over as many islands as you've conquered as well as mid. Meanwhile he's down to 1 island (and he cannot change islands or you'll cut him off).

3. If they chug gapples, reposition yourself so that the knockback they receive will (eventually) knock off the edge of the island. Crit them with your best sword so that they'll take more damage and have to keep chugging, all while you're knocking them off. If they're in a corner, you can try to squeeze yourself in there (provided that they don't cancel eating) to knock them away or wear down their armor by comboing them.

4. See #1 and #2. Deny your opponent access to the map to prevent people from having access to gold. If they're crossing bridges, use a bow to directly kill them or knock them off. Bows of any kind are MVP for getting map control.

5. N/A; I don't have comments on this one.
1. Exactly you didn't play 1v1, did you know that some of the maps have TWO level three diamond gens. Yes if you're delayed to middle you deserve the disadvantage, I totally agree with that. Although, what I stated in paragraph #3 it is just too much of an advantage for a 1v1 style game.

2. I'm not talking about skybases? I'm talking about middle camp, ridiculous amounts of stacking, etc. It ruins the fast pace nature of a duels gamemode.

3. I never asked about how to counter gap chugging. It's just annoying to deal with especially if the opponent has better sword and armour to go with it, it takes time to wear them down. And we're talking about cubecraft once again, everyone runs away from combos.

4. I'm not talking about traditional eggwars. IMO a duels game should be quick, not something where you sit on a island shooting your bow. Ideally a duels game shouldn't last more than 5 minutes imo.

Again Eggwars duels is just scaled down map sizes, nothing else was adjusted/scaled down in order to make the game more enjoyable and feel like a duels game.
  • Agree
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betty's oldies

Forum Expert
1. Exactly you didn't play 1v1, did you know that some of the maps have TWO level three diamond gens. Yes if you're delayed to middle you deserve the disadvantage, I totally agree with that. Although, what I stated in paragraph #3 it is just too much of an advantage for a 1v1 style game.

2. I'm not talking about skybases? I'm talking about middle camp, ridiculous amounts of stacking, etc. It ruins the fast pace nature of a duels gamemode.

3. I never asked about how to counter gap chugging. It's just annoying to deal with especially if the opponent has better sword and armour to go with it, it takes time to wear them down. And we're talking about cubecraft once again, everyone runs away from combos.

4. I'm not talking about traditional eggwars. IMO a duels game should be quick, not something where you sit on a island shooting your bow. Ideally a duels game shouldn't last more than 5 minutes imo.

Again Eggwars duels is just scaled down map sizes, nothing else was adjusted/scaled down in order to make the game more enjoyable and feel like a duels game.
2. Ah the classic mid camp. If they're at mid, they can't use the resources right away. That is your chance to take them down. In the 1v1 case, you follow up with a counterattack on their base since they'll respawn with nothing but their kit in their inventory.

3. Just because it's annoying does not necessarily mean it must be changed. Running away from combos isn't a CubeCraft only thing. It's a PvP tactic to prevent taking even more damage than what's already taken. Once you're in someone's combo, you're not getting out unless you force yourself out or you die.

4. Yup I'm aware of 1v1 type games (e.g. the bridge). Those ones should be quick. What kind of players were you up against?


Novice Member
Aug 21, 2021
2. Ah the classic mid camp. If they're at mid, they can't use the resources right away. That is your chance to take them down. In the 1v1 case, you follow up with a counterattack on their base since they'll respawn with nothing but their kit in their inventory.

3. Just because it's annoying does not necessarily mean it must be changed. Running away from combos isn't a CubeCraft only thing. It's a PvP tactic to prevent taking even more damage than what's already taken. Once you're in someone's combo, you're not getting out unless you force yourself out or you die.

4. Yup I'm aware of 1v1 type games (e.g. the bridge). Those ones should be quick. What kind of players were you up against?
Most of the time they shop instantly and then continue to sit on gens without engaging really, it can be easy to win against depending on the player but it isn't fun. At least as far as I saw.

I believe it should be changed tho, at least in duels. This is because it ruins the rushy nature of a duels gamemode as I've said.

All 1v1 games should be quick.

If you look at NA eggwars duels, its already a flop not reaching more than 5 players some days.
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