Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2016
Hello! I want to tell you about some bugs!
1) Potions, they are unusable, and haven't textures, because they were edited in 1.9!
2) Staff of healing, and others are unusable in left hand.
Please fix them!
More like plz dont use the new game mojang created in the update! I want to play actual minecraft with minecraft PvP!


Well-Known Member

Hello CubeCrafters!

We’ve just dropped our Minecraft 1.9 update! Please read this whole post before before posting!

We’ve decided to NOT support both 1.8 and 1.9 client as we want to embrace the new features in 1.9 and make the most out of them! If you’re still on a 1.8 client you won’t be able to join the server from now on so make sure you update your client to join the fun :)

We’ve tested current gamemodes, and upcoming ones, with Minecraft 1.9 and we feel the new update is really cool. There’s new blocks and block mechanics (Such as single glass panes now being a glass “pole” - check it out at Dance Off in the Lobby) so our builders can play with these to make you cooler maps!

We think the new 1.9 PVP mechanics are pretty nifty, we're going to monitor how it effects balance and gameplay over the coming days so you'll notice that we may tweak one or two things as time progresses!


FAQ (Will be updated)

"I can't connect to the server because it says I need to update"
  • You need to update your client to 1.9 - To do this, on the launcher screen select "Profile Editor", double click your Minecraft username, and change the version to "Use Latest Version". Save the profile, login and get playing

On a side note, I'd like to apologise for the network instability issues we've suffered over the past week. We've recently moved data centre to try and improve connectivity (Reducing lag). With this we had a few teething issues. We've solved almost all of these issues now so you should notice everything improving.

On a more positive side note, now we've moved data centre and sorted 1.9 we've got our dev team working full out to bring out new features and games (yes, including FreeBuild) so prepare to be amazed at some of the stuff we've got coming for you! A lot of stuff was put on hold due to the datacenter move/1.9 update.

Hallo CubeCrafters!

We hebben zojuist onze Minecraft 1.9 update uitgebracht! Lees a.u.b. dit hele bericht voordat je reageert.

We hebben besloten niet 1.8 én 1.9 te ondersteunen, omdat we de nieuwe functies in 1.9 willen aannemen en het beste ervan willen maken! Als je nog steeds 1.8 gebruikt zal je niet in staat zijn om de server te joinen, dus zorg dat je je client update om van het plezier te genieten :simple_smile:

We hebben huidige en aankomende gamemodes getest met Minecraft 1.9 en we vinden de nieuwe update heel cool. Er zijn nieuwe blokken en blok mechanica (Zoals enkele ruiten die nu glas ''palen'' zijn - kijk maar bij de Danc-Off in de Lobby). Dus onze bouwers kunnen hiermee spelen zodat ze nog coolere maps kunnen maken!

We denken dat de nieuwe 1.9 PVP methode best handig is, we zullen er de komende dagen op letten wat voor effect het op de balans en gameplay heeft, dus je zal merken dat we soms één of twee dingen zullen aanpassen na verloop van tijd.

Veelgestelde vragen (Zal worden geüpdatet)

''Ik kan de server niet joinen omdat er staat dat ik moet updaten''

- Je moet je client updaten naar 1.9 - Om dit te doen, moet je bij de launcher ''Profile Editor'' selecteren, twee keer klikken op je Minecraft gebruikersnaam, en je versie veranderen naar ''Use Latest Version''. Sla het profiel op, log in en je kunt spelen.

Hiernaast wil ik graag mijn excuus aanbieden voor de instabiliteitsproblemen van het die het netwerk had de laatste week. We hebben recentelijk de datacenter verplaatst om te proberen de connectiviteit te verbeteren (Lag verminderen). Hiermee hadden we een paar kleine problemen. We hebben nu bijna al deze problemen opgelost dus je zou de verbeteringen moeten merken.

Aan de positieve kant, nu we de hebben datacenter verplaatst en 1.9 klaar hebben werkt het dev team hard voor nieuwe functies en games (ja, ook FreeBuild) dus bereid je voor om versteld te staan van dingen die we klaar hebben voor je! Veel dingen werden in de wacht gezet door de datacenter verplaatsing/1.9 update.


Well-Known Member

Hello CubeCrafters!

We’ve just dropped our Minecraft 1.9 update! Please read this whole post before before posting!

We’ve decided to NOT support both 1.8 and 1.9 client as we want to embrace the new features in 1.9 and make the most out of them! If you’re still on a 1.8 client you won’t be able to join the server from now on so make sure you update your client to join the fun :)

We’ve tested current gamemodes, and upcoming ones, with Minecraft 1.9 and we feel the new update is really cool. There’s new blocks and block mechanics (Such as single glass panes now being a glass “pole” - check it out at Dance Off in the Lobby) so our builders can play with these to make you cooler maps!

We think the new 1.9 PVP mechanics are pretty nifty, we're going to monitor how it effects balance and gameplay over the coming days so you'll notice that we may tweak one or two things as time progresses!


FAQ (Will be updated)

"I can't connect to the server because it says I need to update"
  • You need to update your client to 1.9 - To do this, on the launcher screen select "Profile Editor", double click your Minecraft username, and change the version to "Use Latest Version". Save the profile, login and get playing

On a side note, I'd like to apologise for the network instability issues we've suffered over the past week. We've recently moved data centre to try and improve connectivity (Reducing lag). With this we had a few teething issues. We've solved almost all of these issues now so you should notice everything improving.

On a more positive side note, now we've moved data centre and sorted 1.9 we've got our dev team working full out to bring out new features and games (yes, including FreeBuild) so prepare to be amazed at some of the stuff we've got coming for you! A lot of stuff was put on hold due to the datacenter move/1.9 update.

Hallo CubeCrafters!

We hebben zojuist onze Minecraft 1.9 update uitgebracht! Lees a.u.b. dit hele bericht voordat je reageert.

We hebben besloten niet 1.8 én 1.9 te ondersteunen, omdat we de nieuwe functies in 1.9 willen aannemen en het beste ervan willen maken! Als je nog steeds 1.8 gebruikt zal je niet in staat zijn om de server te joinen, dus zorg dat je je client update om van het plezier te genieten :simple_smile:

We hebben huidige en aankomende gamemodes getest met Minecraft 1.9 en we vinden de nieuwe update heel cool. Er zijn nieuwe blokken en blok mechanica (Zoals enkele ruiten die nu glas ''palen'' zijn - kijk maar bij de Danc-Off in de Lobby). Dus onze bouwers kunnen hiermee spelen zodat ze nog coolere maps kunnen maken!

We denken dat de nieuwe 1.9 PVP methode best handig is, we zullen er de komende dagen op letten wat voor effect het op de balans en gameplay heeft, dus je zal merken dat we soms één of twee dingen zullen aanpassen na verloop van tijd.

Veelgestelde vragen (Zal worden geüpdatet)

''Ik kan de server niet joinen omdat er staat dat ik moet updaten''

- Je moet je client updaten naar 1.9 - Om dit te doen, moet je bij de launcher ''Profile Editor'' selecteren, twee keer klikken op je Minecraft gebruikersnaam, en je versie veranderen naar ''Use Latest Version''. Sla het profiel op, log in en je kunt spelen.

Hiernaast wil ik graag mijn excuus aanbieden voor de instabiliteitsproblemen van het die het netwerk had de laatste week. We hebben recentelijk de datacenter verplaatst om te proberen de connectiviteit te verbeteren (Lag verminderen). Hiermee hadden we een paar kleine problemen. We hebben nu bijna al deze problemen opgelost dus je zou de verbeteringen moeten merken.

Aan de positieve kant, nu we de hebben datacenter verplaatst en 1.9 klaar hebben werkt het dev team hard voor nieuwe functies en games (ja, ook FreeBuild) dus bereid je voor om versteld te staan van dingen die we klaar hebben voor je! Veel dingen werden in de wacht gezet door de datacenter verplaatsing/1.9 update.
I Cant Play on this server or any other for that matter on 1.9 because its too laggy :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
This update is honestly so stupid. Have any of you got any idea what this update means? Let us talk about Eggwars. This is one my favourite games I have ever played on minecraft, and I have been playing for 3 years now. The strategy of it is great, and I really like the gameplay. But it has been completely and utterly made unplayable by 1.9. Why? Shields. Whilst blocking with this, you cannot take any damage or knockback from arrows. This means that with as little as 3 diamonds, attacking other players' islands is so easy that all the strategy is completely lost from the game. You can just stroll onto someone's island, no matter how much they shoot you, kill them and get their egg. The whole skill and meaning of the game is changed, a game that is all about tactics and planning. Attacking and defending has gone completely.

Another thing. I have absolutely no idea why this occurs but stacking up with blocks in 1.9 is extremely bugged. By this I mean jumping and placing a block underneath yourself, so that you rise up. For a game that involves a surprisingly high amount of building, this is obviously going to affect gameplay dramatically. It has become clear to me today that you have obviously not even attempted to actually test eggwars in 1.9, you just blindly think that everything will be fine. Even if you weren't allowed to get overly cheap shields, and you were able to build normally, this new update still means that a player with iron armour will always beat a plyaer in leather armour, as it is pretty much impossible to avoid being hit when you yourself can only hit every second, meaning that whoever has the better sword or armour is much more likely to win in pvp.

Next time can you please actually test the game out before updating to a new version, as changed to 1.9 only has completely ruined the game. If you don't go back to 1.8, you will lose many avid players, your server's popularity will decrease and you will get less money as less people will buy ranks. Please change back to 1.8, for your players' sake.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
I hate 1.9 it sucks this server will suck I'm a youtuber and I do eggwars on this server and I will never play it again if you don't keep 1.8. 1.9's pvp "improvements" are total BS. Sure there are cool arrows and stuff, but I don't want to wait to attack because it makes it "more important to time your attacks". I will hate you and this erver if you don't bring back 1.8
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2015
Please return to 1.8, I have seen, how loads of poeple hated the "improvements"...

Please we all hate 1.9, the worst update for minecraft...
Return to 1.8 pls :'(

Angel Cari 123

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Quisiera decir que de mi punto de vista el servidor de cubecraft deveria ser tanto 1.8 como 1.9 ESTO ES SOLO MI OPINION


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2015
Glad to see that 1.9 features are going to be implemented, despite the complaints from the community. I feel as though nobody has actually given 1.9 a chance, and has instead jumped to conclusions and assumed that PvP will die simply because the update is different to what w
Quisiera decir que de mi punto de vista el servidor de cubecraft deveria ser tanto 1.8 como 1.9 ESTO ES SOLO MI OPINION
Yo creo que deberian de hacerlo solo para el 1.8, porque el 1.9 es muy mala y les daria desventaja


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
I didn't even played in Cubecraft sincd you uptaded version 1.9, and I'm not playing anymore like most of the people chatting in here. Sorry about the language, but Cubecraft for me worths shit! If you don't put 1.8, then Cubecraft's dead for me and I'll sell my account. Next time, ask the "Cubecrafters" if they want the uptade.
And with much pleasure, I say RIP CUBECRAFT.
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