Hello forum before starting cubecraftgames and contact https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ and sales@cubecraft.net but wanted to be sure that it has not happened to this errorr purchase, today I have cubecraftnetwork 12/23/2015 sanctioned, and why? When I try to log onto the server tells me that he was suspended for payment error (photo) http://prntscr.com/9hrr4g surprised me because I wonder why it was forbidden ?, pay at the store for iron range cubecraft properly pay 9.79 dollares 2Checkout (photo) http://prntscr.com/9hrt9x, after carrying out the purchase went to the server and play some games that leave the server, passing around 1 or 2 hours into play and says I am suspended payment error, as I had already said I do not know why banearon succeed if payment by PayPal (photo) http://prntscr.com/9hrutp http://prntscr.com/9hrv3o http: / /prntscr.com / 9hrvag I have a YouTube channel with 300 subscribers, not many know I uploaded several videos of their server and I hope to help me find out what happened and fix the problem caused in your wonderful server. Thanks for your time and I hope your answer. my nickname is iSantaRakerYT