Thanks a lot! And that's great to hear, thank you very much c:This is a really nice idea and a great way to bring the community together! I have enjoyed learning who has birthday twins on the server!
Also, is now pinned due to it being a community thread! ^-^
Indeed ^-^Oh yay, this got pinned!
Thanks a lot : ))Great idea!
March 5th :)
You're now part of the birthdaypeople, welcome!27th February
May 11th! <3View attachment 150684
All credits to @Story for this amazing banner!
Hello there!
Today's my birthday and I thought of something quite useful: a birthday Calendar!
I know there's a specific section on the forums to see all the people that are celebrating their birthday today, but I thought this was easier to spot the birthday of people you might know!
If you want to join the Calendar, put your name and birthday (DD/MM) in a comment. I'll add your tag to it!
@MJ010101 - 1
@Yoya - 3
@FluffyRoses - 4
@SnowyWarz - 5
@Dubby Plays - 8
@IKarma_ - 10
@Juskebat - 13
@RDev_ - 15
@Josher - 17
@Umbrus - 20
@Cynamooo - 20
@Beyner127 - 22
@Slimeyz - 22
@SanCookie - 23
@Elenahh - 23
@Andyyy - 23
This thread - 23
@SleepyLiv - 27
@zRinne - 28
@_The13thDoctor_ - 29
@Megaaa - 29
@RickDeKlomp - 30
@Snodia - 1
@zCris2259_YT - 2
@FireExcalibur10 - 3
@non_deficere - 5
@Zajdovski - 6
@EggBoyOrNot - 9
@AlbinDom - 13
@DqrkMqtter - 16
@Reddog37 - 19
@Geerty - 20
@mitgobla - 22
@PedrocasPirocas - 25
@pipiklatie - 27
@drakie - 5
@Capitan - 8
@Skyfire_swe - 10
@Hannibal - 11
@Kozimobo - 15
@Hatinger1 - 15
@Deeds - 15
@HackersDontWin - 16
@pigglet - 16
@Dutudy - 17
@Scream - 17
@Siftenly - 19
@Azalea + Others - 24
@Keanutjuhh - 25
@Dutchplayz123 - 26
@komododragon2002 - 28
@Blocky - 8
@ForGiveNoWIn - 11
@Voltage - 13
@xXIIIIIIXx - 21
@Shamel - 24
@Shomita_ - 26
@Sqauckid - 29
@Mivke )': - 29
@Camezonda - 30
@Nikoshka - 1
@Kloska - 3
@ItzJqlmer - 3
@rubik_cube_man - 4
@Elivat - 6
@JustTheGameplayX - 9
@Basketman - 9
@SkittlesTM - 9
@SlinkyGnu05604 - 12
@Flutsmeister - 22
@PerryJ - 24
@Ruisdier - 24
@Alex_de_Grote - 24
@MartijnMC - 24
@Robbedz - 25
@Simply - 11
@Zombiepower - 12
@Sergiio12 - 12
@Saammm - 13
@Anthoken - 14
@BringMeZPeanutButter - 15
@CraftCreatures - 17
@StopWalking - 30
@gamesharkn64 - 2
@Marliies - 12
@CatsLoveRainbows - 17
@chui :v - 31
@Younisco - 31
@LonelyNartyta - 10
@TheTjitt - 11
@TironaZ - 20
@TheJeroen - 23
@Oreoino - 23
@Hippir - 24
@Dreamy - 27
@ItsDavey_ - 30
@Marcoooooooos - 11
@BannedCheaters - 12
@iloveanna - 13
@7 Rings - 15
@TomZye - 16
@Fisktratt - 17
@Zilloe - 26
@lili. - 27
@ikwilkoekje - 27
@SippyCup - 28
@Finixly - 30
@Siza - 2
@RussSonLeYT - 2
@Tom Dunkins - 5
@Story - 15
@Monkikey - 23
@hive - 24
@Unstrafeless - 25
@AnimalTamer1 - 25
@Dylaila - 28
@zFqcus - 29
@Onikpig - 5
@Lions - 6
@S4nne - 8
@Sophie - 21
@Reindeer // Paige - 23
@Spuuuniㅤ - 24
@Geert Wilders - 1
@XiiKa - 1
@Zed - 3
@Riles - 5
@jellybeans101 - 7
@Marieke2001 - 9
@GiraffeLars - 11
@Rodeappel - 11
@Onmogelijk - 11
@Grodizzz - 13
@Rifyy - 23
@ImJunior - 26
@Gbmq - 30
May 11th! <3
August 9th !!!
Sure why not! Let me fill that gap right there in November :p November 22nd :)
me on April 27 :oops:
July 14th :v
Welcome all to the Birthday calendar!February 13th :p
Happy late birthday! :^)Thank you![]()