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Forum Expert
Sep 1, 2015
I welcome y’all to the lands of Joshers!

We’re an extremely primitive population with very little knowledge of “modern” tools. The majority of our tribes live high up in the mountains located in the north of the country, close to the border with CatsLoveRainbows.

Luckily, after centuries of domestic war between our tribes, we finally managed to maintain peace among all of our inhabitants.
Our recently introduced “capital” is called A.B.S., this village-like place is basically the residence of our 12 councilors, or as our tribes like to call them: our ‘peacekeepers’.

Due to the good relationship of our councilors with the lands of CatsLoveRainbows, we are constantly learning new techniques and the evolution of our society is experiencing a huge boost.

Our inhabitants strongly believe that having a muscular body and great perseverance is the key to felicity, and that’s why 90% of our tribes obliges their children to work out, doing heavy exercises and many endurance trainings from the moment on they turn 5.
This obviously has multiple benefits such as hunting animals, travelling over land etc.

Unfortunately, none of our tribes have found a way to cross the ocean safely yet. However some of our more intelligent tribes did succeed to sail over to the islands located east-west of our country and return without sustaining any major damage on their ship.

We have multiple different religions among our tribes, but the most common is a polytheistic religion where all the followers pray 3 times a day, mainly out of gratitude for the life they have been given, but also in the hope they’ll receive protection and support from their gods when needed.


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
  • Hello everyone! The day has finally come! We will start receiving directives now.
For the sake of an easier communication we’ve created a CubeCraft Conquest discord server! In this server there’ll be private text channels for each alliance and a world chat. There’s a channel to submit directives, a channel to ask us questions and a channel with the complete set of rules. Please read #rules Here’s the link:

Note: Update messages will still be posted on the forums and our answers to your directives will be too. You may still post directives in the forums.

And with that said, let the games begin! Good luck to all participants!

This is currently the official world map. We have changed some country sizes and deleted some, to make the game more organized and easier for us.

All descriptions will be posted very soon.


Dedicated Member
May 28, 2017
Hi! My country is named Baclodesa! (This is not a directive lol)

We are an agriculture and trade based society, with 65% of our population being farmers. Throughout the last couple of decades we have been experiencing a surplus of crop yield, which led to our expansion in trade with other nations. We have some major cities, where different people specialize in a craft. Our climate is mostly grassy hills with patches of forests. We have a mountain range in the north west where many monasteries practice our religion: Taoism.

Despite having a prospering economy, we don't have that much of an army. The monarchy has been having trouble recruiting soldiers for the upcoming war. People aren't showing much interest in the war, and of course, Taoism doesn't really inspire people into conflict. We have some light cavalry and a couple hundred archers, but that's it. We may have to recruit soldiers from other nations :/

Over the past year, the Tribes of Josher have been trading with us with great success. Today, we have agreed on an alliance that will be important in the upcoming war. We've both agreed to have each other's back when the war goes south, and I agreed to let his tribes use my forests to hunt in, in exchange for my merchant & traders to have access to his coastal cities to export goods.

Well, that all I could think of. Conquest awaits! :D


Also, the official animal of Baclodesa is the house cat.
Oct 19, 2015
The Netherlands
Name of the country:

Positives of the country:
We invested so much money in our technology to guarantee that we win (almost) every game, that is why we are so fanatic. We always want to win, and when we don't win a game, we want a rematch. That is also why we have a very good army: the troops learn how to fight in videogames.

Negatives of the country:
- We can become a little bit toxic if we don't win a game.
- Because we invested almost all of our money in improving our technology, not every road is easy to drive (there are some holes in it).

There are a lot of forests in CreaturesWorld, so when we attack someone, they don't see it coming (we hide behind trees). Next to the forests, there are some mountains, but they are not so high.

Political ideologies:
We want that every person has the same rights, so that is why we think socialism is the best.
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Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia

The first week of CubeCraft conquest started slowly while all participants started to understand in more depth the dynamic of the game. But the game has seen a lot of progress, it started pacific with King Jeroen II’s draining of the Almyran Lake but eventually tensed up when MEGAlovania decided to invade Klompia and the Sheepiet-Creature World conflict. This first week involved war, but also diplomacy and preparation.
There’s a quick timeline below this post if you don’t want to read every event described in detail.

This is how the world map looks currently:


What happened this week:

King Jeroen II sent the 3 highest tradesmen in the Sacred Trade Unification off to travel towards Dubbia on November 12th, allowing the tradesman to prepare themselves briefly. The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd was hoping Dubbia would assist them in creating a solution to drain the Almyran Lake beneath The Holy Kingdom. With the motivation of utilizing this new land for agricultural activities.

The population and leaders from Dubbia were very impressed by the charismatic skills of the kingdom of Blaiddyd's tradesmen. They were very happy to help, because food is a very important resource for them. The leaders of Dubbia personally thanked King Jeroen II for his outstanding friendliness. They sent around 300 men and women, with the mission of cooperating with the draining process of Almyran Lake. Unfortunately, King Jeroen II's initial plans had to see change, the proposal of draining the entire lake ended up being too ambitious. The lake was successfully drained on a 45%. Dubbia’s impressive technological and scientific advancements played a crucial factor in the realization of this task. This has left the Fluffy Empire without an access to the lake. But it gave the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd a newly established land frontier with Eclua of a few kilometers. Both participant nations are extremely happy with the results. Dubbia has more than enough guaranteed food production for their population, and the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd continues to flourish as an economic power. Diplomatic relationships are at its best state amongst the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd and Eclua as there now is a safer way of communication. Fluffy Empire's position on this loss is yet to be known.


Almyran Lake before the draining process.


Almyran Lake after the draining process.

That same day, the Sunshine Empire and The Sheepiet Union wanted to sign a peace treaty to ensure their groups would remain at peace. The diplomatic negotiations amongst both nations have been successful. The peace treaty has been signed, both countries are now in good terms.

On the 14th of November of 1019, Aceland and Kejainolia established an alliance called "The Ducks" .

That same day, King Jeroen II travelled to Eclua to discuss a matter. King Jeroen II wanted them to help the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd in designing a fortified wall that could be placed at any given point at the border(s). Eclua accepted to help the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd designing the fortified wall in exchange for a monetary reward. If the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd agrees, the wall will start its construction shortly along the border between the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd and the Sheepiet Union.

November 15th, the Earth Kingdom agreed to give 25% of their land to the Sunshine Empire.


Territories before agreement.


Territories after agreement.

On November 17th, a couple of tribes from the land of Joshers decided to come together and unite in order to move west as one group, across the border with Janneria. The Joshers have successfully established themselves in the southern territories of Janneria, expanding their domains. The Jannerians on the other hand, didn't seem to give much importance to the territory they lost, and have decided not to take military action. The responsibilities and jobs within the newly formed ‘tribe’ were soon divided fairly. Some went out searching for food: edible berries, nuts etc.

While others helped setting up a solid defense for the camp, the newly formed tribe is more than ready to fend off any enemy invasion.

On November 20th, a group of 3,000 men and women coming from Antica, begun a pilgrimage to the holy lands of The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd. They are planning to go via Aceland and Sheepiet Union. The plan is to arrive in 2 months. The group of believers doesn’t know yet how they’ll get food and permission to travel through the countries, but they know that the goddess will watch them.

Before they could say knife, MEGAlovania declared war on Klompia on November 21st after they didn’t accept to ally themselves to the MEGAlovanians. They proceeded to invade Klompia from the northern frontiers and successfully tear through the unprepared Klompian defense. The war is still in progress, but so far MEGAlovanians seem to have had the cutting-edge when it came to their technology and weaponry. The war has brought death to more than 4,000 Klompian soldiers and 700 MEGAlovanian soldiers. MEGAlovanians have established several forts in the northernmost territories of Klompia, they proceeded to claim the land in the name of the country of MEGAlovania.


Borders before the war.


Borders after the war.

A volcano erupted in the east in Klompia on November 24th. More than 500 houses got destroyed and 50 citizens got killed. The government knew the dangers of the active volcano, and tried to warn their citizens, but they refused to move. Although they warned their own citizens, they didn’t warn Swamibai. The volcano is located on the border and also 200 people from Swamibai died, because there was a fest in the West.

Queen Elenah I, from Payelenuff sent one of her servants to communicate an ultimatum to Dutland on November 25th. The ultimatum communicated the kingdom of Payelenuff would not tolerate having to share land with neighboring countries and wanted all of the south-western islands to be part of Payelenuff once again. She warned Dutland to retire all of their military presence in the island and evacuate all of Dutland’s citizens. Otherwise, the kingdom would have to interfere militarily.


Island in question

On November 30th two battalions of soldiers coming from the Sunshine Empire went on an expedition to the northern corner of the uninhabited lands. They established camps on the northern coasts of this territory and claim it in the name of the Empire. They will now begin preparing to create small towns for quite folk and make sure that they leave the beauty of their new land intact. After this phase Zombiepower is deployed to oversee the first major town being developed at the northernmost corner of the land. The town was named Beach Town, Sunshine Empire.


Before Explorations


After Explorations

December 1st, in a desperate call for help, Kloskie sends two messengers to Atlantropa with a letter from the King. The letter offers Atlantropa to unite territories due to the alarmingly increasing hostility from Riley. Atlantropa would still hold the capital and executive political power but they would be forced to deploy military forces all over Kloskie to prepare for an attack from Riley.

On December 3rd, The Sheepiet Union declares war on Creatures World and invades it coming from the south. Because the army of Sheepiet Union is so massive, the soldiers of Creatures World had a rough time. Luckily, Sheepiet Union had warned them before and they could set up some small defences. The fight was a massacre. Almost the whole army of CreaturesWorld was present. When the scout saw the army of Sheepiet Union coming, they alarmed the royal cavalry and they moved so they were behind the huge army. When they were there, they saw the huge vehicles with swords, arrows and catapult boulders. With over 500 horses, they attack the troops in the back with all munitions and armor. They were completely overwhelmed, but it didn’t last long. Conclusion: 24,000 soldiers from CreaturesWorld died, and a big part from the northwest of CreaturesWorld got taken. But it can’t be ignored that the Sheepiet Union also lost a lot of people. 16,000 men got killed by the brave CreaturesWorld’s.


Borders before the war.


Borders after the war.

On December 7th, Waterland and The Obbylands decided to make an alliance to make them stronger against foreign threats and to develop their economies, the alliance is called "Os Tugas".

On December 9th, both Aceland and Baclodesa made military service mandatory. Aceland was more strict with their decree, and forced everyone from ages 18 to 24 to join the military. Meanwhile, Baclodesa declared that citizens would have to give a certain amount of military service every year instead of paying taxes, ages 18-45. Both decrees have been successful, and both armies have seen an exponential growth. But this also implied raising the investment in military coming from tax money. Baclodesa is having an especially hard time funding the military since they’ve cut off most of their taxes to replace them with military service. Soon Baclodesa’s money reserve will run out if they don’t act fast.

On the 13th of December, the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd declared they would be investing more on the military power of the kingdom. The way they plan on doing this is unknown and there has been no progress so far.

On December 20th, Captine, Lancinne and Camshelez declare established the Cat Union. Whose interests are bringing cat adoration to the entire world, whatever it takes.

December 25th, Slater and Blocky joined in an alliance called “Ping”. They have united to protect themselves from the hostility of the Sunshine Empire. They have started to build military bases all along the frontier with the Sunshine Empire but leave the border with the Earth Kingdom unprotected, as a way to show empathy to their leader.

December 30th, the streets of Komodax were in great tension, people from all socio-economic levels, religions and professions raised in arms to overtake the current Komodax government. A woman called Rita la Rita declared herself the supreme dictator of the Komodax Social Republic. She declared war on Antica and Aceland. She then commanded the military forces to regroup in the border between Antica and Komodax to prepare for a large scale invasion, involving around 15,000 soldiers.

The fleet of Waterland underestimated the power of the savage tribes on the coast. Although they had so much more weapons and soldiers, they didn’t expect any like this. On December 30, they sailed to the coasts of the wild lands. They could master 4 villages and one (bigger looking) town. Although they didn’t find anything spectacular, but it’s still pretty nice to have some outposts.


Before Colonization


After Colonization

That’s all for this week! We will start receiving directives once again.
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Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
Gallia Belgica
Here is the timeline of the things happened in week 1:

November 12:

  • Dubbia helped The Holy Kingdom Of Blaiddyd to drain a part of the lake.

  • The Sunshine Empre and the Sheepiet Union sign a peace treaty.
November 14:

  • An alliance has been made between Aceland & Kejainolia called 'The Ducks'.

  • The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd starts working on a big wall, faced to the borders of Sheepiet Union.
November 15:
  • Earth Kingdom gives a big part of his land to Sunshine Empire, to welcome Zombiepower
November 16:

  • A group of Joshers settled in lands of Janneria. The government of Janneria let it pass.
November 20:

  • A pilgrimage begins in Antica to The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd.
November 21:

  • MEGAlovania declares war on Klompia and takes a part of their eastern land.
November 23:

  • The Sheepiet Union declared war on CreaturesWorld. Other countries like Rivanaul, Aceland, Antica and Atlantropa also declared war on them because they are allies with the Sheepiet Union.
November 25:

  • Payelenuff offers Dutland an ultimatum, or they will get the south-western islands, or there will be war.
November 27:

  • A volcano erupts in Klompia, killing Klompians & Swamibai's.
November 30:

  • The Sunshine Empire made an expedition to the Unhabitated Lands, and they founded a city called 'Beach Town'.
December 1:

  • Kloskie begs to unite with Atlantropa, with Atlantropa having all political power, because of the hostility of Riley.
December 3:

  • Attack from Sheepiet Union on CreaturesWorld and takes small part from the east.
December 7:

  • Obbylands & Waterland made an alliance called 'Os Tugas'.
December 9:

  • Aceland & Baclodesa make military service mandatory.
December 20:

  • Captine, Lancinne and Camshelez make an alliance called 'Cat Union'.
December 25:

  • Slater and Blocky formed the alliance 'Ping' because of the prosperity of The Sunshine Empire.
December 30:

  • Government of Komodax has been overthrown. The new dictator declares war on Antica and Aceland.

  • Waterland starts colonization of Violent Tribes, conquering 4 villages and 1 town.
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Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
Gallia Belgica

Hello Countries! Here, I present you guys, all the things that happened in Week 2! After a pretty slow start, week 2 is filled with some war and spicy drama! First, we will take a look to the heroic war against Unbelievable Stuff, and it ends with a bad ending for Komodax :(. Awch, I have already told you guys too much! Do you want to know more? It's all waiting below!

This is how the world map looks currently:

Map week 2.PNG

What happened this week:

On January 1st, the day after the attacks on Violent Tribes, Waterland decides to give families with more than 5 children tax breaks. Because of this, families start considering it and decide to have more children. The government also decided to spend more on medical research. For now, they haven’t really found something special other than a way to cure a disease with a rate from 10 to 4000. Because of all the things that the government decided, it’s low on money. The trade really suffers by it. Because of the little money they have, products made in the industry are a lower quality. The countries Cyna & Camshelez have decided to stop trading with Waterland, because it wouldn’t be favorable for them anymore. Because Waterland is really based on trade, so it has an influence on the economy of Waterland. Regardless, this panorama is planned to change in a decade, since Waterland’s population would increase, hence, their economic capacity.

It was a cold morning when the leaders of SanCookie and Rivanaul discussed the future of their lands. San revealed that one of San’s soldiers had gone in an exploratory expedition to the land of Unbelievable Stuff and found out they were building weapons. Elena and San both agreed that Unbelievable Stuff was a threat to their lands and that they needed to take action as soon as possible, before it was too late. They send a letter to the leader of Swamibai, asking for his help. If they were able to take over the land, they would split it in three, giving Swamibai better access to SanCookie and Rivanaul.

3rd of January, 1020, the day of the attack. It’s late, around 11pm. This would hopefully catch Unbelievable Stuff off guard. Swamibai’s soldiers arrived in Rivanaul, preparing to attack Unbelievable Stuff. Rivanaul brought 15.000 of its best soldiers. SanCookie brought 5.000 soldiers and Swamibai brought 5.000 soldiers as well.

Swamibai attacked via the north-west side of Unbelievable Stuff. Rivanaul attacked via the west side. They used iron armor and the sharpest iron swords. Some of the soldiers were equipped with bows. The arrows, swords and armor were dipped in the pool of Celia. They believe this will bring them luck and the same strength Celia once carried. SanCookie’s soldiers attacked from the south side of Unbelievable Stuff.

The country of Unbelievable Stuff got absolutely destroyed. In the west, the army of Rivanaul was too strong and most soldiers of Unbelievable Stuff left the front lines to fight on the ones of Swamibai and San. Rivanaul has easily taken a lot of territory and lost around 600 soldiers. Swamibai had a harder task than Rivanaul, but managed to take a pretty big part of the country with only 1800 deaths and 3800 kills. Unbelievable Stuff has set up the most soldiers at the front of San. And they successfully killed 4600 men of San’s 5000 and managed to keep almost every land in the south. Unbelievable Stuff had a rough time, and lost around 16000 men, a huge amount of their small army, because of their dysfunctional anarchist government. The attacking countries got the land that they conquered.


Atlantropa raised taxes by 2%. The citizens were pretty upset, and they will revolt if the taxes become higher.

The government of Aceland has decided to raise taxes by 4%. Although this is huge, they promise their people to reduce it when the war between them and Komodax is over. At the moment, people still have faith in the government, although everyone is a bit surly. With the money, the government will invest in military and research. Because of that, scientists have invented a way to shoot arrows double as fast as a normal bow. They have called it ‘Doubow’ and highly suggest the government to use this weapon in its armies.

Rivanaul decides to send 5000 soldiers to the front in Antica to help out in the war against Komodax. They went with ships, very well armored with weapons. But, unfortunately, the government of Rivanaul has underestimated the food that the crew needed on the journey. Because of this, almost 1200 soldiers got a very serious disease, called ‘scurvy’. When they arrived, the 1200 sick soldiers couldn’t fight and they had to stay in Antica’s hospitals. The rest of the soldiers were a bit seasick, but ready to fight at the fronts.

On January 3rd, the government of Antica decided to send some medication to Rivanaul, as a thank you for their military support. They decided that 70% of the healthy soldiers of Rivanaul will join 12600 soldiers of Antica at the front lines, while the other 30% will help protect the royal castle. The taxes will also be raised by 2%, but the population knows it’s necessary to support the war.

Also on January 4th, the government of Fisktratt heard that there are some rumors on the most Northern island, that they don’t want to be part of Fisktratt. They feel more like Cyna’s, which are people living in Cyna. The government of Cyna has told in public that they think that Fisktratt should give the island to Cyna, to give the people what they want. A answer of Fisktratt isn’t known.

January 4th, Aceland decides to send 10,000 troops, including 2,000 archers, to the borders of Antica and Komodax to fight against Komodax. They start constructing defensive structures. They successfully managed to set up over 80 wooden towers.

The government also decided to send Spies, but they came back without information. With the troops, food and basic needs will get transported to Antica, so they will not famine.

On January 6th, Swamibai decides to invest in military and medical research. Until now, nothing has been discovered yet. You may ask where they get all this money from? Well, the government decided to reduce on maritime technology and raise taxes by 5%. The folk is furious. They decided to revolve in what at first seemed like pacific protests, already more than 800 people died. On that same date, CreaturesWorld established a law which commanded people to join the army when aged 12 - 18. If not, they have to pay 2% extra taxes. Because most people don’t want to lose their children, almost everyone pays those extra taxes.

January 7th. Ruisdier has send over 6000 men to Klompia to fight in the war against MEGAlovania. Together, they fought against the brutal MEGAlovanians, because they invaded Klompia, without a good reason (in their eyes). In the early morning, They rushed into the army of MEGAlovania. The troops were not prepared. They had been drinking and eating and the leaders didn’t do anything. Klompia managed to take a big part of their land back.


January 8th. The people of Fluffy Empire are still furious because of the lake fiasco. They raided multiple villages near the borders between the Fluffy Empire and the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd. They stole the most valuable things they could find and fled. These kind of things are likely to happen multiple times, because the heretical people living there makes their hate even bigger.

On January 9th, Josher decides to invade Janneria. The people call this war ‘the Climate War’. because of the cold circumstances in Josher, the inhabitants of Josher want warm weather, which is in Janneria. Multiple tribes have united to fight Janneria. After gathering resources and building weapons for 5 days, the tribes decided to raid nearby villages of Janneria, and taking new land. It was successful. Few people resisted and the army of Janneria was nowhere to be seen.


January 11th. Baclodesa decides to help its ally Josher and attacks the eastern borders of Janneria. Janneria was prepared for this. They didn’t pay attention to the savage tribes from Josher, but knew that the army of Baclodesa was a bigger threat. It was a bloody battle, and at both sides a lot of men fell, but Baclodesa managed to take some land. Almost 60% of the army of Janneria died on that battlefield, with over 4000 deaths at Baclodesa’s side.

On January 12th, also Aceland decides to transport 4000 troops to the ‘Climate War’. At this moment, the force of Baclodesa and friends is overwhelming and Janneria can’t really do anything more. Aceland helped taking a lot of land, with only 350 deaths. Aceland has in the couple of weeks transported a lot of soldiers, with almost no one at home to defend. Aceland is currently very vulnerable to attacks.

January 16. Antica, the ally of Aceland, sends 4000 troops to Baclodesa, to fight in the ‘Climat War’ against Janneria. Janneria can’t handle it anymore and surrenders. All the land needs to be divided between Baclodesa, Aceland & Antica.


Queen Elenah the first, from Payelenuff decided to invade and take control over the island they once used to share with Dutland. The queen had given the order of extermination of any resistant Dutland citizens. This bloody event has lead to the death of more than 17,000 Dutland citizens and 3,000 soldiers. Since the attack on the island was so successful the Payelenuffian army decided to continue to the mainland, invading and taking control over 30% of Dutlands territory. Queen Elenah has made it clear the trip for expansion isn’t over. And soon she will be taking control over the entire mainland, which directly menaces Atlantropa, Captine and Riley. In moments of war like these, Queen Elenah acts impulsively at times and forgets about the protection of her own land. Most soldiers are spread around the newly conquered Dutland territories, leaving the main island unprotected and vulnerable to enemy invasions.


On January 25th, Atlantropa decided to accept Kloskie’s offering. Both nations have now instituted themselves as one under the political regime of Atlantropa. The Atlantropan government has sent a considerable amount of soldiers to spread around Kloskie’s old territories to prepare for a potential invasion from Riley. Citizens from both countries are thrilled about this union.


On January 27th, the people of Dycilyn stand up in arms in the name of “Gayland”. The citizens decided they want complete independence from the current government and establish their own nation. After a few hours of revolts and intense violence, the government of Dycilyn was overtaken and the Dictatorship of Gayland has been established.


The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd sent 2 noble tradesmen to Dubbia to thank them for their help with draining the lake on January 28th. Meanwhile, the folk of The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd works hard to drain even more of the lake. It was again successful, because of prays for the Godess. They have put all resources like dirt they had in draining the most they possibly could. They will not be able to drain more for a long time, because there are simply no resources for this left.


The wall at the border from The Holy Kingdom Of Blaiddyd and Sheepiet empire was finished on February 5th. King Jeroen II tried to convince the government of Dubbia to help construct the wall for the whole alliance (Dubbia, Eclua, Mitgobla and HKB). HKB also sent 3 high nobles to Mitgobla to ask the same, but also to make huge walls to protect themselves from Warriors1976. Mitgobla almost directly agrees. The answer of Dubbia is still unclear…

In a preparation of the incoming pilgrimage of Antica, the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd will start building extra farmhouses and food reserves to welcome them. If some pilgrims decide to stay, they will need to do their part of the society. When the pilgrims heard the news, they had a huge party in a big manor in Aceland, after that they driven out the family. They have stolen all the food from the manor and the fields close to it. The family complaint and went to the Aceland’s police. The reaction of the government of Aceland is currently unknown.

In an attempt to make possible longer and more complex trade routes, Waterland made an effort to colonize the peninsula in the south of the uninhabited lands on February 10th. This peninsula is made up of small, spread out patches of flat land on the coast that are surrounded by hills and mountains. Even though this limits growth of cities built there past a certain point, To incentivise settlers to go there and found cities in Waterland's name, the government will finance their journey there, as well as charging no taxes to citizens living there for 20 years. Waterland now has control over the peninsula. Soon enough though, they realize these lands are no more than a vast desert of nothingness and the reason for their lack of people isn’t their location but their climatic conditions. People from Waterland are used to coastal, almost tropical-like weather. The uninhabited lands are incredibly hot and arid.


After receiving information about Waterland’s explorations to the uninhabited lands, Atlantropa sent a group of colonists on February 15th. They managed to create a new settlement on the south western coast of the territory. The settlement will be especially useful for international trade. Unfortunately, the ruler of Atlantropa had been misinformed, since the uninhabited lands aren’t fertile, hence, there’s no coca.


On February 27th, the forces of Antica, The Sheepiet Union and Aceland have managed to tear down the attack from Komodax and proceeded to claim the entirety of Komodax’s territory. The Sheepiet Union ceded the lands to Antica and Aceland, the way they will distribute the lands is still uncertain but will be determined soon.


On the same day that Komodax got conquered, the allies of the fallen Janneria and Komodax beg Aceland, Baclodesa, Josher, Antica, Rivanaul and the Sheepiet Union to sign a peace treaty. Ruisdier and Klompia realize that they couldn’t handle all this, and definitely not when they are already in a war with MEGAlovania.

That’s all for this week! We will start receiving directives once again.

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
Aceland decides to transport 4000 troops to the ‘Climate War’. At this moment, the force of Baclodesa and friends is overwhelming and Janneria can’t really do anything more. Aceland helped taking a lot of land, with only 350 deaths.
Never underestimate the power of the Ace. B)

I'm quite happy with the results honestly. At first all I wanted to do was play defensive and tame Komodax's aggressivity, but then an attack against one of Komodax's allies, a very close ally as well, had started, and I felt like joining in to add more pressure. The fact both are out of the game is quite an achievement for my people \o/

& for the "allies of the fallen", I didn't want to eliminate the entire alliance, and having a peace treaty to assure their allies won't break into hell after their ally's losses is surely the best settlement for both sides.

Thanks for everyone that had helped in the war against Komodax. This wouldn't have had the same results if it was just me and Antica. : )

Aceland is going back to becoming the peaceful country it once wanted to be, and will be sitting out of wars for the next couple of weeks.


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia

Hello everyone! Week three has been the week of diplomatic tensions. With the ongoing conflict between the Fluffy Empire and the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd, the economic tightenings between Riley and Atlantropa. The desperate petition of Captine. Payelenuff is once again thirsty for more lands! Even the until now, pacific country of Story has started to prepare for something... Hard times seem to be coming for the Sunshine Empire. If you want to know all about it, read below!

This is how the world map looks currently:

What happened this week:

On February 29th, the government of Baclodesa dissolved the law concerning military service. All citizens from the militia have returned home and taxation was returned to normal. The government made sure to pay compensation to the families of the deceased.

That same day, Baclodesa started building a shrine at the site of the battle with Janneria. To honour the dead soldiers and thank the countries of Aceland and Antica who cooperated with Baclodesa in the war.

After the success of the war against Janneria and Komodax, Aceland asked for all the surviving troops to return to the country. They travelled through Antica to get back home. The soldiers were sent food and water to arrive safely. The mobilization was at its majority successful, with some casualties due to some soldiers not being in the best conditions for travel. Their trip back home started on the 5th of March, the last soldier got back home on the 17th.

On March 21st, Aceland reduced taxes to the way they were before the war. Which had been a 4% raise. This was part of a promise they had done to their citizens. Overall Aceland’s people seem to be very content with how their government is managing the country and the patriotic identity is getting stronger day by day. This has meant there has been an increase in Aceland’s voluntary military enrollment.

On March 25th, Aceland modified forceful military service ages from 18-24 to 18-21 years of age. They have promised their people that forced military service will be a thing of the past if the situation stays calm and peaceful for some time. Some social leaders in the country have raised their voices to comment on the topic, and overall they support military service to not be mandatory but they encourage the government to continue to expand Aceland’s domain.

On March 30th, Waterland sent a diplomat to Rivanaul with the hopes of establishing a new trade agreement.

Waterland proposed to sell some of its food and wood since the deserts of Rivanaul are not fertile enough for growing crops in large quantities. As well as providing a cure to a disease that, although rare, still affects 0,25% of the population. In exchange, Waterland expected some monetary compensation to make up for its recent economic policies, as well as a few weapons to equip Waterland’s army, since Rivanaul is well known for its outstanding quality in weapons manufacturing. They were also interested in possibly making a non aggression pact or an alliance.

On April 1st, Rivanaul gave their official response to Waterland’s proposals. They accepted the offer to start trading as well as to start an alliance called “NAME PENDING”.

That same day, Rivanaul sent out 2,000 troops out to the border between Rivanaul and Unbelievable Stuff as a preventive action in the case of an attack. They established defense posts along the entire border and equipped them with cannons. Along with assigning some soldiers the task of patrolling during the day and night. Whenever soldiers don’t have patrolling duties, they must attend training sessions held in the different outposts.

On April 3rd, Story militarized their frontiers with Rivanaul.

On April 5th, the Sheepiet Union declared war on Creatures World once again. In the hopes of conquering more land. The government hung recruitment posters all around the country to recruit even more troops for the war. As most citizens of the Sheepiet Union feel rather patriotic about their country and their superiority as a nation, many of them decided to join the army.

The ruler of the Sheepiet Union proceeded to write a letter to the members of the alliance of Grand Theft Data informing them about the situation and asking for back-up troops in a preventive scenario.

The soldiers were promised they would be given more money if they conquer more land. Overall they were well prepared, there were enough resources for the war. The military of the Sheepiet Union saw an advancement with the implementation of the Duobow, tactic shared by Aceland.

15,000 soldiers in the name of the Sheepiet Union started a massive mobilization into the lands of Creatures World. Plus an additional 5,000 soldiers sent by Antica. Which is 200 companies in total (100 soldiers per company). The 100 companies were divided into four main groups, 50 companies each. The first group, was sent to invade the northernmost territories of Creatures World. Were they saw defeat, (1,250 soldiers from Antica died, together with 3,750 of the Sheepiet Union. And a small number of 300 soldiers didn’t make it from Creatures World) the government of Creatures World had expected that the Sheepiet Union would have a greater interest in the territories near Antica. Which is why they established most of their army in the northernmost lands. This meant victory for the other three groups though, which successfully took control over the entirety of territories that once composed the border between Antica and Creatures World. (7,000 soldiers from Creatures World died. Together with 2,000 from both Antica and the Sheepiet Union.) The country of Creatures World is now in the miserablest of situations, their northern territories are safe and well defended but most of their agricultural production was set in the south. They’re running out of food and time. Disconnected from any other countries, their only hope lies on the sea…


Current Territories of Creatures World

The government of Fisktratt called the government of Cyna to a friendly meeting on the 13th of April. To discuss matters regarding the northernmost island whose people want to become part of Cyna. The government of Fisktratt let Cyna know they didn’t want to lose possession over the land. But Cyna insisted that what was most fair thing to do was give the island to Cyna, since they cannot force their people to associate with an identity they’re not part of. To this, Fisktratt refused. The government of Cyna, bothered by Fikstratt’s position decided to make a military ultimatum to Fisktratt. They have a month to evacuate any military and governmental presence from the island otherwise Cyna will interfere militarily. Rulers around the world have condemned this unjustified act of violence. It has been the topic of interest for many experts around the world, and they all seem to agree on one thing: Cyna is not strong enough to handle a war with Fisktratt.

On April 21st, King Jeroen II heard about plundering of villages near the border between the Holy Kingdom and Fluffy Empire. He ordered the Kingdom Army to invade the border and take control of all nearby villages that belonged to the Fluffy Empire, since the goal is to retaliate and not start a war yet. All citizens of Fluffy Empire that did not resist with violence were spared. Only those who attacked the army were immediately executed. The Kingdom Army was able to successfully take control of all the targeted villages which were then claimed as part of the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd.


Lands Claimed

After claiming this new land as ground of the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd, he sent a messenger to the Empress of the Fluffy Empire with a very strict and fierce warning. The raided villages would not be returned and if Fluffy Empire would strike back to take control of the villages, a war would begin between The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd and Fluffy Empire. To let the Empress know this is much more serious than she may have thought, the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd decided to send approximately 45% of it's entire army towards the border of the countries, and the new conquered villages, with plenty of back-up from the main lands. If a war would begin, King TheJeroen II personally promised Empress Fluffy in the written letter he would decapitate her head with his personal sword.

King Jeroen II tried to be conciliatory and show empathy by allowing trade routes from Fluffy Empire towards the Almyran Lake as long as they do not attack. Unfortunately, Empress Fluffy couldn’t let go of the immense resentment she felt toward the king, his family, his people, his religion and decided to command the reclaiming of the few towns the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd had taken control over on April 25th. She commanded the mobilization of 15,000 troops, two thirds of the entire Empire’s army. So far they have been able to capture one of the towns back, but the conflict is still in dispute. The Empire's army has had the cutting-edge in their encounters with the Kindom Army because of the metal they use to forge their swords. Which is known to be the hardest of all metals in the world, the Zamium. The people of the Fluffy Empire have been able to use it thanks to the high presence of volcanoes. The Fluffy Empire has learned effective methods of storing magma for weapon forges.

On April 30th, the Sheepiet Union and Aceland got to an agreement concerning the territories once part of Komodax. The land was divided as seen in the following map:


Agreement of the Komodax Lands

On May 6th, Antica and Baclodesa also came to an agreement regarding the lands once correspondent to Janneria. The territories were divided as seen in the map below:


Agreement of the Janneria Lands

King Jeroen II decided to start investing greatly into his kindgom’s military power on May 11th. With an ultimate goal of becoming a military super-nation. Military personnel had a 15% raise in their payment. They additionally have put dozens of folders spread across all allied countries such as Dubbia, Eclua and Mitgobla. Telling people to join the army to protect the alliance. King Jeroen II also decided to spend more money on military investment in general, and started to forge more advanced and lethal swords, lances and axes. Money was also invested into training soldiers as archhers and cavaliers.

They have also sent a tradesmand and a military general towards Dubbia asking if they are capable of inventing new weapons and new war machines.

Atlantropa decided to raise the taxes that Rilety pays on exports to the nation by 10% both to put pressure on them as well as reduce the money available to be used to fund an attack. This happened in May 15th.

Riley to this responded with an economic embargo on the 25th of May to the nations of Atlantropa, Captine and Dutland. Knowing as all three nations have good relations with eachother and could potentially cooperate in a war. Riley has also decided to militarize all frontiers and not allow anyone to enter or leave the country. The government gave the army an order to find and execute every citizen from Atlantropa, Captine and Dutland. The president has denominated this order as "preventive" since they do not want to risk the presence of any inflitrates.

Atlantropa received an embassador from Captine on the 27th of May, with a petition from their governor. The government of Captine witnessed how Kloskie was able to unite with Atlantropa as one nation. They have noticed the economic growth Kloskie has been going through and consider it's the most favourable decision for their country especially since Riley is no longer an economic ally and their economy greatly depended in such relationship. Which is why they have asked Atlantropa to join together as one nation. With a slight difference to Kloskie's offering. They want to consolidate the country as confederate. Which would give the territories of Captine a freedom of jurisdiction while still following a common law. Captine also said they were willing to leave the Cat Alliance if necessary.

Queen Elenah the first, from Payelenuff. Issued a military ultimatum to Riley on June 1st. In which she expressively asked for the immediate evacuation of all governmental and military presence in their shared island. They have a week to do so, otherwise, Payelenuff will interfere militarily. Additionally, she ordered some of the soldiers who fought in the war with Dutland to return to the main island and 5,000 of them were sent to the border with Riley as a proof of her army's tenacy.

The kingdom of Lancinne sent 2,000 troops on a colonization mission to the peninsula of Finly on June 5th. Under the intention of taking military control over the territory. The soldiers have not yet arrived but it is estimated they will be reaching Finly in a month.

That same day, Blocky militarized their frontiers with the Sunshine Empire. Potentially preparing for a future invasion. Slater also militarized their frontiers with the Sunshine Empire. Potentially with the same intentions as Blocky.



Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia

Hello everyone! This has been, by far… the most extensive weekly post so far. As most weeks by now we've had a lot of war, being the main centers of conflict the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd and the Fluffy Empire together with Riley and Payelenuff we've also seen a lot of exploration and expansion. Some unfortunate disasters, for both Rivanaul and Aceland. And what are Lancine and Icestil up to? And the definitive elimination of one of our participants... well played! Find out below!

This is how the map currently looks:


What happened this week:

After multiple rising tensions, several conflicts between The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd and Fluffy Empire and even a strict warning letter sent from King TheJeroen II himself towards Empress Fluffy, the war has started.

On June 10th, The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd cut all trading routes off from the Fluffy Empire that cross the borders between them and also the border between Fluffy Empire and Eclua. No citizens from Fluffy Empire are allowed to cross the border, whilst citizens of The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd will not be allowed to cross the border in regards for their own safety.

As for the defensive phase, The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd requested that Dubbia and Eclua will assist them by sharing soldiers as to protect the lands of The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd in case any other nation may attack, or internal conflicts may occur. 15% of the nation's military, mostly consisting out of swordsmen, will stay behind in the mainlands of the kingdom. They will mostly be protecting the borders and major cities from any possible conflicts.

To this, Eclua promptly responded on June 12th. And proceeded to send 8,000 troops to the complete disposition of King Jeroen’s orders. These soldiers were armed with the country's best weapons and armour. Together with 4,000 beasts (horses) and 500 mules to carry supplies, such as food, weapons, etc. King Luke expects to have a significant territorial growth by the end of the conflict, but bigger than an interest for land, King Luke has made it clear it is a fight for the honour of Northern Hresvelg and he will not tolerate the impulsive and unjustified use of violence. Mitgobla also sent a thousand troops to help out the Kingdom.

The goal of King Jeroen II, the people and its military was very clear. They wanted to crush Fluffy Empire and execute the nobility living there, showing no mercy. Jeroen II sent 85% of his total military to the war on June 17th.

As all archers were preparing their formation, they aimed the bows at the sky. After an eerie silence, King TheJeroen II yelled: ''Fire!!''. A sea of arrows lay down on the Fluffy Empire and any enemy soldier present on the battlefield. With the blood-curling screams of pain releasing from the battlefield, King TheJeroen II only had his eyes cold-blooded as possible. After a few more minutes he raised his mighty lance Areadbhar in the sky and commanded the Kingdom Army to invade Fluffy Empire. As the armies started to flood over the border, massacring any foes in sight, King TheJeroen II yelled even more furious KILL EVERY- LAST- ONE OF THEM!!

And so the war started, the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd and their allies’ army has been surprisingly effective and have advanced significantly into the lands of the Fluffy Empire. Any Fluffy Empire soldiers that were captured alive were given a single choice: Join the military of the kingdom, or be executed. Any weapons made from the strong metal Zamium were taken and used against the Empire. Any other resources won will be sent back towards the main lands. So far the Fluffy Empire has lost around 7,000 soldiers. And the HKB and allies have lost 3,000. Zamium proved to be strong while the HKB wasn’t entirely aware of it’s existence. Now the army understands the dangers of it and resorts to long-range attacks at the beginning of every battle. Which is the main reason of Fluffy Empire’s progressive defeat.


Territories Invaded by the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd and Eclua

Empress Fluffy commanded 5,000 soldiers to carry out an invasion into Andylands on June 27th. The empire is running low on resources and workers, her plan is to enslave the entirety of Andyland’s people to use them for heavy duties like minery, agriculture and sacrifice-making.


Territories Invaded by the Fluffy Empire

Rivanaul attempted to send its troops back home from Aceland to Rivanaul on June 28th. Unfortunately they were caught in one of the strongest storms seen in history. Only 2,000 made it back home.

Out of fears of possible manipulation from other countries, as well as an internal conflict, Atlantropa declined Captine’s request to combine as a confederate on July 1st. They may reconsider the offer in the future depending on the situation and possibly changing some of the conditions.

Atlantropa also decided to increase its military force by 10% by recruiting more people and commanding the production of more weapons. This increase represented 2,000 more soldiers for their army.

Aceland decided to send ~900 soldiers (400 archers, 500 swordsmen) and 5,000 citizens (mostly consisting of miners and blacksmiths) and send them on very armored boats with lots of Doubows, swords, & food, off to the uninhabited lands on July 7th. They used the leftover boats that Rivanaul used in the mobilization toward the Komodax war. The people settled in on the left of Atlantropa, considering the two nations are allied, in case conflict arises, then they will both be able to help each other out if necessary. At the same time, they will both be helping each other out if needed, on a higher level than just helping in case of war and conflict. Rather, a more social level.

The Aceland government asked Swamibai and Baclodesa for their permission to pass through their lands to reach the coast. Both countries gave Aceland their permission.


Newly Established Acelandic Colonies

Rivanaul sent 5,000 soldiers to the borders between Story and Rivanaul incase of an attack on July 13th. They brought enough food for 10 days. Above that they brought their strongest weapons and armour since Story is their biggest threat at the moment.

To make its food supply more secure, since its population is increasing, and to have more food to trade with other nations, Waterland attacked the barbarian owned farmlands to the territory’s southeast on July 20th. The soil of the land is not the absolute best for farming, and the climate is dry, without a lot of rainfall, but a lot of rivers pass through the region, making this activity somewhat viable. To conquer the tribes inhabiting this region, Waterland used its best equipped army, with rivanaul's equipment, which is far more efficient compared to the natives' primitive weapons,they also used their large navy to invade through the rivers. Even though rivers do not allow the use of larger ships, Waterland sent the smaller boats in its navy. The attack was successful, with not a single death from Waterland’s side. The barbarians were mostly taken prisoners and their faith is still uncertain.


Waterland's New Territories

The government of Fisktratt sent a message to the government of Cyna on July 27th, saying that they don't think it's fair. The people should at least have a chance to vote if they want to be a part of Fisktratt or not. Fisktratt also decides to move some of their troops to the island just in case. Lastly, they give a warning to the Cynas. They know that the rest of the world also thinks it's unfair.

This infuriated the leader of Cyna, Cynamoo. He was confident Fisktratt would attend their ultimatum and definitely evacuate the island. He refused to make it a democratic decision. So he proceeded to send 25% of Cyna’s army (2,000 troops) to the islands in question on July 31st. They were given the order to execute any kind of resistance coming from Fisktratt. The conflict is still in progress and the government of Fisktratt should act quickly.


Territories Invaded by Cyna

Aceland asked 500 of its best miners to start working on an underground tunnel to go from the mainland to the newly earned land in Komodax together with a thousand volunteers on August 2nd. If they needed more help then volunteers could come around and do as they’re commanded. The government of Aceland tried its best to keep everything as safe as possible. The tunnels will go through Warriors, they will be used as an escape or hiding point in case of an attack on either land. Unfortunately, the project of such a large scale tunnel ended up being too ambitious for the technological advancements in Aceland’s disposition. The miners managed to dig a 300 meters long tunnel and secure it with a few wooden structures. A few days later, while everyone was busy working in the tunnel, the structures collapsed, killing a thousand five-hundred workers.

The kingdom of Eclua was informed of the disaster at Aceland and decided to send a group of master architects to Aceland on August 7th, together with a diplomat. They offered the leader of Aceland professional help on the construction of the tunnels in exchange for a peace treaty that would be valid for 300 years.

On August 15th people screamed “Freedom! Long live President Pigglet!” in the western territories of Cheaterium were civilians decided to revolt and overthrow the current government. Most of the governmental officials had to escape to the eastern side of Cheaterium stripped of their possessions. The territories that claimed independence have established themselves as The Piggine Republic, and in the head of their government is president Pigglet.

On August 20th, Lancine and Icestil sent a group of diplomats to the capital of unbelievable stuff. To discuss the possibility of establishing an alliance with them.

On August 25th, The countries of Mitgobla and Ruisider after having started diplomatic negotiations for a while, decided to make an official union. They have united under one flag, with the name of Mitgobla for their unified country. Regardless of this union, they will continue to be part of Northern Hresvelg, and Klompia will continue to be allied to them. This has been done in the hopes of growing economically and invest more in their army for the protection of their lands.


Unified Country of Mitgobla

On August 31st, the government of the Sheepiet Union decided to do one final attack on Creatures World, trying to completely conquer the country. This time, the strategy the army of the SU used was different than last time; the army invaded Creatures World in the west side of the country and slaughter every person who resists against the SU. The SU attacked with 5k troops, of which 50% infantry, 25% bowmen, 12,5% cavalry and 12,5% siege. It was a horrible night for the people of Creatures World, who had no choice but to surrender and give the property of their possessions to the soldiers from the Sheepiet Union, since they had been surprised at a very late hour and caught unprotected, out of guard and defenseless. The soldiers from the Sheepiet Union seemed rather imponent and intimidating. They showed no mercy to anyone who dared oppose the intentions of the Union. As a result, their leader @ChristmasCreatures has been executed. And with this, the first elimination of the game. Well played!


New Territories of the Sheepiet Union

War broke out between Payelenuff and Riley on September 2nd. Riley did not accept Payelenuff’s warning and decided not to evacuate any kind of military or governmental presence. The island already had an active guard of a thousand soldiers, and they decided to send 5,000 more, in case of an invasion. Queen Elenah I stuck to her word and commanded her army to proceed with a military intervention of the island. She made use of heavy artillery before ordering her soldiers to enter into combat, destroying the main outposts established by Riley’s army, which meant the loss of many resources, weapons and ammo. These events lead to Riley’s defeat, with 3,000 killed and 2,000 imprisoned.


Territories invaded by Payelenuff

On September 5th, the government of the Sheepiet Union decided to protect its borders. Only the members of GTD (Alliance of “Grand theft data") are allowed to pass. Passing without being a member of GTD will result in death. The borders protected were between the Sheepiet Union and Eclua and Mitgobla. Together with the coast of Lake Almyran.

On September 7th, the government of Gayland decided to start spending significantly more money on their military and research team.

That's all for this week! Thanks for reading and we will start accepting directives once again.


Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
Gallia Belgica


Hello everyone!! First of all, we are so sorry that this week had some delay. I hope everyone can forgive us :(. The good news is that Week 5 of CubeCraft Conquest is the BIGGEST ONE YET! There are some amazing things happened. A meteor that felt out of the sky, huge battles on all continents, very mysterious mysteries and ridiculous (but maybe true) rumours! You will all find it down below! Enjoy reading! Elivat and me would like to thank everyone who participates, and who makes this game awesome! Thaaaanks!

This is how the map currently looks:


What happened this week:
On September 10th, Rivanaul sent more food to the soldiers at the borders of Story. Which would be enough food for 20 days.

Rumors go around the world that in Dubbia, there are some scientists specialized in astronomy. They have discovered that there will hit a meteor the earth. They say that the mass of the meteorite can be compared to the complete land mass of the country 'Story'. Although the information hasn't been confirmed by Dubbia, people on the streets are already enjoying their last days. The rumors say it will land on the world in around 2 days. It isn't sure what countries will do. Will they ignore the rumors or will they take action? The rumors say it will land here

On September 14th, the government of Obbylands started code red. Almost all people were scared of the incoming meteor and moved with everything they could carry with them. Crowds of more than 1000 people moved in group, all in one direction, the mountains in the North-West. The government tried to store enough food for the refugees. It is estimated that over 92% of the people that lived in the lower contours moved to the mountains. It all turned out to be quite disastrous, people were too cramped together which caused a lot of sanitary and security problems. Many people were complaining about having been robbed by their neighbors. It was truly a miserable sight, and also the starting point for an outbreak of a mortal disease that doctors have now called “Lag”. Not much is known for now, but the expert doctors from the Quet Islands say the government of Obbylands should act quickly. So far only a few hundred citizens have died.

After the Queen of Rivanaul talked to the God of Celia about the rumors, Elena decided to evacuate the people in the danger zone on September 15th. Just in case, people that live just outside the danger zone were also evacuated.

The people were transported to the newly annexed territories of Rivanaul (Old-Unbelievable Stuff) for shelter. They can either stay there or go to another part of Rivanaul, if they wish so. If the meteor hits, the people will be safe. If the meteor didn’t hit in three weeks, the people were allowed to return back to their homes.

Everyone was allowed to take their stuff with them, but they had to pay after a certain about of items they carried. They had to leave within 12 hours of being instructed. If they didn’t, they would either need to transport themselves or stay but if they do get hit, and somehow survive, the damages won't get paid.

Because Waterland had a chance of being hit, Rivanaul offered the citizens of Waterland that are in danger, a place in the newlands. People from Rivanaul are a priority and there is no free food, clothes etc. Everything needs to be bought and the same goes for Rivanaul people.

New rumors are going around the world. People are still in panic because of the rumors of the meteor hitting the earth. But everyone seems to suddenly agree on some new information: The meteor will destroy whole the southwestern continent and citizens from all over the world are praying for those poor souls and asking the government to do the same.

While everyone is praying for not being hit, the meteor is seen by almost all Zajdovski citizens. Most people describe it as a huge black stain that falls from the sky into the ocean between them and Icestil. After 2 seconds that the meteor wasn't visible, an enormous shock went through the ground. All the old got a heart attack and all the young went the same way. The shock was everywhere in the world sensible. But as you can expect the shock wasn't that strong at the other side of the world compared to the island. Houses collapse, people hit the ground and trees fell over. And as the island wasn't affected enough, specialists pointed out that all coast lines close to the place would suffer from tsunamis and floods. The country of Zajdovski is desperate for a place to move all their citizens to. Also Icestil and Lancinne started evacuating all coasts

This is the place where the meteor hit the earth:


Earth Kindom decided on the same day to send more than a 1000 people to the affected areas (mostly Zajdovski). They call them self benders, people with almost magical powers, but not really anyone has seen them doing supermundane things. The sended people were according to Earth Kingdom specialists in Metal and Water.

All ships were loaded with all the living people of Zajdovski the government could find. In a fleet, they sailed to the most countries they possibly could get to, but everyone refused their request to go ashore. Desperately, they went to the Violent Tribes to attack the coasts to save their folk. But it was too late. A tsunami caused by the meteorite of 28 meters destroyed the complete fleet. There are no survivors known. The tsunami's are expected to arrive quickly on the coasts from the mainland. A whole folk disappeared, just because the world didn't want to help them.

The huge tsunamis were first seen on land in Zajdovski, were few stubborn people stayed. There is nobody to tell what happened on that island, since everybody died of the smack of the water, or drowned.

The next territory that was hit, was the other part of the Island, controlled by Antica. A few quarters after the landing from the meteor on the planet, the government of Antica, ordered everyone on the island and living on the coast to evacuate to the inland. The people living on the coasts could escape from the water walls. Most ships could still reach the mainland of Antica from the island, but some latecomers were swallowed up by the water. The death count is 3500 people.

Because of all this, the water level rise in the area, and the island had the same fate as Atlanta.

At almost the same time, the tsunamis landed on the coasts of Icestil and Josher. Icestil and Lancinne had warned their folk, so there were not really that many deaths. Josher didn’t unfortunately warn their citizens or ordered anything. That’s why almost all people were amazingly surprised by the tsunamis. It is estimated that 6000 Joshers died.

Rivanaul offered a safe place to the people of Waterland, but there came no reaction from them. All people from Waterland got surprised and it is estimated that over 16500 people found death. Citizens are very angry on the government, for not taking any action.

Earth Kingdom has underestimated the trip to the affected territories. They live on the other side of the world. They came 6 days after the tsunami passed there.

This is how the sea looks like after all floods and tsunamis:


All great leaders of Aceland have been sitting together for almost 2 full days without sleep. It was a hard decision for them to determine if the deal that Eclua offered them would be in their favor. But after convincing the last few struggling ministers, they decided to accept the offer of Eclua on September 17th. Eclua almost immediately sent around 200 of their best architects and started the ambitious project to connect the 2 parts of Aceland it is for them a pleasure to be part of the development of what could be the world’s greatest architectural project. Aceland thanked Eclua very much for their help.

On September 18th, the first cases of Lag were reported in the country of Fire Excalibur, Swamibai and Cyna. Doctors now know more about the disease and have identified it as a contagious disease that is transferred through contaminated blood. So far only about three thousand citizens have died of Lag.

That same day, Klompia and mitgobla both closed the borders for all countries that have reported the disease Lag in their country. Nobody can cross the borders there. They also stopped trading with the countries for now. Klompia made public that they were afraid of the disease, and didn’t want to spread it more.

The SU started training more troops for its army, the government confirms on September 20th. Every male person aged 18 to 40 will have to sign themselves up for the army. This is also the case with females. However, they will be able to choose whether they want to join or not. If you join the army, you'll have to pay a little less taxes and earn more money from your job. The people were enraged with the government and its absurd policies. They’re tired of going to war! They’re tired of having to lose everything they have because of the whims of an irreverent leader! The soldiers and the army in general think the same, they are exhausted, they don’t live in good conditions, they’re not getting their salaries paid on time. They don’t get the recognition they should get. And the people who died in Creatures World were never honoured in any way by the government. Rumors say they’re starting a separatist movement, because of their nonconformity with the government.

Baclodesa decided to create an organization called the Eastern Trade Association (ETA) on October 1st. The aim of it is to promote and expand trade relations with other countries. Within the ETA’s agreements were the following:

  1. Traders & merchants are able to move freely to different countries to trade goods (Which makes sure that merchants won’t be killed on the spot for crossing borders to trade in different cities.)
  2. This agreement aims to dissolving trade barriers. No tariffs, no unfair taxes. Since import tariffs are eliminated, more goods are able to be exchanged between countries at a lower price.
  3. There will be a “council” of the leaders of the countries where as a group we can make collective decisions on improving our countries economically.
    Here are some ideas of our potential:
    -Building roads that connect countries
    -Establishing government hostels where merchants can stay
    -Improving markets at the center of towns

Baclodesa especially invited Aceland, Josher, the Sheepiet Union, Antica and Swamibai. Since the government considers it could improve their countries by working together. But they also sent an invitation to countries overseas.

On October 5th, Eclua decided to close borders in fear of the disease. And Payelenuff closed all ports to prevent the disease from crossing into their continent.

On October 6th, Rivanaul sent letters to Gayland, Aceland, the Sheepiet Union and Antica, asking for their help in the upcoming war. Rivanaul is not attacking Story before it's allies arrive.

The SU sent 60% of its troops to reinforce Rivanaul's borders on October 7th, in case someone wanted to attack. These troops have the newest technology and could also be used to attack someone. The army sent a lot of food.

Aceland sent 40% of its troops to Rivanaul on October 10th, they were sent to the very north. The troops consist mainly of archers. The Acelandic and the SU troops went together, through Baclodesa, Swamibai, then going from there on water to reach the north of Rivanaul, where their troops would be dispersed.

Food and water would be supplied by Aceland and the SU. Together, they built very armored boats on the coast lines of Swamibai, an ally of Rivanaul. Aceland also asked the government of Swamibai to help them with the boats and resources or food they didn’t receive a response though.

Majority rule, and the vote concluded that the entire alliance of GTD would join the ETA under the name of the alliance on October 15th. Atlantropa was excluded from this due to them not wanting to join, but are more than open to rejoin if they changed their mind.

Gayland militarized the Gayland-Story borders with 70% of the country's troops on October 18th. Supplied with enough nutrients to stay there for months. Troops were positioned at the north. 30% of the troops will stay in the south.

Antica joined the military movement together with Aceland and the SU on October 20th, providing even more food and water for the troops. Antica sent 40% of its troops.

On October 25th, the unexpected happened, the nations of Slater and Blocky started a massive invasion into the lands of the Sunshine Empire. Brutally murdering any soldiers and citizens who resisted their new regime. The Sunshine Empire was caught off guard and they had not established any outposts or bases to prevent a possible invasion.


Rivanaul declared war after its allies' troops arrived and were given enough time to rest and prepare. Which was on October 30th.

Rivanaul sent 10k of its troops into war. 3k stayed to defend the Rivanaul borders from any Story citizens leaving the land. The other 7k would fight. Gayland attacked from Story's South-West side, were they managed to successfully take possession over a significant part of Story’s territory with only a few hundred wounded. Antica attacked from the South-East side, via Rivanaul the attack was mostly efficient, with a few issues from citizens who refused to surrender and give up their country’s identity. The Antican army dealt with them, executing them accordingly. Aceland and Rivanaul, alongside with half of the Sheepiet Union's reinforcements, attacked the small island, Astor, in the North. Which was where there was the greatest concentration of military forces, Story’s paradise island was well protected. Regardless, the dimensions of GTD’s army was almost triple and resulted in Story’s forces getting crushed, with 10,000 soldiers killed and 20,000 imprisoned. Unfortunately, the battle was of such a large scale, it also resulted in the partial destruction of the paradise island, which now looks like a wasteland and the death of 5,000 soldiers from GTD. Then they slowly regrouped, taking over all the land to once and for all end Story. The Sheepiet Union defended Story's Northern coastline with the other half to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the land. The Southern coastline was also defended by Gayland and Antica. The South-Western territories were claimed by Gayland. The South-Eastern territories were claimed by Antica. And the northernmost part of the country, including the island of Astor has not been officially claimed and is under negotiations amongst the members of GTD.


The ongoing conflict between Northern Hresvelg and the Fluffy Empire continues to be favorable for the alliance lead by the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd. Nation which has sent most of its troops to the battlefields. After having fought the troops of the Fluffy Empire for about seven months now, Northern Hresvelg’s troops have learned how to defeat most of them. Especially since they’ve continued to employ the long range tactic in which they start any battle with a shower of arrows onto the enemy’s army. The army has now established highly specialized units who are especially trained to fight the military of the FLuffy Empire and carefully take out any soldiers using Zamium Sowrds. For some time now, they have been recollecting the Zamium swords from the defeated soldiers and using them against the Fluffy Empire.

The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd encouraged Eclua, Dubbia and Mitgobla to continue supporting military troops seeing as Fluffy Empire is a threat to all of the Northern Hresvelg Alliance.

Shortly after many succesful victories, King TheJeroen heard about Empress Fluffy invading Andyland to claim more territory. In response, HKB sent an additional 5% of it's military to war (Previous number was 85%, making it 90%) 70% of the kingdom and its allies continued to invade from the East. Meanwhile the leftover 20%, and forces of Dubbia, would invade from the territories of Andyland to attack Fluffy Empire from the North. Any territory won on the Northern-battlefornt would belong to The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd. Any land mass won from the Eastern-battlefront would be partially be shared with Eclua.

On November 5th, the allied forces of Northern Hresvelg performed the last push into the Fluffy Empire’s territories. Which ended up in complete control of the entirety of the Empire’s territory and the Andylands.


Except for one part, Empress Fluffy’s fortress, located on top of the Desdemona Volcano, the biggest and most dangerous volcano in the world. Constantly under volcanic activity. The fortress is guarded by Empress Fluffy’s fiercest warriors, but its greatest defence is evidently the extremely hot magma surrounding it, that can burn even the finest pieces of Zamium in a question of microseconds. It is the most dangerous and exigent challenge the army of the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd has ever faced.


(Art taken from: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Fortress_Vader)


November 10th. Aceland made an offer to The Holy Kingdom Of Blaiddyd. They would give the secret technology of the Duobow to HKB, + some already finished Duobows. Aceland would expect them to use these against Fluffy Empire, since they noticed that King Jeroen likes bows. For these offers, they would demand half of all resources and Zamium weapons they already won from the war with Fluffy Empire. With everything being said, Aceland also wants a peace treaty, that would be actif for around 100 years. There is still no response of King Jeroen and his advisors.

The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd is hoping to continue expanding it's land mass again by draining the Almyran Lake. This time they will request help from both Dubbia and Eclua. The smartest nation in the world, combined with the best architectural nation in the world should be able to find a solution to efficiently continue working on fully draining the Almyran Lake without too much of a hassle. The common folk of HKB will continue to pray for the Church of Fraldarius in hopes the godess may show her power and create a miracle that would almost instantly drain the Almyran Lake for a huge part.

It was a pain to do it all, but it was successful. Specialists come from both nations to HKB, to work together on draining the lake. There were enough experts to drain it. There was only a lack of raw materials. Because HKB had absolutely no materials in spare because of the other times they drained the lake, Eclua brought all by themselves. They know HKB is a trusty ally. They start working on it, without any promisis. The King of Eclua hopes that Jeroen II will be so kind to give a peace of the land to Eclua. The whole lake got drained.

The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd is very ambitious. They started advertising in other countries to join their army. The ally mitgobla has forbidden this. The government says this is unacceptable. They can’t tolerate that another country advertises for their army. The other countries think it is very strange, but tolerate it.

The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd also started spending more on military research on December 2nd. There are currently no new discoveries known.

On December 5th, the government of Fisktratt knowing Cyna's decision is unfair, asked the nearby countries for help. They also sent more troops to the island to set up a defence. About 25% of their troops should be on the island.

Out of fear for a subsequent military attack into their territory if an invasion of Payelenuff is successful, Atlantopa decided it has to act on December 10th. The country gathered a total of 10,000 troops to mobilize and join the 5,000 already at the border. Supplies are gathered over a period of about a week and then they striked. The troops, comprised of around 2,000 archers, 10,000 infantry. 1,000 cavalry and 2,000 other units push straight into the country from the south, capturing towns and forcing them to provide supplies to the troops. Atlantropa marched straight through a large amount of the country due to Riley's military presence being further north, while ensuring that an extra 20,000 were mobilised over the time of the attack and as soon as they are ready, put along the border to prevent Riley capturing back the land. This military campaign was extremely successful with an insignificant amount of deaths for Atlantropa. But 7,000 soldiers from Riley were either executed or imprisoned.


The alliance of GTD has came to an agreement and allowed Aceland to speak on behalf of everyone.

Aceland sent a diplomat on December 17th, speaking on behalf of the entire alliance, to Cyna, and asked them to cease what they're doing and ask them to negotiate. If the offer to negotiate got rejected then they would be forced to remove all their military off the grounds of the island that has started all this trouble. If those conditions are also rejected then the alliance of GTD would be forced to take military action on Cyna.

Aceland made it as clear as possible that their intentions are nothing but peaceful. They hope to have a successful negotiation and to solve the political conflict between the two countries.

But they also make it clear that they will use force if Cyna uses force as well. And with that, a fierce warning has been issued by the Acelandic government to the Cyna officials to refrain from using any military action during their attempt at a peaceful resolution.

The Acelandic government hopes to hear from other countries and alliances, so we can globally unite and make the world a bit more peaceful.

The diplomat was killed on December 21st, and showcased in Cyna’s capital’s plaza. “Observe, how these foreigners pretend to meddle with our affairs. Fisktratt is just too scared to act upon it, they’re a weak country, with weak people and a weak army. Observe, for this could be you, if you interfere with the government’s will. “ Were the words of Cyna’s military official in charge of the execution and further exhibition of the diplomat’s body.

On December 23rd, Payelenuff took to its advantage the recent attack from Atlantropa to continue its push into the Riley’s mainland.

(You can also see this on the map above)

On December 25th, the government of Gayland caught a spy that had been sent by Duck City. If the government does not act fast, Duck City might spoil some important military information. The spy had a particular item with him, a pure copper coin with the mark of a dragon. With the following words wrirtten in it: “Silver Shield. Novus Ordo Seclorum”. In English it translates to “New order of the ages”.


On December 31st, in the middle of the new year celebration, Queen Elena of Rivanaul received a package. A big and heavy wooden box, which was full of rocks. But after removing all rocks from the box, she found a coin. A coin with “Novus Ordo Seclorum” written on it and a copper dragon...

That's all for this week! Thanks for reading and we will start accepting directives once again.


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Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia

This was probably the calmest week yet, we didn’t get that many directives. But let’s hope that changes soon C:<

This is how the map currently looks:

What happened this week:

After the war with Story, the government of Aceland tries to establish order on January 2nd. First of all, they try to reduce the pain of the families from the fallen soldiers, by giving them a 30% tax cut and cheaper medical aid. They also build in the middle of Aceland a giant statue of a fennec fox, that represents the land. In the middle, the place where the heart beats, lies an ace of spades. Under this symbol of the country, there is a text written. “Never to be forgotten, the people that made sour country the way it has become today. Forever tankful, forever appreciated. Thank you.” Unfortunately, there are some spelling errors, due to the sculptors being illiterate.

They also have a plan to start a military movement to Aceland, the home of all the soldiers. This will begin in 2 weeks. The troops first need rest. Rivanaul will try to take care of them, and this goes very well. Not one soldier has complained.

These are time schedules:
  • First wave: Within 14 days of this announcement.
  • Second wave: 30 days of this announcement.
  • Third wave: 40 days of this announcement.

They will use boats that were left on the coast lines of Swamibai, and others are newly built. Unfortunately, boats take long to build, so none of them got finished on time. Aceland makes sure to give every soldier enough food. When they arrive home, every soldier gets thanked warmly.

Finally, Aceland abolished military service completely on January 5th. They do spend more money on military.

Because of all these decisions Aceland's tax income has decreased. Hence, Aceland is very low on money. And perhaps should resort to the benefits of being in the ETA.

After a lot of research and testing, The Future Industries from the Earth Kingdom figured out a faster way to travel around the world on January 10th. Since the incident with the meteor happened, the troops the government sent to help there, arrived after 6 days, which is pretty late.

The Future Industries have been doing research before this happened, but never found a way, for it to work. For now, they came to a solution, by creating a big balloon made out of leather that can fly up with the help of a few torches which creates hot air, allowing the balloon to fly. The first prototype was incredibly groundbreaking for the world of transportation technology, since the designers were able to make the balloon fly. Unfortunately they oversaw the possibility of the balloon going up too high, and more importantly, they hadn’t thought of a way to get back on the ground. 5 scientists were on board the hot air balloon when they tested the first prototype, the balloon promptly went high in the sky at decent speeds, but the scientists couldn’t come down. A few minutes later, desperate to save themselves, they decided to make holes in the leather membrane of the balloon, which made the balloon incredibly unstable, and the basket in which the scientists were standing turned, making them fall thousands of feet from the sky. Since the scientists’ deaths no one has wanted to continue the project, people in the streets are saying it brings bad luck.


Hot Air Balloon Sketch

There are multiple reports of a huge watermonster by fishermen living in Swamibai and Cyna. Although they described it all totally different, the color seems by all witnesses the same; white as snow. The reports make multiple small fishing villages scared, and there are already some who evacuated to the inland. There are no actions taken by any governments by now.

These are the places where the monster is reported:

Waterland sent a small expedition to identify the monster that haunts the oceans near Cyna and Swamibai on January 20th. They hope they can either tame or kill the beast. When they do more research, they see all these reports were made by crazy fishermen. The ‘monster’ seems to be white snow blowing over the sea from the mountains of Swamibai.

Baclodesa decided to establish a government system to help the conquered land of Janneria on January 25th. The aim of this is to provide more opportunities for the unemployed, the homeless and the lower class and to introduce economic benefits for the new citizens of Baclodesa.

The central government of Baclodesa will establish multiple farms in the lands of Janneria. Government workers will then be sent out to the cities of the conquered Janneria. Then, citizens can meet the government workers and choose to sign up to live and work at a farm.

In exchange for the government providing the staring crops, tools and farmland, the workers at the farm are expected to give 20% of the harvest to the government of Baclodesa. If this is proven to be successful over the next few years, Baclodesa will lower the percentage of crop yield, establish more farms and help maintain existing farm.

Baclodesa’s government has addressed that this will be a little costly at first to build/maintain the farms. But in the long run, these farms will provide a stable food source for the population and it will be a good foundation for improving Janneria’s economy & commerce.

So far this new system, has brought economic prosperity to the conquered lands, and while the people may need some time to get used to it. Most of them understand everything that has been changed and started to support the government of Baclodesa in its executive decisions.

Gayland decided to completely close the borders between Duck City on February 1st, militarize the border and hold the spy hostage for questioning. If the spy fails to cooperate in the next 48 hours then he will be killed, he was killed. The coin has been taken away and put in a secret place, for scientists to examine and research, while also demanding the government of Duck City to explain what was the reasoning behind sending the spy.

The government of Duck City refuses the fact of having sent a spy, and demand Gayland to bring him back home.

The Gaylanders offered the south of the old-Story territories to Aceland due to them not having any use for them on February 3rd, the government has noticed it as no one seemed to want to move there, and so they asked Aceland if they wanted the territories. And if not, then they will be given to Antica. None of the countries have responded to this offering.


Aceland's New Lands at old Story

With the recent floods, Waterland realized its lowlands are vulnerable to these types of disasters, so they decided to study the best way to prevent future floods from damaging the country's coastline and implement the option that best conciles protection with cost on February 15th. And they have designed resistant walls that can stop the water from entering the land. Additionally, they discovered that thick forests help stop big floods.

The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd was very seriously concerned about the vision of Queen Elena of Rivanaul predicting a dangerous disaster. The vision very closely resembled the fortress built on the Desdemona Volcano, often referred to as Fort Desdemona by citizens of The Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd. King TheJeroen II suspected this may be the cause because of the citizens of Fluffy Empire being satanic worshippers. He contemplated the possibility of the Fluffy Empire having completed a satanic rite successfully.

In hopes of preventing the disaster, all citizens of the Church of Fraldarius started to pray to the goddess. They celebrated the Rite of Rebirth hoping the goddess herself will once more descend upon the world to protect all of her believers. Up to 3 or even 5 times a day ceremonies were held within cathedrals inside of major cities. A huge festival dedicated to the goddess was held with plenty kinds of offerings to satisfy the goddess in February 20th.

Due to the Church of Fraldarius being aware of multiple Satanic Rites the Fluffy Empire has tried to perform in the past, they have gained decent knowledge about the cult and their different kinds of rites. They will cast any know blessing upon the Northern Hresvelg Alliance hoping to keep all believers and innocent safe.

With the expectancy of growing their economy, Aceland started teaching agriculture as a subject in schools for students in their last year of school on February 28th, this due to the country’s land being very fertile and its economy mainly consisting on trades for food with foreign countries.

On March 2nd, the people of the Eastern Provinces of the Sheepiet Union couldn’t continue to stand the lack of presence of their government and decided to revolt. Armed with anything they found in their houses, brooms, pans, knives, torches, and together with the support of the military forces of the East they declared independence of 7 different provinces of the Sheepiet Union, denominating themselves as the nation of the Sheepiet Resistance. Whose mission is to disconnect every single piece of land from the tyranny of their leader and the mediocrity of their government. They establish a capitalist system within the resistance’s lands. Many of the people living in the Western part of the Sheepiet Union are considering to migrate to the Sheepiet Resistance, in the hopes of a better life.


Sheepiet Resistance

Whilst everyone in the kingdom was making plans for the New Years, Queen Elena was only thinking about Rivanaul. Their biggest problem was still their lack of farming. Since Unbelievable Stuff’s only last bit of land is a rainforest, Queen Elena decided to for once and for all end Unbelievable Stuff. She knew God Celia would disapprove of going to war so soon after the last one, but Elena knew she had to do this. She talked to her general, ordering him to get ten-thousand of the best soldiers, to equip them with the best armor and weapons they have. Give them enough food and medical care. The general wasn’t sure about the war, but Queen Elena assured him this is what Celia wanted, despite her never asking.

It’s the 7th of March, the war started, it's been going on for a couple days. Queen Elena is in her palace thinking about her leadership. How she lied to her people about what God Celia. She feels incredibly guilty about the situation. Did she anger Celia? Then, out of nowhere she heard a voice, calling for her. She tried to ignore it but it continued. She looked through her palace but there was nobody. Then out of nowhere, everything turned pitch black. She suddenly saw a vague image. A volcano with a dark grey fortress on top. Only a couple seconds later the magma turned red, it looked like blood.

The last strike against Unbelievable Stuff was effective and definitive. Rivanaul’s soldiers showed a vast military superiority against Unbelievable Stuff’s. Regardless, they did have some difficulties trying to counter Unbelievable Stuff’s catapult attacks. 3,000 of Rivanaul’s soldiers died, together with 700 injured. The remaining of Unbelievable Stuff’s army was either executed or taken prisoner, so was the fate of around 8,000 soldiers. Now that Rivanaul has taken possession over these lands, many people are expecting to migrate and start agricultural activities.


New Lands of Rivanaul

Queen Elena woke up, immediately went downstairs to drink a glass of water. She was sweating and shaking. She was confused about what had just happened. "Your Majesty? There you finally are. We've been looking everywhere for you. It's been a week, where were you?" The Duchess asked as soon as she saw the Queen. "A week..? I.. uh.. I needed some time alone. To think." She answered. We won The Duchess explained. "That's.. yeah okay. Thank you for telling me.." Elena answered. "However.. the people are furious about another war.. It's becoming too much.. Rivanaul was always supposed to be a peaceful land.." The Duchess continued. The Queen nodded and walked away, to Celia's grave. She knew she wasn't fit to be the Queen of Rivanaul.. She burst into tears. "If only you were still here.." She said. Then an idea struck, she rushed to the library and looked through many books about the Godness that was Celia.

After hours upon hours she finally got to the last book. She blew off the dust and opened it. On the first page, she saw a volcano, located in the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd, but officially owned by Fluffy Empire. She got flashbacks to the vague images she saw earlier. She knew where to go. After sending a letter to the Holy Kingdom of Blaiddyd asking for their permission to visit the tower, she took enough food, weapons and Rivanaul’s best boat and went on a journey, a journey to the Fortress of the Fluffy Empire. Once she arrives, she won't be able to access the fortress while it is in Empress Fluffy's possesion. Which makes her execution even more urgent.

That’s all for this week! We will start receiving directives once again aaaand Merry Christmas!
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