If this thread gets deleted and it probably will or if I get banned AGAIN from the website you know why. Cubecraft banned me from the forums for absolutely nothing. Never swore in a thread never threatened anyone I never violated a rule. The only thing I've done is told someone "I wish I could ban you from my threads" which is not against the rules whatsoever. The ban did not even give a reason the reason given was, "You're banned" the default line of text that is placed in the reason area when nothing is filled in. Staff must give a reason for a ban on the website or the server, it is the procedure. This is 100% censorship, they did not give a reason for the ban because they had none, they simply wanted to silence me because either I was saying too much about a bug that is not being fixed or they don't like me.
If this thread gets deleted there will be a video made on youtube where they can not censor me.
If this thread gets deleted there will be a video made on youtube where they can not censor me.