Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Jan 28, 2024

The Cubecraft Scrimming Newspaper

Welcome to the first edition of the Cubecraft scrimming newpaper. This newspaper will be done weekly if I have time for that.

I need people to help me with this huge project so any scrimmer that could help please do not hesitate to dm me on Discord (username is al_dead_killer ). We will create a group dm where we can discuss the newspaper and create new articles.

Due to this being the very first edition of the newspaper I will explain what Cubecraft scrimming is. Cubecraft scrimming is competitve games on popular Minecraft Bedrock Edition server Cubecraft Games. In scrims 2 teams of professional players fight so 1 team can overpower the other. Scrims ar very competitve and in order for a team to be able to win great team work is required. There are a lot of rules to scrims which I wouldn't say right now in order no to make the newspaper too long. The gamemodes in which scrims could be played are: Egg Wars teams of 4, Egg Wars Mega, FFA (Free For All), CTF (Capture The Flag), Bridges. Out of all of these the most popular scrim modes in terms of the date I am writing this are Egg Wars Teams of 4 and CTF 10v10 with the other types of scrims being 100% inactive. There are plans to revive them but as of right now they ar in their very early stages.

CLANS (Only Egg Wars Teams of 4 scrim clans):
The first serious section of the newspaper is going to be about clans. This section in every edition of the newspaper will include significant changes to all clans that exist for scrimming and are active (if a clan is not mentioned here it means I have no inofrmation about it or there are no chnages). If a clan that is active and has canges going on is not metioned please inform me via dm-s on Discord about it and I will persoanlly look into it (Discord username is al_dead_killer ).
Afterlife Clan aka Afterlife 2.0: This is the leading clan of the Union of Cubecraft scrimming clans. This clan as of right now rosterwise can probably take the title of strongest active clan for Egg Wars Teams of 4 scrims. Owned by me it has a very unique history. It started all the way back in late January 2023 and has been active untill now (and still is). Even though it had it's inactive moments it is back up and running. The main things that happened to it this week are 6 scrims that were organised, the addition of a coin system to support active teams of the clan and the addition of some top Cubecraft scrimmers to the clan.

Voltage Scrims CC aka Voltage: Voltage is the closest partner of Afterlife Clan and is known for being exremely competitve. The clan was found by popular Egg wars player Tekcraft7621 (Tekcraft for short) and is known for being probably the only serious competition in the Egg Wars teams of 4 scrimming scene to Afterlife. As of right now it is hard to define whether Afterlife or Voltage is a stronger clan because both clans are undergoing significant changes. Most of these changes are regarding changes in the rosters with both clans growing bigger and bigger and obviosly stronger and stronger. Voltage is 1 of the clans of the Union of scrim clans.

NOVA Clan: Nova Clan used to be member of The Union of clans before the old Afterlife Clan discord server was nuked. Sadly I (the creator of The Union of scrim clans) have lost touch with the owners but I am panning to chnage that in the near future.

BTD CLAN: BTD Clan is another clan from The Union of scrimming clans. The clan owner is KBM. Nothing much has happened in BTD in the last month...2 months... 3 months or more to be honest.

There are other clans but they are either inactive or have not had much happening and are not close partner of Afterlife so that is why I decided not to mention them.


Now we can't forget about the Discord servers that host scrims. They are right now 4 (but 1 of them is very inactive).
Oasis Scrims is a scrim hosting discord server created by me and Saffron Goat
Alcazar Scrims is the most active scrim hosting discord server but focuses mainly on CTF scrims
Monkey Scrims the former most active scrim hosting discord server and the least active 1 rigth now.
Afterlife 2.0 - yes the clan server is also for hosting scrims too.
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Reesle wrote on b16jays11's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🥳
prepping him to ship across the country!!
Kazwa wrote on Lyriie's profile.
autumn themed profile in march :o
Reesle wrote on bananaman348's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🍌 🎉
Reesle wrote on Swxrz's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🥳

… and nice pfp! 🌕
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