That's impossible, If we had to censor literally everything on our server that has to do with politics then we've had to censor the words as ''vote'' as well since that's a thing that gets associated with politics.
Trump has made a lot of statements during his campaign, some of them were rude, homophobic, xenophobic and sexist, Hillary, however, has not made such statements. To make sure nobody on our server gets offended by the things Trump said/says we've censored his name to make sure he and his politic views won't be discussed very often. A Minecraft server isn't the right place to discuss politics anyway, right? It'd be best if you and your friend(s) discuss such things on skype for example.
I'm not saying that the president is racist as everyone has different opinions on that. But we all have to agree with the fact that mentioning his name will cause huge arguments about what happened earlier this year with the elections, which we discourage since we'd like to bring fun and joy to our server, not arguments.