Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jul 12, 2021
They need to remove this kit as it is very OP. You can literally kill shoppers with this kit and also when they make you 4v1. It is a kit that does not require any type of skill, since they can kill you only with potions without using just the sword. Many my opponent and I are at very little life, and only with 3 potions it recovers up to 6HP or more wth xd, in addition to MANY TIMES they have come later without potions kit and they were very bad, it has no logic, there it is shown that it is a kit for people who don't know pvp.

The kit has:
2 potions of regeneration (which heals a lot)

3 potions of speed (to make it more difficult to hit him and on top of that he has an advantage)

2 potions of throwing healing (if they have 2hp they heal until they have 7, and it is not easy to lower their life)

3 thrown damage potions (each removes 3 or 2 HP)

1 Potion of Poison II thrown (lasts 6 seconds and removes 2HP)

1 potion of strength (with which they can literally take your life just hitting you with their fists) (WTH)

Clearly it has a great advantage, since people who killed me very easily with that kit, have come without that kit and literally some did not lower me more than half my life, ridiculous. Also now every time you kill someone they give you a random potion I think.

Many people complain about this kit because they only use it to kill people much easier (and this is true, many times also when they despair after losing 20 times in a row, in the end they come with the potions kit to kill you)


In spanish:

Necesitan quitar este kit ya que esta muy OP. Literalmente puede matar a shoppers con este kit y tambien cuando te hacen 4vs1. Es un kit que no requiere ningun tipo de habilidad, ya que te pueden matar solo con pociones sin usar apenas la espada. Muchas mi contrincante y yo estamos a muy poca vida, y solo con 3 pociones se recupera hasta 6HP o mas wth xd, además de que MUCHAS VECES han venido luego sin kit de pociones y eran malisimos, no tiene logica, ahi se demuestra que es un kit para gente que no sabe pvp.

El kit tiene:
2pociones de regeneracion (que cura bastante)

3pociones de velocidad (para que sea algo mas dificil pegarle y encima el tenga ventaja)

2 pociones de curacion arrojadiza (si tienen 2hp se curan hasta tener 7, y no es facil bajarle la vida)

3 pociones de daño arrojadizas (cada una quita 3 o 2 HP)

1 pocion de veneno II arrojadiza (dura 6 segundos y quita 2HP)

1 pocion de fuerza (con la que literalmente te pueden quitar vida solo pegandote con a puños)(WTH)

Claramente tiene una gran ventaja, ya que gente que me mataba muy facil con ese kit, han venido sin ese kit y literalmente algunos no me bajaban mas de la mitad de vida, ridiculo. Ademas ahora cada vez que matas a alguien te dan una pocion aleatoria creo.

Mucha gente se queja de este kit ya que solo lo usan para matar mucho mas facil a la gente (y esto es verdad, muchas veces tambien cuando se desesperan despues de perder 20 veces seguidas, al final vienen con el kit de pociones a matarte)


Novice Member
Aug 21, 2021
You can literally kill shoppers with this kit
I find this very funny, are you just disappointed that theres a kit that can kill you when you spend 2k points at the shop?

Anywayyys I do agree with this to some point, yes its very op, but it also allows people who aren't very good to get some kills, yes its annoying, yes it can be unfair, but I think you've missed one important fact ITS FFA THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "FAIR FIGHT"
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Dedicated Member
May 22, 2021
Completely disagree. For Bedrock, this kit type is too underpowered. Everyone has leather armour and leather swords.
And I think a version of FFA with EggWars/BlockWars kits would be good.
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Jul 12, 2021
I find this very funny, are you just disappointed that theres a kit that can kill you when you spend 2k points at the shop?

Anywayyys I do agree with this to some point, yes its very op, but it also allows people who aren't very good to get some kills, yes its annoying, yes it can be unfair, but I think you've missed one important fact ITS FFA THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "FAIR FIGHT"
I dont shop lol, i dont need shop


Novice Member
Jun 7, 2021
For bedrock I completely disagree. You have to be quite skilled to use the kit because you take A LOT of damage from enemies. So you have to use your pots in a way thats conservative and be careful not to be hit.
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