Lightning McQueen
Mojang just released the new resourcepack , it looks amazing imo . Glass could be slightly tweaked. Monster spawners are amazing , mooshroom textures are robust and I adore the leaf textures. Ice actually looks like ice.
More of the door textures need to be revamped. So does fire . I’m actually editing the lava to look like what it did in a 1.10 snapshot**
(* there was a texture error in a snapshot , inverting lava’s texture making it blood red. It looked amazing.)
Prismarie is my least favourite. It could use some differenciation to look less like cobblestone.
More of the door textures need to be revamped. So does fire . I’m actually editing the lava to look like what it did in a 1.10 snapshot**
(* there was a texture error in a snapshot , inverting lava’s texture making it blood red. It looked amazing.)
Prismarie is my least favourite. It could use some differenciation to look less like cobblestone.