(I cant remember what the threads about)(Then post something on topic)
I think this was brought up earlier in the suggestion.... Before you downloaded the plot you would have to accept like a terms and conditions, one condition would be that you give the owner credit. If you took credit for the plot, the real builder/owner could report you by giving the plot Id which would be proof that you owned the original plot. As a result the person falsely taking credit would be giving a temporary ban.One Snappy Scenario:
Noob 1: Ah mer gordon i made a houze.
Noob 2: Whoa a hoose can i donlode it plz
Noob 1: Sour hear u goo
Noob 2: *posts epic house to forums and gets loads of praises*
Noob 1: Oi m789 i maid that houze nawt yew.
Noob 2: Proof it m789!
*starts noob war III*
On the other hand, it's actually a unique and creative idea that can help players expand on their builds. However, due to the fact that most builder applications are started by showing off builds in creative, as well as the fact that arguments over who the rightful owner is, in addition to the fact that this would be very hard to do suggests that this really isn't likely to happen, at least without enough demand for it. I personally wouldn't want this, as players would just download their friends or builders plots and claim it as their own, showing off and beign smug in the lobby. This will cause unnecessary tension, spam and arguments and upset more players than help them.
(I know it it, thats why titles exist) (I forgot what this is about again) (One sec) (Ok, its about plots)(that's a very good idea)
(yes, but ima sillysilly face, and forgot there was a title)(I know it it, thats why titles exist) (I forgot what this is about again) (One sec) (Ok, its about plots)
(Oh, well you know now)(yes, but ima sillysilly face, and forgot there was a title)
(Why are we still doing this)(cuz I obviously wont forget :p)