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The only times I see people, especially ones that aren't trying to become super good, try to click fast is in PvP encounters, and even then its pretty noticeable that at some point a high click speed doesn't give an advantage because of the 0.5 second cooldown between hits.People try to click fast in people, and the faster the better, yk?
Out of all parts of PvP that's the most important. Without jump resetting you take full KB every hit, which is usually a lot, especially on cubecraft. But I am just gonna leave it here because its not really relevant to the topic.As of now, I believe that reducing is the most overrated thing, people think its like a cheat code to being good at the game when it really isn't, especially a normal jump reset.
No, the opposite, no matter how quickly you can navigate the store and buy items you will limited by the resource generation speed.Are you telling me that someone who is horrible at the game can still be fast because of gens?
Besides: by quick rushes I don't mean rushes one minute into the game, I mean something like: you join a game, and the first thing you do is get blocks and rush someone.
If u rush someone after getting some blocks, and an extremely basic defense and some basic armor and a sword and a pickaxe, then, even if it happened quickly, rush all you want. In fact: if your opponents by that point don't at least have a defense and a weapon, then its 100% on them that they die.
That's why it probably makes sense to upgrade to ancient debris or obsidian as the game goes on?Well even then, your egg really isnt as important as it used to be. With the current pics and the fact that tnt does a million blocks of kb, it isn't very hard to get.
And that's where I know you don't understand anything about the problem. Because the problem and the struggle IS dying fast. Can't really have fun, or even learn the game naturally if I wanted to, if I get stabbed in the first 15-30 seconds each game, will I?well i believe that most players arent really affected by the competition that ruins the fun. They will usually die pretty fast and not have to deal with any of the actual struggles.
That is a bit problematic, but also the point. Eggwars is one of those minigames that do not set a time limit on a duration of a game, so it makes sense for some games to be able to last a long time, that's how its supposed to be.Also, a lot of stuff was changed with season two that just kinda sucks, yea the games are slower, but they can be dragged out so much more now.
Yeah, totally doesn't affect the majority, that's why season 2 of eggwars had to have such extreme changes in the first place, because the tryharding affects noone.Either way, i think "tryharding" should be a thing, and thats what makes competitive play fun. I don't think "tryharding" affects the majority of players besides getting insta rushed(which i dont consider "tryharding"
What you think, and what is true, are two separate things, with the truth not caring about your thoughts. And the truth is tryharding was a massive problem, it went down when eggwars season 2 was introduced, but now it slowly grows back up and causeas a variety of issues, included, but not limited to, this whole CPS limit debate. If people weren't trying their hardest to click as fast as possible in all ways imagineable, we wouldn't have this problem.
Tryharding is what kills games, not something that makes them fun.
Source: any given online game.
The only ones that are managing to keep a stable player base are ones providing separate casual and competitive modes (counter strike or rocket league for example) and/or ones that have skill based matchmaking to separate players who are less skilled and/or less serious about the game from the tryhards (once again: csgo)
A game that absolutely fell from its peak due to tryhards, and the best example of tryhards ruining games, is fortnite.
Epic games insisted on not having skill based matchmaking for a really long time while trying to make the game competitive and catering towards that playerbase. And it ended up going so badly they had to do those things they didn't want to do anyway, and even got to the point of having to add gamemodes with entire game mechanics removed just to simplify the game enough for it to be playable for anyone who's not a "tryhard".
And again, the problem wasn't the skilled players themselves, it was how some players were so dedicated to developing skills and trying to win so hard that they slowly eradicated the worse and more casual players from wanting to play the game, which then ended up raising the average skill gap to a point where a new player could never possibly reach it without putting in hours and hours of practice with the ability to learn the game by just playing being dying completely.
The cubecraft equivalent would be the addition of a separate eggwars gamemode with KB removed and a miunte long grace period at the start of games to simplify the game to get new players to want to play it without being completely destroyed.
There is not a single game out there that has actually benefited from allowing tryharding to go on uncontained and uncontrolled. But there are plenty that have suffered from allowing them to do that.
Cubecraft luckilly doesn't have such severe tryhard problems and already has made changes to try and contain it, so cubecraft is safe from that for now.
And rushing early is tryharding. Doesn't matter what you think, noone is rushing early if they are not trying hard, because a non-tryhard will almost never have a reason to rush before getting some basic gear and a defense.
Fair enough.Much less competitive players play it compared to other gamemodes.
Yesn't.Okay well that means that the people it works on do not have the slightest idea of how the game works, making it a skill issue, yk? It also just helps games go by faster. I'd hate to spend 20 minutes in a game getting stacked just to get combo'd off by someone much better than me.
While it mostly works against worse players, it also ruins their fun and removes their ability to try and learn the game and interact with it. The average player, believe it or not, is not gonna enjoy dying fast, and isn't gonna waste their team trying to improve at a game they don't enjoy, so they'll just go look for something else, usually on another server or outside of multiplayer entirely.
So, while to a degree a skill issue, its mostly a tryhard issue, because its those early rushes that prevent players from gaining the skills necessary to stop them AND those early rushes themselves are caused by nothing other than the tryhardy behavior of some players.
To me something is only a true skill issue when its something that can only be fixed by improving AND is not a massive game ruining problem AND is not caused by some person simply trying too hard at the game.
An example of a skill issue would be if players suddenly started whining about being unable to hit players who are jump-running with a bow. Jump running is a perfectly normal practice almost every player does, so no talk of tryharding here. And the only way to fix it besides telling the players whining to get good would be to add some form of bow aim assist, which is not realistic, not happening, and not neccessary.
Rushing early is caused purely by try harding, is game ruining for the average player and very annoying even to some more skilled players, because I mean: sure, I can defend myself, but did this guy seriously have to attack me 15 seconds into the game?
Remember: the average player won't dedicate hours to practice or game analysis. They'll just come online, and just to try to play a normal game. And those players will never develop the skills necessary to fight back if they keep dying fast.
For most, the better way would be getting stacked for 20 mins just to get killed, because at least then they got to play the game, maybe even had fun, maybe even improved by a small bit, and probably will know what to expect next time when they want to play it.
Not to mention a bad player, when stacked, has slightly better chances of survival. Not massively better, but at least a bit higher, especially if their opponent did not get as stacked as they did.
Maybe you'd hate getting stacked for 20 mins, the average player wouldn't which is reflected in how massive the player count growth was shortly after eggwars season 2 was introduced. Players loved the slower pace and the focus put on getting stacked rather than rushing as fast as possible.
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