Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Novice Member
Oct 2, 2020

Recently cubecraft banned the tape as a measure for "dragclick" users but this new rule is not useful in my opinion.
People still can spam/abuse of blocks (macroing/scaffolding) and call it "drag". this has gotten out of hand.
even if u report them they can appeal with a "handcam" and gg unban

what is my suggestion?

Cubecraft should ban the drag click (for right click at least) but keep the double click. This way we can still make high cps and good clutches without abusing it

note: if u wanna know why i made this suggestion go to an eggwars snipe and u will see it with ur own eyes
Mar 6, 2024
I agree with you. Additionally, many players use macros and falsely claim to be drag-clickers. Even if they get banned, they create handcams and are immediately unbanned. It's also boring to fight people who just click and have 0 PvP skill.
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Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
Drag is quite a hard thing to moderate I'd imagine. Really what you're suggesting is to ban high CPS, as it's very difficult to determine what clicking method someone is using just from them having a high CPS. The fact that there is a CPS cap should solve the issue of people having too high of a CPS for the most part. You could however suggest that the CPS cap be lowered.

In the past I imagine they banned drag / double clicking so that Sentinel bans for auto clicking / very high CPS would be relevant for people using these clicking techniques too, in other words, so those clicking methods wouldn't be used as an excuse for high click speed bans; as they too were "banned". Since the addition of the CPS cap, it means there's a limit to the effectiveness of these clicking methods, so they were probably removed from the rules for that reason.

Sentinel checks for anything related to CPS is probably a real pain. You can be more harsh and remove all auto clickers, but also have a lot of false bans for people who are able to get high clicks using methods like drag or jitter clicking. Or you can be more lenient, reduce false bans, but let some people who are using dishonest methods away. I think the CPS cap is a good middle ground here. No doubt, people would complain no matter what direction was taken.
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Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
I agree with the suggestion! I was thinking to make a suggestion like this but due to the fact that it's too controversial stopped me from doing so.
Anyways back to the suggestion, it is really annoying to fight someone who abuses block placement by spamming hundreds of blocks in a second (it's an exaggeration) or those who place two or three blocks in one click. I hope it gets resolved
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