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Forum Veteran
Oct 27, 2015
Behind the command block
Favorites :

Bath: Feels balanced (and there's a duck there).

Least favourites :

Ice Rink : Way too big for a map that empty
Floppy bird: When I was 1st I farmed kills with the archer kit. This map made it almost impossible to win (or lose) with that kit because you could avoid the arrows easily, unless someone ran to the middle pipes. Running there, however, would get you killed when you ran.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
hey efucluke I tried to get the gold rank the pawment would not go through I fixed it then the sale was over so could I get it for the sale amount


Forum Expert
Dec 21, 2014
Freak Show

Soul Sand: (Doesn't lack space, there's obstacles, soul sand could possibly be a problem for some players. Over all, great map, I like it.)

Lava River: (I love it because there is so much space for PVP and enough obstacles for bow fights, great map!)

Floppy Bird: (I love this map, It's so easy yet so hard to fall off the platforms, GREAT for pvp and bow fights.)

Bird: (Mixed opinions. I like this map because the space isn't really lacking but some specific areas are just too small. This map would be more for pvp not really bow fights. Over all I like it :) )

Arena: (I love this map for pvp and bow fights, so much open space, enough obstacles to take cover if it was a bow fight. Over all, I'd say this map is perfect.)

Cactus: (I do love this map but the cacti may be too much. Perfect for bow fights!)

Underwater: (I love this map because the space is not lacking not too much obstacles where you opponent can hide and camp. This map is perfect!)

Garden: (As I said above, space isn't lacking, good amount of obstacles and its a good map in general.:) )


Bridge: (don't really like this one because of the water, I do find it obnoxious for pvp and possibly bow fights. I only find the water being a problem.)

Bath: (The water could be a problem if someone were to create a kit with a tnt bow.)

Pond: (Too many obstacles, the water is too much, lacking space and the slime blocks could be very obnoxious.)

Picnic: (Lacking open space. Many places where your opponent can hide and camp. Actually really easy to fall off of and would be a very easy win to explode the floor and have your opponent fall.)

-CyanYellow :D

Hope this helped!

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Dedicated Member
Dec 29, 2015
Part 2
Soul Sand- Overall a good map, good amount of cover and open space for PvP
Lava River- I like this map because it has a lot of cover for bow and PvP duels, it's open and easy to navigate
Bridge- It's good for bow battles, but the water gets kinda annoying sometimes
Arena- It's really open, perfect for PvP, but also has a lot of cover. One of my favorites
Underwater- I like the theme, it's a good map because it has a lot of open room, and cover. Also one of my favorites
Garden- I like that it has lots of good hiding spots, good for PvP and bow battles. Good map.

Floppy Bird- It's just really easy to knock your opponent off instead of fighting
Bath- The underwater part makes it really hard to fight
Pond- It's really difficult when your opponent just runs around the map or if you get stuck in the water and it's really hard to PvP
Bird- There's not a lot of room to PvP, and your opponent can just run around the map avoiding a fight
Picnic- Really easy to fall off. It's a good map, good room for PvP, good cover for bow battles. Just easy to fall off
Cactus- I like the idea of the map, but it's really hard to PvP without running into the cacti around the map
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Oct 20, 2013
Thanks for all the feedback, I've made a lot of changes to the maps for the latest update, as well as introducing 2 maps which are completely flat no obstacles. Keep the feedback coming and I can make more changes if needed.


Dedicated Member
Mar 23, 2016
Thanks for all the feedback, I've made a lot of changes to the maps for the latest update, as well as introducing 2 maps which are completely flat no obstacles. Keep the feedback coming and I can make more changes if needed.
No problem! :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Underwater - I like underwater because there are lots of places you can hide from your enemy.
Ice Rink - I like ice rink because the slipperiness of the ice makes pvp a fun challenge.

Sandstone - I dislike sandstone because there is no where to hide, and it is just a flat platform with nothing to make pvp more challenging.
Pond - I dislike pond because all of the water makes pvp too challenging.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2016
underwater-because i love pvp on that map its easy
Bridge - i love it because of the designe but im no lucky but the the build is good

- It's too difficult to PvP on due to all the gaps


Oct 20, 2013
Closing this thread, due to all the feedback being addressed, and maps have been patched from the past PvP update. Such as removal of unpopular maps, and changes to current maps: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/pvp-and-assassins-update.122592/

- Removed 4 maps: Floppy bird, Frost, Ice rink and pond
- Courtyard: removed grass and halved the amount of flowers, and made it slightly flatter
- Cactus: Made an entrance at middle of cactus
- End: Flattened parts of the arena
- Picnic: Less likely to fall into void at start and removed middle plate so there is more room to pvp
- Playground: Added another ladder
- Western: Removed stone around the edge
- Bird: removed all grass/ferns
- Bath: Changed water to wool

Thanks again for feedback.
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Thank you ☺️ btw may you please see my helper application that I applied for so i get helper rank please
YAY! One year at the forums!!! Thank you all so much for making my time here memorable and amazing! Can't believe it's been 1 year, feels like I just joined yesterday.
I know it doesn't feel like I have been here for that long, but that is probably because I was offline for a few months in between.
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v3iyr is a very cool guy
Ducky wrote on S4nne's profile.
gok eens wie er even is opgestaan uit de dood om hoi te zeggen 😋
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