@FireExcalibur10 I've seen you voting against a handful of maps but you rarely ever explain yourself. Mind giving Doc and Eli some tips? :)
Personally, I hate the border wall (rocks) because they look really messy: both colour-wise speaking as shape-wise. It looks like //brush sphere without much of smoothening to them. There are way too many different blocks as well. I would have used stone, andesite and perhaps some gravel and buttons to add more detail
I'm not the best if it comes to building ships and such, but I'm sure this isn't exactly right. It stretches out way too far and way too high
I definitely think the ships should be moved downwards by a block to prevent players from staying on their ship and knocking back their opponent all the time
This palm leaf looks odd and unnatural
These heads will undoubtedly get in the way of the battle and should be removed
I like the idea and overall execution, it's just the small details that could've been done better - imo
The feedback I gave is all from my own perspective and my own opinion! :)
Hope it can help!