As a Gold rank I vote in a lot of games. Mostly in Egg Wars, but I don't play much anymore because of others around me. I can't count the amount of times I've played a game, voted, and been called names that I will not repeat on the forums. It's causing a large amount of people to not buy rank. Simply because of the fact that they are called names every games for voting Hardcore or Normal. I would like to see more mutes and bans due to language. KitKatKels and I play and report for a wide range of things including this, but rarely are people disciplined. If people feel that they can get away with it, they will continue to do it. This should be a server a wide range of ages can come on. This is in no way saying the staff doesn't care, The Cubecraft staff is amazing and works as hard as they can. Although these problems with ranks constantly being attacked for voting, should be addressed. No one wants to spend hard earned money to be yelled at. I hope that this started conversation, and people give there opinion on the situation. Just remember the person you are calling names, is a real human and words can hurt sometimes. Spread kindness wherever you go, because you don't know how good or bad they feel that day. i encourage others around me to think before they speak, and always build others up, not down.I also want to thank the Cubecraft staff for the hard work they do, and keeping the server as clean as they can! We appreciate you!