Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Aug 9, 2020
but isnt it kinda the point of eggwars to get stronger and stuff so you can actually attack people? i will admit it really sucks, especially when you have a teammate who farms diamonds forever, gets iron gear and instantly dies. but you have rushing, and you have being fast with your attacks, rushing is just instantly going for the enemy where you dont even give them a chance, but quick attack is actually getting gear and then full time focus on the attack as soon as you can, but still with normal egg defence and stuff.
well rushing is just better for us because most people dont know how to beat rushers so it makes the game easier for us and then we can get faster wins
but the small problem is that some people can stop rushers by just camping all game which isnt fair because camping is boring and it ruins the game so by stopping the campers that means everyone will rush and the game will be like skywars so it will be even more fun


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
but isnt it kinda the point of eggwars to get stronger and stuff so you can actually attack people? i will admit it really sucks, especially when you have a teammate who farms diamonds forever, gets iron gear and instantly dies. but you have rushing, and you have being fast with your attacks, rushing is just instantly going for the enemy where you dont even give them a chance, but quick attack is actually getting gear and then full time focus on the attack as soon as you can, but still with normal egg defence and stuff.

I don't really think there is a right or wrong way to play. Some players like to rush, others like to sit on generators to get stronger. Both are allowed (but Cubecraft does have against camping, not against rushing :P). Though the game wouldn't offer a cheap wooden sword if you were meant to sit on your island until you could at least make a stone one.

Everyone has equal changes. Just because some players make different choices and lose because of a rusher, doesn't mean they didn't have the same change. You can grab a sword and some armor within seconds after the game started and protect your island, before any rusher makes it to your island.

I do realize it's annoying to get hit off while you are still shoping without realizing someone rushed over, but you know it can happen, so you need to be aware of it when the game starts and prepare.
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Wave Master7S

Forum Expert
Jul 31, 2020
United States
I have 1000+ wins and I agree with you the games unbalanced.The island campers get away with everything but it’s not a problem to me I rush them right of the bat, maybe this strategy would work for you.
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