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Oct 17, 2016
I wasn't talking about the stats from Normal Eggwars
Oh you mean, if the Beta is “official” if you keep all the stats you made when it wasn’t?

I hope they keep it, seems unfair if they wouldn’t


Novice Member
Nov 19, 2016
View attachment 165147

Hello CubeCrafters!

We are bringing an update to our most iconic game mode: EggWars!
Today we're incredibly excited to launch the Beta for this massive overhaul. The beta is available exclusively on Java in the team mode only. Statistics and the leaderboard will not carry over, Beta mode has it's own statistics & leaderboard! All of the content stated on this thread, is only in EggWars Beta, for now.

Your feedback will be vital in making sure we get the final update right. At the end of each beta game, you will be able to give feedback about the beta. We'll also be super excited to see your thoughts right here on the forums!

There is not currently an end date for the beta so just go and have fun. Thank you for listening in, hope to see you there! :cool:


At CubeCraft we've only ever had the highest quality Emeralds, but we've now brought emeralds to every single map and there's an entirely new set of items which are only purchasable with Emeralds.

Eggcellent Emeralds:
  • Emerald generators automagically upgrade every 10 minutes, maxing out at level 3
  • Stay close, emeralds generate faster with players nearby!
  • The will always be at least 1 emerald generator. Larger maps map contain 2 or 3.
  • We've added Emeralds to counter camping and to progress gameplay.
  • A new shopkeeper can be found somewhere on the centre island. They are specialists and have exclusive items you can't buy on your island shop! Check them out once you've stocked up on the green gold!
  • We've removed map specific items, for now, to make gameplay more consistent!
Emerald Exclusives:
Check out some the items you can only get at the emerald shop!
  • 30 Block Bridge Builder - Creates a stained clay block bridge up to 30 blocks. (See below for visual)
  • Drinkable Speed Potion - Gives you.... speed.... for 30 seconds. Wow, such creativity.
  • Eggmite - Summons 5 Endermites where the egg lands for 60 seconds.
  • Leap Feather - Catapults you forward upon click.
  • Blastball - Conjure a fireball to cause damage and knockback to players.


Minecraft has a lot of blocks, yeah? Sometimes it's nice not have to actually place them...
We've used auto-constructing structures in previous games and have also been using it on SkyWars Chaos on Bedrock.

Anyhow, structures are brand new to EggWars Beta! We are excited to see how games will play out with these new auto-generators structures and what kind of cool strategic plays you may make with them!

Check them out in action:
10 Block Bridge
Part the sea of air, by building a bridge.
View attachment 165010


Nerdpole: Ultimate Edition.
View attachment 165012


Don't spend all game staring at them
View attachment 165013


Shields but bigger and a wall
View attachment 165015


It's like a penthouse suite in there!
View attachment 165014

Emerald Eggsclusive:

30 Block Bridge
It's like the 10 block bridge but with 30 blocks instead. Supersize me.
View attachment 165011

Shop Revamp

We've taken our shop system from Skyblock and brought it over to EggWars!
This means buying items is faster and simpler than ever! You can quickly buy items in multiple.
This also saves space in the shop & adds future support for more items! Here are a few examples.

Left Click Amount: 1x the default item amount.
Right Click Amount: 8x the default item amount. (Obsidian right-click is only 5 blocks, though)
Shift Click Amount: The max amount you can afford. (1 by default)

View attachment 165019
Example 1 - Can afford all clicks. (Stackable item)

View attachment 165020
Example 2 - Can only afford left click or can buy max amount with current iron. (Stackable item)

View attachment 165022
Example 3 - Can afford the only click option. (Non-stackable item)

View attachment 165021
Example 4 - Cannot afford the only click option. (Non-stackable item)

New Map

We have also released a new map that is exclusive to this beta mode... for now!

View attachment 165135

That's a lot of pink... Credit to @_The13thDoctor_ @Nutuu

More Cool Stuff

Theft Ability
The theft ability gives you a chance to be able to steal 20% of a player's currency tokens upon kill. The higher level you have on the theft ability, the high chance you have.

End of Game Statistics
Finally! EggWars now has statistics at the end of the game or whenever you die.
View attachment 165024

There's a bunch of other features but I ran out of space writing this post... here's a list of some other things we've done:
  • Bucket of milk has been added to the shop.​
  • Golden carrot have been added to the shop.​
  • Oak plank have been added to the shop.​
  • Ladder have been added to the shop.​
  • The buffer kit is now an instant health potion instead of regeneration potion.​
  • Players are healed before the game starts for full statuartion. (Bug fix)​
  • Players can now place TNT on eggs and it will auto ignite. (Bug fix)​
  • Maybe the biggest change of them all - we have a new checkmark! (✔)

Thanks for reading! Please note that all features & content inside EggWars Beta is subject to change at any point in time. As this gamemode is in Beta, some bugs may exist, if you discover one, please report it at bugs.cubecraft.net. Have fun playing & remember to give us feedback! - Stay safe :D
Very nice update except auto bridges for this price.


Forum Expert
Jun 17, 2018
Beverly Hills
Oh you mean, if the Beta is “official” if you keep all the stats you made when it wasn’t?

I hope they keep it, seems unfair if they wouldn’t
No. As the description of beta eggwars says:

My question was if the stats will change once the gamemode subject changes


May 20, 2020
eggwars is my main game on cubecraft and I think this update totally ruins the idea off eggwars.
All the skill involved is totally gone now, people have been practicing bridging tactics for years and in this update everyone can just bridge to mid in seconds without any skill involved. Its also weird how fast you can bridge to your neighbours and destroy their egg easilly bc they haven't had enough time to put obsidian around it. i have played multiple games now and they always end up with everyones egg gone in a couple minutes.

You guys say this update is to counter campers so i think it would be better if you make the quick bridging things only buyable at mid so everyone has enough time to defend their egg and you have to have some skill to get to mid first.

I see there are a lot of people who love it so i think it would be a good idea to keep it two gamemodes like they are now. but the question is are you gonna do the same with solo eggwars?

I really love the old eggwars so i hope it doesn't change so much as it did now, im really afraid i won't play it as much anymore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2018
Honestly, this update is very bad. Or I can't say every new addition is bad because I can't experience them all. This update is all for the try-hards and proffesionals. They buy a bridge and then rush. As a pretty decent player, I have no chance at all. The enemies are on my island seconds after the game has began. If you're not a pro, you won't have chance.
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May 20, 2020
Honestly, this update is very bad. Or I can't say every new addition is bad because I can't experience them all. This update is all for the try-hards and proffesionals. They buy a bridge and then rush. As a pretty decent player, I have no chance at all. The enemies are on my island seconds after the game has began. If you're not a pro, you won't have chance.


Oct 10, 2019
Honestly, this update is very bad. Or I can't say every new addition is bad because I can't experience them all. This update is all for the try-hards and proffesionals. They buy a bridge and then rush. As a pretty decent player, I have no chance at all. The enemies are on my island seconds after the game has began. If you're not a pro, you won't have chance.
Lucky i'm a pro UwU


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2019
Bugs Fixed & Additions
  • Eggmite thrown eggs no longer damage players.
  • 5 obsidian is now given instead of 8 on right click in villager shop.
  • 1 minute grace period has been added to bridge builders.
  • The price of 10 Block Bridge Builders have been increased.
  • The Gardens EggWars map has been added to beta.


Release Manager/Team Ops 🏳️‍🌈
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Jul 23, 2015
Please don't make this the main egg wars, keep it as a separate thing and call it rush eggwars or something else
We'd rather not make so many gamemodes, when they are so similar. The rushing is an issue, and we have tweaked the game a bit to see if that assists with the no rushing now. (1 minute grace period for bridge builders & increased their prices)
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Reactions: Eli and FloLoFlo


Mar 31, 2020
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
After some games of the new beta I must say it is already a mature game mode. At first the shop design was unaccustomed so that I sometimes bought wrong by clicking at the familiar area, but I got quickly used to it. The new items can be often very usefull (e.g. the now buyable Golden Carrot is a good compromise between a steak and a normal carrot) and also the bridge builders are usefull. The new ability Theft is already good balanced although there was a bug that at least the dropped diamonds won´t stack with the "Diamond Tokens" because the dropped ones were called "Diamond" instead of "Diamond Token". Overall it is a nice game mode and with more time I hope most players will warm up wih it.


Forum Expert
Oct 7, 2017
Western Finland
As an expert of eggwars.

The mechanics of the game isn't bad, but some things should be changed

Changes that should 100% be implemented:
-Fireballs must be removed from the game. Why? because campers can now camp with fireballs and the only way to anti-camp is by using pearls which is a definite no no
-Auto-bridging should be more expensive. Auto-bridging 10 blocks should cost at least 20 iron to balance the game. Rushers can now reach another base in a matter of seconds, not allowing anyone to even have a chance to get obsidian to guard their egg which is a major shut down to one of egg wars main game mechanics.
-Emerald shops should be far away from diamond gens. You should have be able to decide, Diamonds or Emeralds? or emeralds will be too OP.a.k.a fix the gens on some maps.
mr. expert of eggwars why do you stay anonymous
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Spring Burger has arrived! 🌸🍔🌷
jamesthesignificant wrote on _NoReason's profile.
Welcome to the forums! (I get you joined a while ago but still)
meshachhelaena wrote on SlinkyGnu05604's profile.
I want to do the EggWars 4v4 tournament but I live in a different time zone, so it might be going on in the middle of the night. Do you know when it starts?
- Spring Event 2025 to be added to Notion this upcoming week.
- Official CubeCraft hosted EggWars 4v4 tournament to begin within a few weeks from now (could happen sooner than expected, this is something I might not keep up with)
- Map voting for the next Java rotation begins on Tuesday.
jamesthesignificant wrote on BicolourSine41 🇺🇦's profile.
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