Gonna have to play the beta a bit to make sure, but oh god no to strength pots and weakness arrows. You thought bows were already a problem? AHAHAHA yeah.... You just made bhoppers more dangerous to even tryhards and bow spammers so much harder to take down.
Also, being able to take other players' tokens will remove lower-skill players' ability to gather diamonds off of mid. Tryhards control mid as a main strategy. If you make it *that* much more of a gamble for lesser-geared or lesser-skilled players to be able to make a mid run then you are just encouraging camping and more thorough stompings by tryhards.
The reason this is more of a gamble is this: Currently, a player can just run around mid and if they die no biggie just try again. BUT, with the potential for their gathered diamonds to just end up in the hands of the enemies they were trying to keep the diamonds from, then their efforts just become futile.
This token-theft will *entirely* change the strategies of the game. If you're looking to make it easier for tryhards to utterly dominate more than they are now, keep this. If you want to preserve the lower-skill player base then.... uh... no. Maybe keep that theft
number a lot smaller or just don't have it there at all.