1. Why only diamond ranks? I mean both health option and item type can be voted by gold, so why suddenly add something to eggwars only available for players with a diamond rank? I bought my gold rank mainly to vote against OP, now you want to add something that I don't like than can only be determined by diamond rank players? No thanks, I didn't buy my rank for nothing.
2. Mid will just be one big mayhem, having like 12-40 people there at the same time, later in the game everyone has a punch bow meaning you need more diamonds to buy stuff to kill them, but guess what? Mid is still a big mayhem, then your egg gets rushed and everyone at mid suddenly tries to kill you, you get killed, end of game. No thanks.
3. Spawn killing and players just waiting at someone's egg until the timer runs out.
4. Renaming this suggestion to "camper mode" would be more accurate.
The only way I'm even going to consider this is if changes to gold or above being able to vote.