Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on EggWars, try to stay on topic!


Feb 22, 2022
So the first thing I want to ask about, is that I've gotten conflicting reports of how long the early game lasts.

I've been told by some people that it's too long, taking several minutes to get enough Iron Tokens to progress quick enough. And from other people I've been told it's too easy to get up to Diamond / Netherite armour. So I'm now trying to understand what it is causing these two separate opinions. If people can let me know which way they feel, and why, on this matter, we can try to get this issue solved.

Secondly, reviewing the strength of the Egg Defence blocks vs Pickaxes:
Obsidian is intended to be a later game defence, which is why Ancient Debris was added as a mid-late game defence. We can lower the cost of Pickaxes to allow people an earlier opportunity to take on these stronger defences?
What are people's ideas on this?

Third, we can look at raising the cost of Netherite armour. (Weapons too? Or are these in a stable position?)
The current estimate is to raise the cost of a full set to 64 Diamond Tokens (Edit: For Normal, and adjusted for other modes), adding on 5/6 Diamond Tokens onto each armour piece, making this much later game than it currently is.

Fourth, we can raise the cost of bows, as feedback on them is that they're too easy to obtain. What do people think would be a fair price for these (please state which game mode you're thinking of for this).

I also want to touch on why we're not making major change to the costs of some items, as if we change lots of things a lot, all at once, we can overcompensate and swing the balancing in the other direction. I'm making it more gradual, so that we can make sure it's staying in a controllable range.

Thanks for everyone's input so far. Please keep on giving any feedback you have!
First of all i think the iron gens have to return to the old setting, with a maximum of 32( or what it was) instead of 16.
I think that pikhaxes have to get a enchantment like efficiency because breaking bloks is so slow.
Raising the cost of netherite would be pretty good, because its to easy to get it early-game, i had to fought against a mid camper with netherite and we couldn't do anything against it.
Raising the prices of bows is also a good idea, 3 dia is way to less. Its to easy to camp.
Thank you!
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Novice Member
Jun 10, 2020
So the first thing I want to ask about, is that I've gotten conflicting reports of how long the early game lasts.

I've been told by some people that it's too long, taking several minutes to get enough Iron Tokens to progress quick enough. And from other people I've been told it's too easy to get up to Diamond / Netherite armour. So I'm now trying to understand what it is causing these two separate opinions. If people can let me know which way they feel, and why, on this matter, we can try to get this issue solved.

Secondly, reviewing the strength of the Egg Defence blocks vs Pickaxes:
Obsidian is intended to be a later game defence, which is why Ancient Debris was added as a mid-late game defence. We can lower the cost of Pickaxes to allow people an earlier opportunity to take on these stronger defences?
What are people's ideas on this?

Third, we can look at raising the cost of Netherite armour. (Weapons too? Or are these in a stable position?)
The current estimate is to raise the cost of a full set to 64 Diamond Tokens (Edit: For Normal, and adjusted for other modes), adding on 5/6 Diamond Tokens onto each armour piece, making this much later game than it currently is.

Fourth, we can raise the cost of bows, as feedback on them is that they're too easy to obtain. What do people think would be a fair price for these (please state which game mode you're thinking of for this).

I also want to touch on why we're not making major change to the costs of some items, as if we change lots of things a lot, all at once, we can overcompensate and swing the balancing in the other direction. I'm making it more gradual, so that we can make sure it's staying in a controllable range.

Thanks for everyone's input so far. Please keep on giving any feedback you have!

Based on my expirience on eggwars, which has last many years, I've written this list that could balance the items and their cost.


-set of leather = 4 iron
-set of chain mail= 28 gold
-set of iron= 16 diamonds
-set of diamond = 108 diamonds
-set of netherite = 216 diamonds


-wood sword = 4 iron
-stone sword = 32 iron
-iron sword = 16 gold
-diamond sword = 12 diamonds
- netherite sword = 24 emeralds (or 32 diamonds)


-bow = 12 diamonds
-crossbow = 20 diamonds
-trident = 48 diamonds
-power bow = 25 diamonds
-punch bow = 25 diamonds

for what concerns the last two bows, you can also enchant them at the middle, and it should cost at least 5 emeralds


-wooden pickaxe = 4 iron
-stone pickaxe = 12 iron
-iron pickaxe = 40 iron
-diamond pickaxe = 10 gold
-netherite pickaxe = 6 diamonds


-enderpearl = 36 diamonds
-TNT: 4 gold
-shield: 30 diamonds (i would remove the shield since it makes pvp a little irrealistic, or at least I would not make it so unbreakable... that's why it should cost that much)

-golden apple = 5 golds (or even 3 gold)
-OP golden apple = 16 diamonds
- 1 steak = 2 iron

I've seen there are no emerald generators anymore but i would suggest to add them back. They were rather rare and would help a lot in the very very late game.
Furthermore (even in the case emerald generators won't be added) i personally think that before the update the gold, iron and diamond generators were perfectly balanced with the cost of the item you could get thoughout the game. So we should stick to them and build the costs of the items around that.

I'd like to thank you for the effort you're making to improve the quality of the game. It's really appreciated.
Thank you for reading.

p.s. if it's possible it'd be nice to decrease the level of damage you can make ( or increase the damage you can take) because I've noticed you lose your hearts much faster compered to as it was before the update.


Feb 22, 2022
Based on my expirience on eggwars, which has last many years, I've written this list that could balance the items and their cost.


-set of leather = 4 iron
-set of chain mail= 28 gold
-set of iron= 16 diamonds
-set of diamond = 108 diamonds
-set of netherite = 216 diamonds


-wood sword = 4 iron
-stone sword = 32 iron
-iron sword = 16 gold
-diamond sword = 12 diamonds
- netherite sword = 24 emeralds (or 32 diamonds)


-bow = 12 diamonds
-crossbow = 20 diamonds
-trident = 48 diamonds
-power bow = 25 diamonds
-punch bow = 25 diamonds

for what concerns the last two bows, you can also enchant them at the middle, and it should cost at least 5 emeralds


-wooden pickaxe = 4 iron
-stone pickaxe = 12 iron
-iron pickaxe = 40 iron
-diamond pickaxe = 10 gold
-netherite pickaxe = 6 diamonds


-enderpearl = 36 diamonds
-TNT: 4 gold
-shield: 30 diamonds (i would remove the shield since it makes pvp a little irrealistic, or at least I would not make it so unbreakable... that's why it should cost that much)

-golden apple = 5 golds (or even 3 gold)
-OP golden apple = 16 diamonds
- 1 steak = 2 iron

I've seen there are no emerald generators anymore but i would suggest to add them back. They were rather rare and would help a lot in the very very late game.
Furthermore (even in the case emerald generators won't be added) i personally think that before the update the gold, iron and diamond generators were perfectly balanced with the cost of the item you could get thoughout the game. So we should stick to them and build the costs of the items around that.

I'd like to thank you for the effort you're making to improve the quality of the game. It's really appreciated.
Thank you for reading.

p.s. if it's possible it'd be nice to decrease the level of damage you can make ( or increase the damage you can take) because I've noticed you lose your hearts much faster compered to as it was before the update.
This is it literally!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
United Kingdom
Hii me again!

For the conflicting issue you mentioned perhaps, as @ZynChilian mentioned earlier, making the iron generators max 32 again instead of 16 may solve it?

What are people's ideas on this?
I believe that decreasing the price of pickaxes will help players to break these blocks sooner.

What do people think would be a fair price for these (please state which game mode you're thinking of for this).
For Eggwars, I think the bows should be raised to at least 10-12 diamonds as the CrossBow I believe is around 25 diamonds.

Have a nice day <3
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Jan 31, 2023
So the first thing I want to ask about, is that I've gotten conflicting reports of how long the early game lasts.

I've been told by some people that it's too long, taking several minutes to get enough Iron Tokens to progress quick enough. And from other people I've been told it's too easy to get up to Diamond / Netherite armour. So I'm now trying to understand what it is causing these two separate opinions. If people can let me know which way they feel, and why, on this matter, we can try to get this issue solved.

Secondly, reviewing the strength of the Egg Defence blocks vs Pickaxes:
Obsidian is intended to be a later game defence, which is why Ancient Debris was added as a mid-late game defence. We can lower the cost of Pickaxes to allow people an earlier opportunity to take on these stronger defences?
Какви са идеите на хората по въпроса?

Трето, можем да разгледаме повишаването на цената на нетеритната броня. (Оръжия също? Или те са в стабилна позиция?)
Текущата оценка е да се повиши цената на пълен комплект до 64 диамантени жетона (редактиране: за нормален и коригиран за други режими), добавяйки 5/6 диамантени жетона към всяка броня, което прави тази игра много по-късна от сегашната .

Четвърто, можем да повишим цената на лъковете, тъй като обратната връзка за тях е, че са твърде лесни за получаване. Какво според хората би било справедлива цена за тях (моля, посочете кой режим на игра мислите за това).

Искам също така да засегна защо не правим големи промени в разходите за някои артикули, тъй като ако променим много неща, всички наведнъж, можем да компенсираме свръхкомпенсацията и да обърнем балансирането в другата посока. Правя го по-постепенно, за да можем да сме сигурни, че остава в контролируем диапазон.

Благодаря за приноса на всички досега. Моля, продължавайте да давате отзиви, които имате!
Здравейте, пишете ви основно проблем с цените на броните според мен първо трябва да има ледър брони и на нормал второ цените на броните трябва да са като предишните за да има по бавно развитие а недарайт броните може да ги направи по 42 диаманта и недарайт и даймънт броните може да ги има само на олвърполар. Надявам се да съм ви помогнал.


Jan 31, 2023
Така че първото нещо, за което искам да попитам, е, че получих противоречиви доклади за това колко дълго продължава ранната игра.

Някои хора ми казаха, че е твърде дълго, отнема няколко минути, за да получа достатъчно жетони за желязо, за да напредвам достатъчно бързо. И от други хора ми е казано, че е твърде лесно да стигна до броня от диаманти / нетерит. Така че сега се опитвам да разбера какво причинява тези две различни мнения. Ако хората могат да ми кажат как се чувстват и защо по този въпрос, можем да се опитаме да разрешим този проблем.

Второ, преглед на силата на блоковете за защита на яйца срещу кирки:
Obsidian е предназначен да бъде по-късна защита в играта, поради което Ancient Debris беше добавен като защита в средата на края на играта. Можем ли да намалим цената на кирките, за да дадем на хората по-ранна възможност да се справят с тези по-силни защити?
Какви са идеите на хората по въпроса?

Трето, можем да разгледаме повишаването на цената на нетеритната броня. (Оръжия също? Или те са в стабилна позиция?)
Текущата оценка е да се повиши цената на пълен комплект до 64 диамантени жетона (редактиране: за нормален и коригиран за други режими), добавяйки 5/6 диамантени жетона към всяка броня, което прави тази игра много по-късна от сегашната .

Четвърто, можем да повишим цената на лъковете, тъй като обратната връзка за тях е, че са твърде лесни за получаване. Какво според хората би било справедлива цена за тях (моля, посочете кой режим на игра мислите за това).

Искам също така да засегна защо не правим големи промени в разходите за някои артикули, тъй като ако променим много неща, всички наведнъж, можем да компенсираме свръхкомпенсацията и да обърнем балансирането в другата посока. Правя го по-постепенно, за да можем да сме сигурни, че остава в контролируем диапазон.

Благодаря за приноса на всички досега. Моля, продължавайте да давате отзиви, които имате!
Здравейте, пиша ви за проблема с цените на броните, според мен първо трябва да има кожени брони и второ цените на броните трябва да са като предишните, за да има по-бавно развитие и да можете да правите броните от недараит за 42 диаманта и броните от недараит и диаманти те могат да бъдат намерени само в olverpolar. Дано съм ти помогнал.
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Novice Member
Jul 23, 2020
I would leave netherite, but I also would add leather armour and make iron armour a little more expensive. And what about enchanting?


Jul 19, 2022
Having played some more of the new Eggwars (mostly OP mode), I stick to my original opinion that season 2 should build upon the basics we had in season 1, instead of being an entire revamp.
However, if Cube decides to keep the revamp as is, I'd like to share my opinion on what could be improved in this new 'overpowered' version.
1) Enchants
Enchants being locked behind eliminations is illogical to me. It slows down the gameplay by a lot, and pretty much guarantees that whoever controls mid first will have the upper edge during the entire game.
Rushing was already a really strong strategy and very popular, I don't get why the devs want to encourage it even further by giving emeralds for elims/eggs crushed. I'm guessing the idea is to speed up the games, but the result is quite the contrary. Once a team has succesfully rushed down another team, they can just get Fire Aspect on their swords (which, in my opinion, is way too overpowered when your opponents don't even have Protection on their armour) and camp mid/2 bases for resources and denying other teams enchants. Then once they get shields (they're worth getting every time, even for the high price) they pretty much are guaranteed to win.
2) Iron generators / concrete prices
A cap at 16 iron per generator is wack... It takes ages to get half a stack of blocks and enough food to leave the base.
3) Pickaxe prices
I originally complained about obsidian prices being too high, but who needs obby when good pickaxes are rediculously expensive? Ancient Debris is a very good defensive block right now, for the sole reason of there not being a cheap diamond pick in OP.
4) Iron armour
I get that we want high tier armour in a gamemode called "overpowered", but the current iron armour is worse than the leather we had in season 1 of Eggwars. While even Protection 3 leather takes less damage from attacks than unenchanted iron, it does better against a bunch of other stuff! Fire damage for example, which is now relevant, or fall damage reduction. Being able to jump from high places was a good dynamic in Eggwars, we can't do that now until we gather enough emeralds.
Overall, I'm still enjoying the game, but there's lots to be improved.
P.S.: Please fix shields
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Jun 26, 2021
The big cube craft server update video states that the team wanted to "take eggwars right back to its core gameplay" with season 2, they also want to make the game fun for the new player. I do not think this update did that at all.

Of course I understand that the introduction of a bunch of new items and gameplay features are done to make the game more fun and refreshing, and i welcome that, i just don't think that this was done well at all.

Consider the difference in OP mode and Normal mode as of season 2, you die very quickly regardless of the game mode which doesn't make much sense - why have the different enchantments and armour types if the fights play out the same? The difference between the two gamemodes in season 1 were very clear- OP had long fights, Normal would be alot quicker.

Gold for buying obsidian is an absolute must. gold generates on the spawn island, so it is the best way to defend from an early rush. Removing this feature alienates new players and players with not as high mechanical skill since they may not be able to fight off veteran players that speed bridge to islands for early kills. The whole wanting to shift obsidian to be a late game defence only is not a good idea imo because diamond picaxes were pretty easy to get (5 gold in op, 10 gold in normal) so its not like a counter to obsidian was locked behind getting a diamond generator.

The same can be said about punch bows (in overpowered mode at least) as they offer new/ low skilled players a fighting chance in the late game to defend and beat veteran players. The ability to only get the punch enchantment from the middle island doesn't really allow for these players a chance to defend well in the late/mid game. Bows should be something that are expensive, but worth the buy.

When it comes to the general player base, the new armour system feels not balanced. Of course netherite has to go for obvious reasons- it serves a good purpose in vanilla minecraft, which doesnt translate very well to this minigame. Additionally, diamond armour durability was high enough Netherites durability is too much.
Regarding my point above about normal and op mode, protection should be applied to all armour in overpowered, as thats what makes it overpowered.
Fights ending quickly makes sense in normal mode, but prolonged fights is where not only new players have a chance to fight for longer (due to the enchanted armour keeping them alive) , but veteran players can show off their skills. OP mode armour also allows for fun and creative tactics, like using TNT in fights, spleefing, focussing on knocking people off rather than killing (by bows, or by fist), etc. It adds an entire new dimension to the game.

Whilst playing the game (season 2) i felt like i was struggling to get currency from the generators and i believe the cap for ingots spawning was lowered. This one just doesn't make any sense to me, it was fine before, but now they were lowered when things like leather armour has become more expensive?

This is my opinion (although it is shared by many i am sure), but season 1 overpowered and half health egg wars was pretty balanced - perhaps pricing and items in the shop could have done with some work, but at its core the gamemode was near perfect. Instead of a massive overhaul in the wrong direction, surely the developers should focus on tweaking and fine tuning the experience. If devs really want to hold on to the new players, then surely creating a game where a team full of veteran obsidian ranks can roll the entire lobby in 5 minutes wouldn't be a good idea.

I will emphasize before i conclude that OP mode and Normal mode should feel different. The main thing stopping this is the protection on the armour. I'm sure that this update would receive alot less backlash if at its core OP mode still had the old protection armour, sharpness swords, etc.

Some good to end it on- Love the updated textures and custom icons - it may take some getting used to but they are definitely a good addition. I am also glad that the staff are trying new things out and are willing to listen to the community.


Dec 1, 2020
Heeyy, so I have a few suggestions to make eggwars more balanced and make it a bit more playable for old and new players.

1. Remove netherite armour, i understand that you want to add new items to the game to make it more fun but netherite armour is way to op. If you dont want to re ove it, at least make it cost emeralds since 1 full set of netherite is cheaper then a full set of dia before the update (id say 20 emeralds is a fair price)

2. Bring back the emerald generators. The way you obtain emeralds now is a good idea on paper, but its unfair for new players. Bringing back the emerald generators makes it more fair for old and new players.

3. Let gear already have some enchantments in OP mode when u buy it (prot 2-3 for armour, sharp1-2 swords and axe, eff1-2 for pickaxe) That way people wont die in 3 crits, giving everyone a chance to kill someone.

4. Let the community decide what enchantments u can buy at the enchantment shop. I like the idea of the enchantment shop but i do think there are some annoying or pointless enchantments in the shop.

5. Change the prices, I understand you wont change all the prices at the same time so here are a few items that might be important:
- Golden apples: 3-4 gold, this makes them affordable while not being so cheap you can get a stack of them with 1 visit to mid
- Bow 20-25 dia: (also give it punch in OP to give newer players a chance to win
-Obsidian and dia pickaxe: 5 gold, this makes obsidian a little bit more lategame
-Dia pickaxe: 5-10 gold: this lets us break obsidian/ debris earlier game

Thats it for now. I have more suggestions but like you said, you cant change everything all at once.

Love yall <3



Dedicated Member
Jan 16, 2018
So after collating the feedback from people we have put together a change log for this first set of tweaks to the game.
This can be found here:

We'll be monitoring how this changes the gameplay over the next few days, and any further feedback you have can be discussed here.
If people feel that the changes are better, but still not enough we will put together another set of changes planned.
These changes will be going out later today.

We're also looking at other ways to balance out earning emeralds for you and your team that don't revolve around killing / eliminating. Currently we're looking at giving 1 Emerald Token to each member of your team if your team upgrade a generator to the maximum.
Feedback for this idea would be helpful.


Novice Member
Mar 7, 2022
So after collating the feedback from people we have put together a change log for this first set of tweaks to the game.
This can be found here:

We'll be monitoring how this changes the gameplay over the next few days, and any further feedback you have can be discussed here.
If people feel that the changes are better, but still not enough we will put together another set of changes planned.
These changes will be going out later today.

We're also looking at other ways to balance out earning emeralds for you and your team that don't revolve around killing / eliminating. Currently we're looking at giving 1 Emerald Token to each member of your team if your team upgrade a generator to the maximum.
Feedback for this idea would be helpful.
Cube Craft..

Most players' demands were to remove the enchanting table, return the prices, remove netherite armor, and add enchantments to the pickaxe and to the armor as well.

But the new update that you made is only to raise the prices, nothing more.. These are not our demands

Nothing will change, it will make the game more difficult, and we can't fight 4v1 like before.

we just want the old shop .
~ Thanks .


Novice Member
Jun 18, 2021
Cube Craft..

Most players' demands were to remove the enchanting table, return the prices, remove netherite armor, and add enchantments to the pickaxe and to the armor as well.

But the new update that you made is only to raise the prices, nothing more.. These are not our demands

Nothing will change, it will make the game more difficult, and we can't fight 4v1 like before.

we just want the old shop .
~ Thanks .
You want the old EggWars as it is, but the game has to be updated. It was getting stale tbh. I agree that Netherite armor with it's reduced kb is way too op, but the other changes just change how the game should be played to a more strategic game, rather than solely relying on PvP.
I don't actually see how this makes the game unplayable. It just requires newer strats that are yet to be found. The enchanting table is a cool feature that can be balanced with enough playtesting, I don't see a valid reason to remove it. Maybe you can enchant armor too with the table (idk if this already is a feature, haven't tried it out). I'm a rusher type of person, and seeing the game radically change was surprising, but it makes for some difference in how the game is played. Makes it a lot more dangerous if you die, coz it could cost you the game very easily.(Imagine you get a good pick and you die, it will take you some time for you to regain that pick, which gives the enemy team more time to prepare)


Novice Member
Jun 18, 2021
2. Bring back the emerald generators. The way you obtain emeralds now is a good idea on paper, but its unfair for new players. Bringing back the emerald generators makes it more fair for old and new players.
I don't understand how bringing back the em gens makes it easier for new players. It's the experienced ppl who will get control of mid 9/10 times. The new update makes it so that you still get ems even when you are not at mid.
5. Change the prices, I understand you wont change all the prices at the same time so here are a few items that might be important:
- Golden apples: 3-4 gold, this makes them affordable while not being so cheap you can get a stack of them with 1 visit to mid
- Bow 20-25 dia: (also give it punch in OP to give newer players a chance to win
-Obsidian and dia pickaxe: 5 gold, this makes obsidian a little bit more lategame
-Dia pickaxe: 5-10 gold: this lets us break obsidian/ debris earlier game
Gapples don't need the price change cause then it would still make it hugely dependent on PvP, but making it more expensive involves more thinking and calculating(idk y but I keep thinking that season 2 has made eggwars more like chess xD). Bows seem really cheap, but I haven't encountered any good bow users so can't speak on that.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
The Netherlands
So after collating the feedback from people we have put together a change log for this first set of tweaks to the game.
This can be found here:

We'll be monitoring how this changes the gameplay over the next few days, and any further feedback you have can be discussed here.
If people feel that the changes are better, but still not enough we will put together another set of changes planned.
These changes will be going out later today.

We're also looking at other ways to balance out earning emeralds for you and your team that don't revolve around killing / eliminating. Currently we're looking at giving 1 Emerald Token to each member of your team if your team upgrade a generator to the maximum.
Feedback for this idea would be helpful.
is this a joke or what
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
The Netherlands
Care to elaborate? You know, in like a constructive way?
Can't fix it if you don't explain why you're unhappy with it.
Everything but what i'd suggested, making everything even more expensive and making the game even less fun and even more farming around. Every competitive player has stopped playing allready and has just quit or started playing other servers that host old eggwars.


Novice Member
Jun 10, 2020
Based on my expirience on eggwars, which has last many years, I've written this list that could balance the items and their cost.


-set of leather = 4 iron
-set of chain mail= 28 gold
-set of iron= 16 diamonds
-set of diamond = 108 diamonds
-set of netherite = 216 diamonds


-wood sword = 4 iron
-stone sword = 32 iron
-iron sword = 16 gold
-diamond sword = 12 diamonds
- netherite sword = 24 emeralds (or 32 diamonds)


-bow = 12 diamonds
-crossbow = 20 diamonds
-trident = 48 diamonds
-power bow = 25 diamonds
-punch bow = 25 diamonds

for what concerns the last two bows, you can also enchant them at the middle, and it should cost at least 5 emeralds


-wooden pickaxe = 4 iron
-stone pickaxe = 12 iron
-iron pickaxe = 40 iron
-diamond pickaxe = 10 gold
-netherite pickaxe = 6 diamonds


-enderpearl = 36 diamonds
-TNT: 4 gold
-shield: 30 diamonds (i would remove the shield since it makes pvp a little irrealistic, or at least I would not make it so unbreakable... that's why it should cost that much)

-golden apple = 5 golds (or even 3 gold)
-OP golden apple = 16 diamonds
- 1 steak = 2 iron

I've seen there are no emerald generators anymore but i would suggest to add them back. They were rather rare and would help a lot in the very very late game.
Furthermore (even in the case emerald generators won't be added) i personally think that before the update the gold, iron and diamond generators were perfectly balanced with the cost of the item you could get thoughout the game. So we should stick to them and build the costs of the items around that.

I'd like to thank you for the effort you're making to improve the quality of the game. It's really appreciated.
Thank you for reading.

p.s. if it's possible it'd be nice to decrease the level of damage you can make ( or increase the damage you can take) because I've noticed you lose your hearts much faster compered to as it was before the update.
I’ve played after the last update on balancing items and costs. It’s not enough… i’m reposting what I said before.
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