Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2015
Can you guys make an update in Egg wars. It would be cool if we can brake an egg by shooting at it with a bow.

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
I'm new. Made an account because i feel this really needs to be addressed
This is mainly about Egg wars. I'm new to the server and found an interest in the game of Egg wars. (I'm in the middle now) But me and my friend soon found a problem that we would like addressed. It might just be me and my friend but, we noticed when its down to the last 2 sometimes 3 teams it turns into a camping war. (I have been in a game where it took 45-60 minutes to gain any ground on the campers. because they would camp and shoot bows preventing us from building a bridge).
Long story short, here are my suggestions.
-Timer that ends the game.(maybe 30 minutes or more, no one wins)
-Death match after a set time with no respawns. (death match is activated by players or automatically when there is 2 teams left)
-If the campers don't leave there island after an allotted time they start slowing down, receive bad potion effects, forfeit and the other team wins, or even get kicked for camping (IDK they get punished for camping).
-Respawn times (when killed they have 4-10 seconds before they can respawn giving the advancing team time to build a bridge or cross one. Unless the attackers on on the island then the defenders should re spawn instantly.)
-Move the islands closer together so its not such a pain to build across.
-Remove bow knock back (or bows all together, or replace with fishing rods)
-Make bows really expensive so its hard to camp a base with them (or even make it a kit)
-After set time players are reset so no one is OP, . (players put back on there islands, iron armor is removed and everyone's armor is downgraded to chain, remove bows from the shop, maybe even have safe bridges to middle)
-After a set time bridges start to spawn so the players can cross to middle or others bases safely.
-This one is from another server but, the world border starts to close in pushing the egg and players towards middle with it.
-Item that can be purchased which when right clicked builds a safe bridge or tunnel about 10 blocks in front of the person so he can advance to the other teams egg
-Only have diamond generators in the middle so no one can become OP from camping

There probably will be more suggestions coming

Please address this issue. It's very annoying when you kill the other teams but then face a camping team who got all the OP gear from camping and wont let you near there base. And i say remove bows a lot because that is the only thing keeping others from building bridges to break a teams egg.

I know this defeats the purpose of the game but it makes it easier to break the eggs, but in my opinion it makes it better. I found that playing in hardcore mode is the best because no one can become OP. they have to share the resources with the team to win, and bows are not a problem.

If this is posted in the wrong place tell me. I'm new to the forums as well
Here is a idea
Can you guys plz put enderpearls in normal eggwars because there are so many campers . Enderpearl in overpowered should cost 45 diamonds and 64 diamonds for normal
plz can you guys make this change.
There have been many suggestions to stop campers, but unfortunately nothing has been determined yet.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2016
EggWars -
My biggest frustration about eggwars is those nubs that come up and steal your gen as soon as you sit down on it. Can you make it to where the first person on the gen can get like, a stack for iron, 10 for gold, 5 for dias depending on their level? Then if another person jumps on while that person is still using it, put them down for a reserved spot. If they step off they are removed. Please add this as this will really help a lot of people.

Also, to address most people's complaints of campers: Just find a good way to always win against campers fast. For me, I learned making a three wide bridge with walls on each side works well. I build all the way down to mid and then I start putting up walls to block their arrows, which I make tunnels around the wall to continue my progression. Works every time for me, unless I make a stupid move.

Zachary Fitzgerald

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Hope Valley, RI
I think that the map Underdasea is the worst eggwars map, the islands are reaaaaaally far away form the centre and the gameplay isn´t really good, maybe adding something that makes it special, like some fishes swimming from the centre to each islands ( which players would be able to break) so people could arrive to the middle faster. Another idea is to use the Money Walls lobby´s mermaid and put it between the islands and the middle. What do you think, builders? :rolleyes:
i agree maybe some fishes or something like you guys did with other maps

Zachary Fitzgerald

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Hope Valley, RI
I got some suggestions for EggWar maps like You can do a Volcano, City, Cave Paintball maps or themes for Teams and airplanes, War, Graveyards maps or themes for Solo maps that would be nice having some very neat maps like those that would really spice things up a bit

Ping Ether

Forum Veteran
Jun 2, 2016
Here is a idea
Can you guys plz put enderpearls in normal eggwars because there are so many campers . Enderpearl in overpowered should cost 45 diamonds and 64 diamonds for normal
plz can you guys make this change.
They already are there?
Sorry if I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2016
Me along with many others would really appreciate an increase in eggwars oriental map spawn rates... please


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2014
Utah, USA
Some maps fill the SkyWars walls/boards. Like stars. I walk over to the map selection wall and 90% of it is stars. So, something needs to be changed with the way maps are chosen at random.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Unfortunately I do not have a Minecraft PC account. But I enjoy watching EggWars sometimes known as money wars on YouTube, I was thinking maybe you could add a feature that has a egg at the middle of the Map. Which places a death match when the death match starts the egg hatches and spawns a Ender dragon to rush the remaining two players to fight. Please take this into consideration. :D


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2016
Unfortunately I do not have a Minecraft PC account. But I enjoy watching EggWars sometimes known as money wars on YouTube, I was thinking maybe you could add a feature that has a egg at the middle of the Map. Which places a death match when the death match starts the egg hatches and spawns a Ender dragon to rush the remaining two players to fight. Please take this into consideration. :D
This is a good idea. A better idea would be to have the eggs hatch on the player's island if they still have them. This could likely help with the camping problem.

The Crowbar

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Proxima Centauri, Milky Way

1. We need a complete change in physics; it's so annoying when people punch you off, it's so unrealistic!! I think that the worse the weapon, the less the knockback.

2. Same with armor breaking! I hate how people break my gear by punching or spamming their weapon, I think the worse the weapon, the less armor its should break, and punching should only break leather, and very slowly break chainmail, like come on, try punching iron armor in real life! You'd probably break your fist instead of the armor! Also, in 1.9 PvP, since not waiting for the cooldown decreases damage, I think it should count as 0.5 of a durability point, and it should increase and decrease depending on the cooldown.

3. As I explained in reason #2, damage the amount of durability taken from armor should depend on the weapon, as I said, all weapons may destroy all armor, but any armor except leather and chainmail should be immune to punching. (BTW I think punching should only take 0.4 durability points away from chainmail armor, and a whole point from leather.

4. Level 4 diamond generators! Come on, you know they want to join the level 4 club! However they should only be available in OP mode since you need over five stacks if you want diamond gear, punch/power bow, OP sword, shield, ender pearl(s), and enchanted golden apple(s).

5. THE STUPIDEST THING EVER!!!!!!!! Why, EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME, do gold rank votes beat my votes, I know how you people will start saying, "Oh! The Crowbar, It's actually a 50% chance", WELL GUESS WHAT, MY ODDS OF BEATING A GOLD RANK'S VOTE SO FAR ARE 0/6, like what the heck?!?!?!?! And I know you will think that I'm just saying this because I'm obsidian, but even back when I was emerald I thought this was wrong, and I would have completely agreed if an obsidian's or a mod's vote beat mine, and I'd still agree if a mod's vote beat mine, like COME ON CUBECRAFT!!!!!!! I'm the one who paid $140.13 USD more than gold rank! Like SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2016

1. We need a complete change in physics; it's so annoying when people punch you off, it's so unrealistic!! I think that the worse the weapon, the less the knockback.

2. Same with armor breaking! I hate how people break my gear by punching or spamming their weapon, I think the worse the weapon, the less armor its should break, and punching should only break leather, and very slowly break chainmail, like come on, try punching iron armor in real life! You'd probably break your fist instead of the armor! Also, in 1.9 PvP, since not waiting for the cooldown decreases damage, I think it should count as 0.5 of a durability point, and it should increase and decrease depending on the cooldown.

3. As I explained in reason #2, damage the amount of durability taken from armor should depend on the weapon, as I said, all weapons may destroy all armor, but any armor except leather and chainmail should be immune to punching. (BTW I think punching should only take 0.4 durability points away from chainmail armor, and a whole point from leather.

4. Level 4 diamond generators! Come on, you know they want to join the level 4 club! However they should only be available in OP mode since you need over five stacks if you want diamond gear, punch/power bow, OP sword, shield, ender pearl(s), and enchanted golden apple(s).

5. THE STUPIDEST THING EVER!!!!!!!! Why, EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME, do gold rank votes beat my votes, I know how you people will start saying, "Oh! The Crowbar, It's actually a 50% chance", WELL GUESS WHAT, MY ODDS OF BEATING A GOLD RANK'S VOTE SO FAR ARE 0/6, like what the heck?!?!?!?! And I know you will think that I'm just saying this because I'm obsidian, but even back when I was emerald I thought this was wrong, and I would have completely agreed if an obsidian's or a mod's vote beat mine, and I'd still agree if a mod's vote beat mine, like COME ON CUBECRAFT!!!!!!! I'm the one who paid $140.13 USD more than gold rank! Like SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!
1: Just build a bridge, if players have a bow have a shield and build walls on the bridge to get to their island. With it here, it's just making it harder and sometimes fun.
2: If you are afraid of armor breaking, you should get extra gear. One time, I decided to get 3 sets of iron armor, I used only 2 of them. It really isn't hard to get more gear, either.
3: same as 2.
4: Level 4 diamond generators would be too op, as right now diamonds come out every 2.5 seconds at level 3. My guess is it would shoot out 1 diamond per second, that's super op even for op mode. Anyways, op mode makes it harder to kill people, therefore making it a longer match.
5: I think instead of fixing this, voting should just be taken out. EggWars already takes at most 5 hours to complete. If you had in op health and op items, man, it gets so hard to kill others and takes sometimes more than 5 hours. However, I have no problem with voting, as if a donor votes I leave the game.

The Crowbar

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Proxima Centauri, Milky Way
4 would be 1.25 seconds since each level doubles the production of diamonds

And 5 would be terrible for Cubecraft, since a huge part of their income comes from donors like me who get their ranks mainly because of voting, just like me, and if they removed voting, they would get a lot less money.

The Crowbar

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Proxima Centauri, Milky Way
I got some suggestions for EggWar maps like You can do a Volcano, City, Cave Paintball maps or themes for Teams and airplanes, War, Graveyards maps or themes for Solo maps that would be nice having some very neat maps like those that would really spice things up a bit

There should also be a palm tree map for solo not like tropical, it should be half sand half grass (jungle) it should have a small pond, and a palm tree, just for some random reason i thought it would look nice, idk why

The Crowbar

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Proxima Centauri, Milky Way
1. You shouldn't be getting a type of bow at the beginning of the game.
2. Shields don't block eggs.
3. It takes 30 diamonds to get a shield...
I'm new. Made an account because i feel this really needs to be addressed
This is mainly about Egg wars. I'm new to the server and found an interest in the game of Egg wars. (I'm in the middle now) But me and my friend soon found a problem that we would like addressed. It might just be me and my friend but, we noticed when its down to the last 2 sometimes 3 teams it turns into a camping war. (I have been in a game where it took 45-60 minutes to gain any ground on the campers. because they would camp and shoot bows preventing us from building a bridge).
Long story short, here are my suggestions.
-Timer that ends the game.(maybe 30 minutes or more, no one wins)
-Death match after a set time with no respawns. (death match is activated by players or automatically when there is 2 teams left)
-If the campers don't leave there island after an allotted time they start slowing down, receive bad potion effects, forfeit and the other team wins, or even get kicked for camping (IDK they get punished for camping).
-Respawn times (when killed they have 4-10 seconds before they can respawn giving the advancing team time to build a bridge or cross one. Unless the attackers on on the island then the defenders should re spawn instantly.)
-Move the islands closer together so its not such a pain to build across.
-Remove bow knock back (or bows all together, or replace with fishing rods)
-Make bows really expensive so its hard to camp a base with them (or even make it a kit)
-After set time players are reset so no one is OP, . (players put back on there islands, iron armor is removed and everyone's armor is downgraded to chain, remove bows from the shop, maybe even have safe bridges to middle)
-After a set time bridges start to spawn so the players can cross to middle or others bases safely.
-This one is from another server but, the world border starts to close in pushing the egg and players towards middle with it.
-Item that can be purchased which when right clicked builds a safe bridge or tunnel about 10 blocks in front of the person so he can advance to the other teams egg
-Only have diamond generators in the middle so no one can become OP from camping

There probably will be more suggestions coming

Please address this issue. It's very annoying when you kill the other teams but then face a camping team who got all the OP gear from camping and wont let you near there base. And i say remove bows a lot because that is the only thing keeping others from building bridges to break a teams egg.

I know this defeats the purpose of the game but it makes it easier to break the eggs, but in my opinion it makes it better. I found that playing in hardcore mode is the best because no one can become OP. they have to share the resources with the team to win, and bows are not a problem.

If this is posted in the wrong place tell me. I'm new to the forums as well

Okay thats a bit too unfair
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