Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2020
EggWars is on Bedrock AND Java though.
but the way your comments sound make it seem like youve not played bedrock eggwars and the other bedrock server's variantrs, which have very different pvp mechanics than java. Another issue you were talking about was points, which also arent a thing on bedrock.
Edit: This includes when the game starts. We will also remove wooden swords and leather armor from the shop.
This would definitely not be changing as durability is a thing on cubecraft, which is also unique compared to many other popular servers.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
Make it so people respawn with leather armor of their team color and a wooden sword so they can fight back when they are killed. It’s a bit unfair because once you die even if you have the best egg defense you can’t stop your opponent unless you can manage to fist them off the edge but that won’t work in most cases.

Mineplex, Hypixel, Hive, BrokenLens, basically every server I can think of has this, but CubeCraft? No.

SpawnKilling is against the rules, but the thing is most rules on this server is SUPER easy to break, ESPECIALLY this one. with the current system they are basically TELLING you to break it. You don’t even have to try to break the rules and you get a warning or ban or mute.

Also make it so that if the same player is killed more than 2 times in the same minute the killer stops gaining points from killing them until either 60 seconds have passed or until they break their egg.

And to counteract this change we should give Egg armor prot 1 in normal mode and replace it with your teams color. If it’s hardcore mode only the helmet and boots will have prot.

This ain’t a thing in CubeCraft and I find it kinda dumb.

Thanks for reading.
If you disagree you like spawn killing people.

Edit: This includes when the game starts. We will also remove wooden swords and leather armor from the shop.
Edit 2: Stop reacting disagree please, all of my friends agree but if you don’t then ignore it nolifers
I think this shouldn't be added because it would destroy the essence of the gamemode, the fact that you respawn with no armor. You say that in other servers such as Hypixel you respawn with armor and a wood sword, that's true, but there aren't eligible kits in that kind of servers. However, if you want to respawn with armor and you play on Java, there is a kit that gives you armor, but not a sword.
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Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Make it so people respawn with leather armor of their team color and a wooden sword so they can fight back when they are killed. It’s a bit unfair because once you die even if you have the best egg defense you can’t stop your opponent unless you can manage to fist them off the edge but that won’t work in most cases.

Mineplex, Hypixel, Hive, BrokenLens, basically every server I can think of has this, but CubeCraft? No.

SpawnKilling is against the rules, but the thing is most rules on this server is SUPER easy to break, ESPECIALLY this one. with the current system they are basically TELLING you to break it. You don’t even have to try to break the rules and you get a warning or ban or mute.

Also make it so that if the same player is killed more than 2 times in the same minute the killer stops gaining points from killing them until either 60 seconds have passed or until they break their egg.

And to counteract this change we should give Egg armor prot 1 in normal mode and replace it with your teams color. If it’s hardcore mode only the helmet and boots will have prot.

This ain’t a thing in CubeCraft and I find it kinda dumb.

Thanks for reading.
If you disagree you like spawn killing people.

Edit: This includes when the game starts. We will also remove wooden swords and leather armor from the shop.
Edit 2: Stop reacting disagree please, all of my friends agree but if you don’t then ignore it nolifers
This is Eggwars not Bedwars.

What you are suggestion is to basically change what Eggwars is because you are tired of dying.

The reason you spawn with armor and a sword in Hypixel's Bedwars isn't specifically so you have a chance to live after you die, but more because the generators are slower and the prices on items are much higher. IN addition to that you need diamonds to upgrade ALL of your generators, but in eggwars you can upgrade gens with the materials at your base to a certain point.

If you want a kit that gives you armor look at something like the Miner Kit, which spawns you in with a leather helmet(hardhat).

But I can see why you would want it to make consistency with Java with the Egg Protector kit, or whatever its called, with the full leather armor and cheaper -25% armor buys. But that is because they have a in game payment system for those kits as well as 20 other kits. While bedrock only has the 4 kits.

BUT AS WELL AS THAT, you spawn in with kits every 3minutes or is it 2 idr, I never die. Meaning your kit would be useless if you died more than once.

If you want a good kit so you can run and take hits -> Builder
If you want a kit that gives you a weapon as well as a way too overpowered tool even in OP take this -> Miner
And if you want to be weird pick -> Gapple / Baker

Just pick Builder, only freaks of natures pick the other kits

This is a bedrock suggestion as Java already has a kit that gives armor(no sword)


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Have you heard of Chesterton's fence when it comes to making suggestions?
I don't think this is really needed in this post, Chesterton's fence(to my understanding) is asking for a change without knowing or understanding the cause or the issue that it's trying to fix.

I know SSF plays eggwars, the reason why a lot of people are disagreeing aren't disagreeing because they don't understand what he is asking. Additionally they aren't disagreeing because they believe SSF knows nothing of eggwars.

Personally I disagree(and others) because Eggwars is different from Bedwars, We(cubecraft) should not be copying what works for other servers. Sure Bedwars is popular, but the reason Bedwars even exists is because of Eggwars.
To my understanding Eggwars(money wars) became popular on youtube back in like 2016. Shortly after the MoneyWars craze "Lifeboat" on the MCPE version of minecraft released Bedwars, beginning the popularity on both MCPE and Java.
After Money Wars's popularity on Cubecraft and Bedwars on Lifeboat in early 2017 Hypixel released Bedwars in it's Prototype lobby.

Each version of the same game were different, regardless of the same premise of "Grab materials at generator, protect your spawn protection and kill other teams"

Eggwars was the first version of the gamemode to release, it is original and a great gamemode, it died on Java not because of Bedwars, but because cubecraft just wasn't getting better.
This is one of the reasons A LOT of my posts and my standings about cubecraft are low with bug fixes and many other things, I don't want the server to die(bedrock) like it died on java.

And I feel like changing Eggwars to mimic Bedwars is not a smart thing to do, it just entirely removes the feeling of eggwars, which is a faster paced than Bedwars.

I disagree with this as I would know this would extend the times of games significantly and just overall decrease players on eggwars

betty's oldies

Forum Expert
I don't think this is really needed in this post, Chesterton's fence(to my understanding) is asking for a change without knowing or understanding the cause or the issue that it's trying to fix.
That concept applies to any kind of change. When a suggestion is made, it should consider everything in the current state of affairs before proceeding. Should a suggestion be implemented without fully considering the circumstances, it could make the current situation worse than intended.

For this suggestion specifically, OP wants to add leather armor and wooden swords as starting gear. Currently, an EggWars game is laid out as so:
  • More emphasis on strategy, less on tactics. Due to lower mobility, you cannot change your tactics (e.g. emergency switch from offense to defense) on a whim as easily as you can on Hypixel BedWars.
  • Players start with nothing except for items provided by their kits.
  • Dying results in the loss of all equipment except for another set of items provided by the kit unless the player had died within 2 minutes of the previous death, in which case no kit items are provided on respawn.
    • This puts emphasis on the player's survival, encouraging the player to value their current life.
      • In Hypixel BedWars, the player's life was considered expendable since players could jump into the void by storing all their equipment in the ender chest (thus allowing an attacker to change to defense in a matter of seconds).
    • This allows the attacker to disarm defenders, making an offense more likely to succeed.
  • There are no ender chests; the only way to store items is either in the inventory or in a regular chest.
  • Each generator is upgraded individually and produces materials faster.
  • Shop isn't as simple and items cost more than those on Hypixel's BedWars. This is because more resources are generated in EggWars than in BedWars.
  • The best defense is to kill enemy players, thus preventing their attacks from occurring in the first place. Your egg is defenseless if no one is guarding it no matter how strong its cover is.
With these in mind, if this suggestion were to be added:
  • The cost for a player's opening is significantly reduced. This theoretically results in faster games. However...
    • This also means that dying has a reduced penalty. If you die with just the default equipment only, you lose nothing at all.
    • Leather armor and a wooden sword will NOT win against someone who has awareness, iron armor, and a diamond sword. Even if the attacker is knocked off the edge, the same can be currently done by an unarmed defender in the current game. And if the attacker is more inland and not near the edge, good luck trying to kill the attacker with your default equipment.
    • In practice, it makes rushing take longer to pull off if it fails. When a rush fails, the attacker will try to counterattack, and if that counterattack fails, both sides will be significantly behind.
  • It doesn't change current tactics such as controlling mid. If you allow your opponent to gear up significantly, you deserve it for letting your opponent have an advantage.
Eggwars was the first version of the gamemode to release, it is original and a great gamemode, it died on Java not because of Bedwars, but because cubecraft just wasn't getting better.
This is one of the reasons A LOT of my posts and my standings about cubecraft are low with bug fixes and many other things, I don't want the server to die(bedrock) like it died on java.
Eggwars was good at the time. I remember during Cube's early 1.9 days in 2016-2017 when 10k-20k+. Cube was already in the decline, though not as fast at the time. Hypixel was taking the lead in Java.

There's been some ninja updates added to bedrock lately and those added more bugs to the game than fixed.
And I feel like changing Eggwars to mimic Bedwars is not a smart thing to do, it just entirely removes the feeling of eggwars, which is a faster paced than Bedwars.

I disagree with this as I would know this would extend the times of games significantly and just overall decrease players on eggwars
I disagree with OP for the same reason. I believe the game is fine as is.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2020
I don’t want to make a long lengthy essay but the only thing I agree with is the spawn killing since that would help fix the spawn killing problem but everything else is just very controversial and subjective to your opinion and I don’t really agree with giving people awnser when they respawn again because it can be abused by jumping into the void for your free armour when the game starts or voiding witch is an annoying tactic on hypixel where the person jumps into the void so they can save there bed in this case egg and I think that respawning and loosing everything is a rightful punishment for dying.


Forum Expert
Dec 22, 2019
The Future
Darn guys stop reviving this Thread It’s OLD! I wanna stop having my alerts show that this thread keeps getting disagreed on.
Hey! You can always disable the alerts for this thread if you don't want to get notified or you can request to lock this thread through staff-help or in a moderator his DM.

For your thread, I disagree, because this is what makes it special, which is why I love it!


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Mar 31, 2021
The Netherlands
If you scroll all the way to the top of this page you should see this.

You see that button in the bottom right that says "Unwatch"? Click on that. That should stop you from getting notifications!
Hope that helped :)
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