Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2022
Stardew Valley
1/10 people on mineplex are hackers ngl. Its not nearly as bad on cube
Another thing is, Mineplex, one of the WORST MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVERS, has very little hackers.
Wanna talk bad servers? *koff koff* mineville *koff* pixel paradise

(I got a 28 day false ban on pixel paradise soon after it was first released)

💀 Camgames 🎃

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
I agree with part of this. The toxicity is not an issue but I frequently see hackers in eggwars duos which I play a lot.
However since I play duos it is less of an issue since hackers usually que solo meaning my teamate and I can take him/her out.
Still annoying though.

Wanna talk bad servers? *koff koff* mineville *koff* pixel paradise

(I got a 28 day false ban on pixel paradise soon after it was first released)
Agreed 100%
Mineville is bad
Pixel paradise is .0000001% better than cube

That was a joke ok

Got denied for helper?
Says the ex staff member who was banned for a while

Yall are taking thus to personally. It is my opinion. Geez.
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Novice Member
Jun 12, 2020
North Carolina, United States of America
Agreed 100%
Mineplex is bad
Pixel paradise is .0000001% better than cube

That was a joke ok
I honestly dont mind mineplex. Other than the hacking issue I get on there to just have some chill games. Nothing too competitive :).
Now pixel paradise is an excuse for a server. You have to pay for just about every game on there and I still dont think there is a party system.


Feb 1, 2022
2. Hackers🧑‍💻

I get it. Everyone hates hackers. But Cubecraft, holy crap, you take it to a whole other level. I have seen more hackers on Cubecraft Bedrock alone than on ever other Minecraft server on Bedrock and Java combined. And I play The Hive, Gamers React, (Sever I will not say for privacy reasons), Mineplex, and Hypixel. And when there is a hacker on those servers, they are banned. I have so much footage of hackers its not even funny. And know what the funny part is? THEY NEVER GET BANNED! One of my ex-friends hacked on Cubecraft, and to this day is still not banned. The anit-cheat is terrible, good god. And
don't even think about asking me about Java Cubecraft.

Um so whenever I use /sr on java at least, the hackers are usually banned within 5 - 10 minutes after the report. And I've rarely encounter hackers on the bedrock server granted I've been playing less bedrock and cubecraft in general.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
By far the most useless thread posted this year: just toxicity and anger, no concrete suggestions to improve anything, followed by "i go play hypexel now, bye"



Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2020
Buckle up- this is a long rant about the problems I have with Cubecraft.

Here we go
I do not mean to offend anyone, this is just my personal experiences with Cubecraft, so please don't take anything personal. If you don't like my opinion, then that's a you problem.

1. A really, REALLY bad Moderation Team👷‍♂️👷‍♀️

This might be offensive to some of you on the moderation team, so I am ok if you skip over it. I do have problems with the moderation team. 1st of all, its terrible. Sorry. The mods are really bad at banning people in game. About 1/10 times, there is someone with scaffold, aimbot, autoclick, etc. (On Bedrock) Don't get me started on Java. And no, I am not being biased when I say this, that the Hive has very little hackers, and has a smaller moderation team. Another thing is, Mineplex, one of the WORST MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVERS, has very little hackers. I played (and still do) play Mineplex, and there are like no hackers.

Another thing about the moderation team is they answer none of my questions. Everything automatically goes to eighter A) Immediate ban, or B) Immediate kick. They false ban more people than people who
actually hack. Which leads me too...

2. Hackers🧑‍💻

I get it. Everyone hates hackers. But Cubecraft, holy crap, you take it to a whole other level. I have seen more hackers on Cubecraft Bedrock alone than on ever other Minecraft server on Bedrock and Java combined. And I play The Hive, Gamers React, (Sever I will not say for privacy reasons), Mineplex, and Hypixel. And when there is a hacker on those servers, they are banned. I have so much footage of hackers its not even funny. And know what the funny part is? THEY NEVER GET BANNED! One of my ex-friends hacked on Cubecraft, and to this day is still not banned. The anit-cheat is terrible, good god. And
don't even think about asking me about Java Cubecraft.

3. The UI🔢

The newer menu UI. Ugh. It really sucks the little bit of fun Cubecraft still had right out of me. This new UI is so laggy and buggy, its not even fun. I play on Pc, Switch, and PS4. The game freezes for about 1 1/2 seconds before I can buy anything. And the loot menus is bad also. The shop and game selection NPC is so sloppy and unorganized. The old UI was
actually easy to understand and not laggy.

4. The Loot (AKA Scams)💸💰🤑

Ugh. unfortunately, I was a
victim of Cubecraft's cash grab. Spoiler alert: Its all one, big, fat, SCAM. Add this math: 10$ per rank. 8 games. So that is 80$. Not counting: Egg Skins, Shop Skins, Chest Skins, Bundles, and other overpriced crap. Cubecraft Java is actually good in this department, its not that overpriced and you get an ok amount of loot. Take Hive, for example. One time payment, done. Have a lot of content, plus unlockables. You can even buy bundles for a fraction of Cube's prices and get 10 times the amount of stuff. Cubecraft is just one giant SCAM. Why get Survivial Games rank for 10$ when you can get VIP + in Hypixel. Its just not even worth the money. Even the "limited time bundles" are a scam. I have the links to all the old ones. Limited time. Big whoop.

5. The players/Users/Members/Whatever 👶
Cubecraft's players are so toxic half the time its not even funny. Basically, when you win, I don't get a gg. I get a: "Your so trash kid, go touch some grass." When I loose, I get "Sucks to be you, idiot." Yes, I did get those messages. It just makes the games unfun and annoying to play. And the Members on the forums are also really bad. I hate those stupid 3 year old kids who go "OoH pRoFiLe PiCtUrE cHaNgE" Its so annoying. Those users (I will not say their usernames, but its clear who I am talking about) try to make friends with people by saying like "100 more likes and your ahead of me OMG BRUH OMGGGGG!!!!" and really I just end up ignoring them. It gets annoying when you want to use your message page for actual conversations.

Overall, Cubecraft is a really bad sever, in my opinion. It lacks anything that actually sets it apart from others, besides scams, a bad staff, annoying users, bad skyblock, "Bedwars" and SURVIVAL GAMES OMG!!111!!11 SO GUD RIGHT?//????/

Remember, if you hate this post, do /sr! It defiantly works!
Anyway, thats my opinion on Cubecraft.
Now, if you excuse me, I am going to play Hypixel
Peace out,
Agreed, although none of these issues would be solved because the Cubecraft forum dwellers are cultish. You can’t criticize the server at all or else they would attack you.
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