Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dec 27, 2019
Cubecraft Egg Wars Suggestions:


  1. Make it so you have to use your fist to use a villager or upgrade a generator. So you can’t use a pickaxe or sword,but you can use tokens and food items to open them (and your fist obviously)

  2. Make modified Egg Wars a seperate game mode so if people don’t want to play with modifiers then they don’t have to keep leaving games.
If you want to make it only VIP’s then MAKE THE GAMEMODE FOR ONLY VIP'S. Or whatever the rank is that gets modifying privileges

  1. This is for all games but add leaderboards for all stats other than deaths, and make a leaderboard for all modes combined, not just solo duo and 4v4s separate

  2. Add xp for final kills (eliminations) and for egg breaks, to reward people for playing the game instead of just sitting on their island the whole game with everything you could possibly need. Also add it for kills in Survival Games and Skywars.

  3. And fix knockback, it is broken(idk if it’s connection though)

  4. Also add a map picker, please.

  1. Make armor more expensive or make it so you can only buy a certain amount.
Leather: 5 iron per piece

Chain: Actually is pretty good where it is

Iron: 40 diamonds per piece

With a certain amount, you can only buy 2 pieces of armor and the rest is leather(make it so you don’t have to buy leather then)

  1. Swords are good where they are.

  2. Same with blocks, maybe make obsidian slightly more expensive.

  3. Maybe lower the cost of 12 steak to 40 but otherwise food is good.

Normal Bow: 40 gold

Power 1 Bow: 25 diamonds

Punch 1 Bow: 50 diamonds

  1. Misc. items are good except Ender Pearls. They are very good but if your going to make a full set of iron armor 20 diamonds it should be 15 diamonds, but since I’m raising the armor cost maybe 30 diamonds. So...
Ender Pearl: 30 diamonds.

  1. Stone and Iron pickaxes should be a little more expensive but both diamond pickaxes are fine.
Stone pickaxe: 15 iron

Iron pickaxe: 5 gold


  1. In any map where there is a hole in the spawn island, like the jungle map, or the xylophone on the toy duos map, put barrier blocks in the place of the air just like you did on the toy duos map

  2. Make every solos map have 1 Level 1 iron generator and 1 Level 1 gold generator, then 1 broken diamond generator.

  3. Make every duos map have 2 level 1 iron generator and 1 Level 1 gold generator and also 1 broken diamond generator.

  4. Then have 4v4s have the same as duos.

  5. Remove the picnic map in 4v4s, it’s bad.

  6. Same with the forest duos map, it’s also terrible

Kill feed

  1. In the bar at the bottom(the remaining eggs) show the remaining teams and if they have an egg rather than just the eggs so people know where to look.

  2. I don’t think this is part of the kill feed, but remove the nametag of the egg when a player leaves the game, I’ve gone to bases and broken a defence then not seen an egg.

Please fix your game



Dedicated Member
Sep 18, 2018
The Netherlands
Here there, this is my opnion about your suggestion!


1. -
2. Good idea.
3. Deaths is just a fun leaderboard and shouldn't be removed and its really diffecult to add leaderboards for teams of 3,5,6,8,9 and 10.
4. That is a really good idea and should be added.
5. kb istn't broken in my opinion.
6. You are allowed to pic maps if you have Iron rank (or higher)


1. 5 Iron for leather armor is a good idea but 40 diamonds for iron armor per piece? No thats to much I think 10 is enough or just keep the current price.
2. True, I agree,
3. Obsidian needs to be 5 gold if there is voted for overpowerd and 10 gold in normal is a great price.
4. There needs to be a disscusion about the food prices, true. I think 40 is indeed enough.
5. In my opinion bows does have a good price, if you could buy a normal for 40 gold players are going to camp a lot.
6. Ender Pearls are very overpowerd so 64 diamonds is a great price.
7. If you update the price from a iron pickaxe from 32 iron to 5 gold then you got 2 pickaxe's with the same price. You said that diamods picks are fine :)


1. I don't have any troubles with holes in maps.
2. Good idea, should be done.
3. Also good idea.
4. Give my examples why its a bad a map.
5. Actually I like the forest map, enough space to pvp and not to many teams.

Kill Feed

1. -
2. Good idea.


Sep 22, 2019
do you really have a chance if you have nothing and the other person has full iron and a diamond sword? All my games end with me, who has killed 50% (or more) of the game and i die to a person with full iron and a diamond sword bc i have leather and a stone sword at best, but sometimes i knock them off

Bows: people already camp with punch bows, its really annoying


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
To be honest im good with eggwars right now. It don’t need changes


Sep 22, 2019
Well my main problem is how people play, if they added leaderboards for things like egg breaks and elims, then it would be fine because people would rush also. You would only have 1 or 2 people camping at their base per game, and it would just be more fun. I don't understand how camping at your base with max gear and killing the last person is fun.
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