Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
I supported a /report before, and I don't see why 3 abuses = an isn't bad. I mean, abusing the report option on a plot on Free Build is bannable, so why can't they make abusing /report bannable?
That is true. I am not sure.


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
In my opinion, I think they should add a /report plugin, for people who don't have a recording software. It will send a notification to online staff that someone has /reported someone. And to stop abusers, 3 abuses = ban.
I think this used to be a feature, but was removed due to abuse.
I can confirm.

A better version of this should be that staff don't get noticed by /report, but that there is a list (that you can see with /list) of players from highest amount of being /report ed to lowest amount. This way staff are more likely to catch an actual hacker instead of someone just hackusating someone.


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
Yeah it's almost impossible to get video of crit hacks
It's really easy, especially in 1.9;
If the player makes the critical hit sound(and particles) while hitting you, but they aren't jumping(or they are but like 0.005m +Y), well there you have it: critical hit hacks. It's not that hard to catch
For 1.8 you just have to do it with the particles, but with the right texture/resource pack it shouldn't be that hard.


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
Was that ever publicly announced?
No and yes, but it is easily checkable.
1. excess of amount of hackers.
2. All hackers on my previous reports I've made are no longer banned (yes even the permanent banned ones)
3. It was announces that there was coming an update in the ban system where staff can ban in days too instead of only months. Players can now be banned in days
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