No suelo ser buen jugador de skywars pero me apetecía hacer este reto , el reto del f1 , tras muchas horas conseguí ganar una partida en 2.0 y en f1, asiq ue espero que os divirtais viendo el video y que apreciéis así dicho esfuerzo.Un saludo
No I'm usually good player skywars but I wanted to make this challenge, the challenge of f1, after many hours I managed to win a game in 2.0 and f1, so you don? I hope you have fun watching the video and you appreciate so that effort. a greeting
No I'm usually good player skywars but I wanted to make this challenge, the challenge of f1, after many hours I managed to win a game in 2.0 and f1, so you don? I hope you have fun watching the video and you appreciate so that effort. a greeting