Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
The Barn
Why don't you just watch where you're running?..... if someone hits you with a snowball, arrow or egg and you take fall damage it was the aim of the person throwing the item to kill you.... if they do kill you then it was a success and they used the fall damage as a weapon. Man up and attack back :P.
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Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2014
fall damage in skywars was added because @Formelet 's map, Spiral... but for some reason the map didnot get added and i guess they forgot to remove fall damage? although i really like it :D @halothe23
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My wishes for the Spring event 2025:
- Bring back ALL maps (if that's possible, including Hatch for Solo EggWars, Chocolate for EggWars Teams of 2, Eggs for EggWars Teams of 4, Rabbit and Bunny for Solo SkyWars)
- New maps
- Bring back Egg Hunt
Daily Question #11: To add onto the previous question, what's your least favourite music genre?
Can some1 find my re-introduction??? I feel like I did one but its NOWHERE to be find
BicolourSine41 wrote on cldash's profile.
Yoo congrats on helper!!!
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