I would like to see some changes around the featured games. At this moment, I feel like the featured games don't really get attention. There have been bugs for a long time, without being fixed, and I want to suggest some QOL features to make it a bit smoother/better. For the last few weeks, I've tried to gather some feedback for most of the featured games. And I also put some ideas and feedback from some friends in this thread. I know that bugs should be reported on the report site, and I already did that. But they don't get fixed, this thread is also aimed at suggestions for the featured games and giving the featured games some attention. So let's get started with the problems in featured games.
If you got mentioned in this thread, it's most likely in the 'Other suggestions' part, I've mentioned the creators of the thread as they definitely deserve some credits.
Note: Some spoilers may show up twice, once with text and another one with an image. I've tried fixing this, but I couldn't. There is some bug going on if you use media in spoilers, I only added one spoiler and it gets split up in two. Sorry for that, but I hope you can understand.
Line Dash
Quake Craft
Survival Games
Wing Rush
Battle Zone
Slime Survival
Archer Assault
Layer Spleef
All featured games
There are some problems that I see back in more featured games, so I listed them here.
Note: Some of the bugs might already been fixed in the past month, but the most are still there.
Play again
Some problems with the play again function in the featured games.
New system
I feel like the current system could use an upgrade. It's been here for a long time, and unlike the other games, the featured games never got an update. So I would like to see some changes, that might make it better. At least more fun for me.
Old games
Some pretty cool games got removed in the big change. And I think that some games might be able to come back with a new system. It would be cool to play some old games again. Of course they don't have to bring them all back, but bringing back some old gamemodes would be nice. Or they could take some time, and try to come up with some new and original gamemodes. If you have a gamemode that should be brought back as a featured game, let me know, I'm really interested!
I would like to see multipliers for the featured games. It has been suggested multiple times before, and I think it's a good idea. I know there are personal multipliers nowadays, but a purchased multiplier would also work well. It might boost the players for featured games, and it would be nice to be able to have a multiplier for a game that changes once in a while. (Or for different games at the same time, in case my idea gets implemented).
Other suggestions
I'm not the only one that would like to see some changes. So I looked for some other threads with ideas for changes and listed them here. As these are also great ideas and some may be very similar to some of my ideas. While searching for other threads, I found out that there are way too many threads about featured games to link here. So this will just be some examples of other threads about the featured games. PLEASE, do not necropost on these threads!
To be more straight to the point, there are lots of suggestions about the featured games. Mostly about making it separate gamemodes, or having two featured game NPCs. So I think there should change something, maybe not exactly how I suggested it, but there need to be some improvements.
Thanks to @99th_DutchNubnub and @99th_DutchVoid for helping me creating this thread!
This was the thread. Of course, no one will agree with all of these ideas. So if you have some suggestions or improvements, feel free to share them here. The main point of this thread is to give some more attention to the featured games, and hope there will be some improvements in the future. Please let me know what you think about these ideas, and if there should be some changes around the featured games.
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Agree if you agree with this thread, even though you might not agree with everything. You can also react with
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Disagree if you think the featured games are fine as it is now. Thanks for taking the time to read (a part of) this thread, and have a nice day!
I would like to see some changes around the featured games. At this moment, I feel like the featured games don't really get attention. There have been bugs for a long time, without being fixed, and I want to suggest some QOL features to make it a bit smoother/better. For the last few weeks, I've tried to gather some feedback for most of the featured games. And I also put some ideas and feedback from some friends in this thread. I know that bugs should be reported on the report site, and I already did that. But they don't get fixed, this thread is also aimed at suggestions for the featured games and giving the featured games some attention. So let's get started with the problems in featured games.
If you got mentioned in this thread, it's most likely in the 'Other suggestions' part, I've mentioned the creators of the thread as they definitely deserve some credits.
Note: Some spoilers may show up twice, once with text and another one with an image. I've tried fixing this, but I couldn't. There is some bug going on if you use media in spoilers, I only added one spoiler and it gets split up in two. Sorry for that, but I hope you can understand.

When the game Line dash ends, it doesn't give you the time to say gg or press play again. You get teleported to the Hub almost instantly.
After you die in Line dash, you keep talking in the team chat. Saying gg in the team chat gives you 1 xp, while saying gg in the global chat doesn't. I think you should talk in the global chat when you die in Line dash, just like in the other games.
If your whole party died, you should be able to leave the game without any confirmations. But in Line dash this isn't possible, even though the whole party died already, you have to confirm before leaving. I think it will be better if we can just leave when everyone is dead already.

In the minigame Quake craft, some players with a rank can vote for a gamemode. There are quite a lot achievements that require Powered quake to be voted. But this is almost never the case, it's extremely rare that players vote for powered quake, making half of the achievements almost impossible. So there should change something, remove the achievements, mark them as hard. Or come up with something else, as these achievements are really hard to get without being able to vote.

The achievement Butcher requires to kill 25 animals in one game. It's marked as easy, but it is impossible as there don't spawn any animals in survival games.
The achievement Murderer! is also impossible, as you have to kill 20 animals and there don't spawn any animals.
Another impossible achievement is Put your glasses on. As you have to shoot a teammate with bow and arrow, but you can't hit your teammate, making it impossible to get this achievement.
The achievement Team tanks requires you to block 20 hits with a shield. After multiple tries, we concluded that this achievement does not work.
The shop for the survival games is not working properly. First of all, it doesn't show if you already purchased a kit or not, it also doesn't show up in the normal shop menu. I think the survival games shop should just be available in the shop menu, at least when this game is featured. The bug that it doesn't show if you unlocked a kit or not, is already reported over a year ago and is still not fixed. Also the colours when you try to purchase a kit is always fully white with some exceptions. You also can't select a kit before you join the game, as you can in other games. To make the story short, the shop has a lot of bugs and it should just be as every other shop.
I think that the server should remember the last kit I used and automatically select it for me. This is already the case in all the other games, but not in Survival games. When you forgot to select a kit, you don't have one.
The scoreboard in the waiting lobby does not show if you're playing team or solo survival games. Other games do show it, but survival games doesn't. It might not be that much of a problem, but I still think it should be fixed as it shouldn't be that much work.

When you finish first in Wing rush, you have to wait a long time before the game ends. To get your points for being first, you have to wait for the whole game to end. I suggest giving players points for the place they finished in, and let them join another game.
At the end of a game of Wing rush, there will be 2 leaderboards. One with the 3 best players, and one with all the players. These leaderboards do not always show the same result, when players left and where not waiting for the end (this was not the case in the screenshot below). I think this could just be merged into one leaderboard.
Sorry for the low quality, but I couldn't get anything better :(
Sorry for the low quality, but I couldn't get anything better :(
When flying the wrong way, there will eventually be a message telling you that you're flying the wrong way. But this message shows when you're already flying the wrong way for over 20 seconds, and this is too late. When you don't know the map well, it's sometimes confusing which way you need to go. I suggest adding a bossbar telling you that you are flying the wrong way instantly when you are going the wrong way. The reason for a bossbar is that some players may find it annoying when the title shows up when you fly the wrong way for just a second. The bossbar is just for when you're not sure if you are going the right way, so you can easily check if you're going wrong.
When you leave before the game ends, there are multiple problems. First of all, you don't get the points and experience for finishing first, second or third. The second problem is that the leaderboards at the end are broken. And the third problem is that you'll still show up in the scoreboard, which makes it possible for a game to never end. Because it's waiting for players to finish, even though there aren't any players left anymore. The fourth problem we found, is when you leave before the next players finished, there can be multiple players in third place. The solution I suggest is that everyone gets the points and experience the second you finish. And the game remembers the place you finished. At the end a scoreboard will show up with everyone, if they left or not. And if you leave during the game, you should be removed from the scoreboard.
Players on the scoreboard, even though they aren't in the game.
Two players in third place.
Players on the scoreboard, even though they aren't in the game.
Two players in third place.
I believe that you should get more rewards for Wing rush. It's not a really short game, and you only get a few points for it. I know it's a featured game, but you should still get a realistic amount of points and experience for it.
Every time a player dies, there will be 3 death messages. The game already spams the chat enough without this bug. So please fix it.

In Paintball Capture The Flag mode, there is a lot going on. You also get a lot of title messages, this results in missing important ones sometimes. Such as an update about your flag being stolen, or the enemy's flag being captured. To make it a bit more clear, I suggest adding bossbar messages about the status for both flags. So you can always see how the flags are doing. These statuses could be something like:
Other teams flag:
At base: This message will be shown as long as nothing happens to the flag.
Stolen: This means that someone of your team has the flag.
On your head: If this message is shown, you have the flag on your head. Some players don't know it when they have the flag on their head, so that's why this should be another message then stolen.
Returned: This will show up for a few seconds after the flag was returned.
Captured: This message will show up for a few seconds, after the flag was stolen.
Dropped: This means that the flag is dropped somewhere in the field.
Your own flag:
At base: This message will be shown as long as nothing happens to the flag.
Stolen: This means that someone of your team has the flag.
Returned: This will show up for a few seconds after the flag was returned.
Captured: This message will show up for a few seconds, after the flag was stolen.
Dropped: This means that the flag is dropped somewhere in the field.
Other teams flag:
At base: This message will be shown as long as nothing happens to the flag.
Stolen: This means that someone of your team has the flag.
On your head: If this message is shown, you have the flag on your head. Some players don't know it when they have the flag on their head, so that's why this should be another message then stolen.
Returned: This will show up for a few seconds after the flag was returned.
Captured: This message will show up for a few seconds, after the flag was stolen.
Dropped: This means that the flag is dropped somewhere in the field.
Your own flag:
At base: This message will be shown as long as nothing happens to the flag.
Stolen: This means that someone of your team has the flag.
Returned: This will show up for a few seconds after the flag was returned.
Captured: This message will show up for a few seconds, after the flag was stolen.
Dropped: This means that the flag is dropped somewhere in the field.
The map Castle is a really big map, and there's not much going on. It's just a big field of nothing, which makes the map less interesting to play. You have to walk a while before getting to other players, and it's just a boring map. I think this map should either be removed, made smaller or there should be some changes to make it more then just a flat field.
After getting special ammo (Super paintballs, egg sniper or a rocket) you are instantly out of ammo. If you get special bullets, your normal bullets are removed. After you shot every special bullet, you will instantly be out of ammo. I think you should get some ammo back, to make it possible to just play further after shooting special bullets.
When someone is killed and respawned, he will have some seconds of spawn protection. But this spawn protection is too long, especially in the smaller maps like Village. I suggest three options that might make this better:
- Make the spawn protection duration less long.
- Make the spawn protection based on number of blocks walked instead of seconds.
- Remove the spawn protection when you start shooting.
- Make the spawn protection duration less long.
- Make the spawn protection based on number of blocks walked instead of seconds.
- Remove the spawn protection when you start shooting.
In Paintball, some players with a rank have the possibility to vote for a type of gun. The most voted gun is the gun that everyone will play with. But I suggest something new, the 'Own gun' option. In this gamemode, everyone gets to choose his own gun to play with. Of course, some guns need to be nerved for this to work. But I think it will be fun, everyone can play with a gun where they can play good with. And there will be more variation, as not everyone has to use the same gun.
In CTF mode, when someone captures the flag, he will be highlighted to show where he is. But sometimes, the player with the flag isn't highlighted. So please fix this bug 

In paintball, there is a chance that your flag becomes invisible. I don't know how this happens, but it's annoying. Especially when the flag is dropped somewhere in the field, it makes it much harder to find it back.
When you get killed while having a flag on your head, you should drop the flag. But sometimes a rare bug happens which makes the game much harder. The player with flag gets killed, but doesn't drop the flag. After respawning, he does not have the flag on his head anymore, but he still has captured the flag. When this player gets killed again, he'll drop the flag on the place he died the second time. When this happens, you can't bring back the flag. Which ruins the game. I wasn't able to make evidence about this :( But I think that some player (that play much paintball) can relate to this bug.
When the teams are unfair, there will be an autobalance. This should make the teams more fair, but when it's 6 against 2, the autobalance just moves one player. Making it 5 against 3, but I don't think that's fair. It should just be 4 against 4. So I suggest making the autobalance more fair.
I don't really know how or when this bug happens. But sometimes the experience bar is randomly broken. When that's the case, you'll have a second experience bar at the left side of your screen.
In the rare case that the game ends in a tie, there will be a second match. But this is really buggy, so I'll try to explain all the bugs we encounter in this extra games you get when it ends in a tie.
I think there is one simple solution to fix all these problems, and that's by just removing the second game part. When the game ends in a tie, nobody will win and you can just use play again to play another game. I mean, this system doesn't really do anything, you can have different teams, a different map, different gamemode and different gun. So it's basically the same as using play again but this has many more bugs. So I suggest removing this system and let nobody win (or everyone) if the game ends in a tie.
On the second match, the map doesn't get reset. This results in several bugs. First of all, the flags from the previous round don't get removed and other flags are placed over it.
The second problem is that the buildings from the previous round(s) will also stay, because the map doesn't reset. So it's really chaotic in the map.
The second problem is that the buildings from the previous round(s) will also stay, because the map doesn't reset. So it's really chaotic in the map.
In the second game, the buildings from the previous round will not get removed. But they become a part of the map. So you can't destroy the buildings that where build in the previous game. Instead you just paint the buildings.
When the game ends in a tie, you need to vote again. So you'll be able to play the second game in another map, or with other guns or with another gamemode. You can even have different teams. So it's like just playing again, but with more bugs. When a game ends in a tie, you just stay in the map and get voting items and a team selector to vote for the next game and select a team again. But if you died and where waiting to respawn while the game ends, you don't get voting items and won't be able to select a team or vote for a gamemode.
Another problem is that you can vote for a different map or the same map. When you play a different map, everything is just reset again and you can play normally. But when you vote the same map, nothing will be reset so the buildings and everything from the previous game will still be there.
Another problem is that you can vote for a different map or the same map. When you play a different map, everything is just reset again and you can play normally. But when you vote the same map, nothing will be reset so the buildings and everything from the previous game will still be there.
If you get the voting period that I explained above, you'll be able to destroy blocks in the map. So you can get out of the map or change the map. When you play the same map again the next round, the map will stay the same as how you changed it while being able to destroy blocks.

I love to try some new games, so I played battle zone for the first time. But when you join battle zone for the first time, it's hard to understand the game. That's why I suggest making an explanation for the new players. It doesn't need something big, but just a book with how the game works. So you can read this book while waiting in the lobby for the game to start.
In Battle zone it's hard to improve some of your statistics. Like how do you capture objectives? I feel like these are the statistics for Archer assaults, so please give Battle zone his own statistics.
The optional resource pack is not optional. You have to install the resource pack to play the game. At least, when you're not in a party. If the party owner joins the game while some party members don't have the resource pack, then it's possible to play without resource pack. Although, I think there should be an option to play without resource pack, because it makes the game smoother for low-end computers. And because it says that's optional, so make it optional.
After installing the resource pack, there's no option to remove it. You can remove it through the Lucky island NPC, but I would like it if there was an option to remove the resource pack in the Battle zone NPC. It would be a lot easier for players that don't know how to remove their resource pack through the Lucky island NPC.
In the waiting lobby, you can spend your time on a pig. But when the game starts and you're on a pig, your pig plane won't fly. Which makes it hard to play the game.
The scoreboard in Battle Zone is a bit buggy, which makes it harder to concentrate on the game. And harder to read the information on the scoreboard. It would help if this would be fixed.
In the waiting lobby, you'll be put in Adventure mode. This should prevent players from destroying the lobby. But you can still trample the farmlands. This is not possible in other waiting lobbies, so I think this also shouldn't be possible in Battle Zone.
Battle zone doesn't have anything to vote for. It isn't necessary but it would be a cool feature for the ranks. And possible something extra for obsidian ranks as they don't have much more the emerald ranks. So we came up with 3 voting options, but maybe you can come up with some better options, so please let me know what you think about it!
I haven't played this game much, so these options won't be the best to add.
I haven't played this game much, so these options won't be the best to add.
- Chest items
This would be something like chest items in skywars, and would determine what kind of items can be in the chests.- No traps
This would prevent traps in the game. - Normal
This would be just as it is now, no difference. - Lower weapons
This would give a lower chance on mythical / legendary weapons.
- No traps
- Time
Just the normal time voting, nothing special.- Day
- Night
- Sunset
- Health
The health voting as it exists in Eggwars, to make the games faster or longer.- Half
- Normal
- Double
In Battle Zone, you can't see the health of your own team. But I think your own team is really important in this game, so I would like to see their health too. Just like in every other gamemode.
Battle Zone doesn't have achievements, just like Archer assaults. I would like to see achievements for both these games. At least the progressive achievements, so you get some extra rewards for a certain number of wins/kills. And to make it more interesting for players that try to get as much achievements as possible. I haven't thought of any achievements yet, so feel free to suggest a few achievement idea's here.
If you're downed, your team has a chance to revive you. But if they don't do that in time, you still die. If you die after being downed for a while, nobody gets the kill. I think that the player that downed you should get the kill. As they basically killed you, but it took some more time.
If you jump of the pig plane, you should get a chicken to glide somewhere. But most of the time, you don't get your chicken and you just fall straight down. Which results in fall damage, and every dropping in the same line, not really spread around the map. So please give us the chickens back!

Cubecraft used 2 different types of green for the Slimes. When you press tab, it's light green, but in the scoreboard it's dark green. Please use just one colour for the slimes.
As a slime, you can't always see the item names. Which makes it harder to find the items, as they don't have a label that you can see through blocks.
The powerups in Slime Survival spawn completely random. But sometimes it's too random, resulting in powerups spawning on unreachable places. You can just ignore it and skip the powerup, but it's annoying, especially when it's a good powerup that you need.
When someone get's tagged in Freeze tag mode, their name will be dark gray in the sidebar. But for some reason, some players don't show on the scoreboard and get completely removed even though they're still in the game.
In the freeze tag mode, you are placed on a slime when you're tagged. But you can just dismount the slime, other players still see you sitting on the slime, but it gives some unfair possibilities. Which is why I think this shouldn't be possible.

Archer Assault doesn't have achievements, just like Battle Zone. I would like to see achievements for both these games. At least the progressive achievements, so you get some extra rewards for a certain number of wins/kills. And to make it more interesting for players that try to get as much achievements as possible. I haven't thought of any achievements yet, so feel free to suggest a few achievement idea's here.
A game of Archer assault can literally take hours. When only one player of the team is near the beacon, no team is capturing it. These long games result in players leaving the game, which makes it even less fun. So I suggest speeding up this game a bit by letting the team with the most players near the beacon capture it.
When your own team uses an invisibility ability, you'll only see a flying bow. But this could also be the opponent, so I suggest giving an invisible player something like a glowing effect that only your own team can see to fix this problem. Because shooting your teammates is really annoying.
In Archer assault you can't break blocks, except for blocks build during the game. And fences for some reason. I don't know why you can break fences, but I suggest disabling that. It's annoying especially in certain maps (don't know the name anymore). I don't think it's really useful to break fences except for being annoying.
There are no game statistics at the end of a game of Archer assault. Other (featured) games have this, and I would like to see how many kills / deaths and shot accuracy I had during the game. So please give me some statistics at the end of a game of Archer Assault.

While trying to test all the games, I came across the problem that Layer spleef didn't get featured for over a month. I know that less popular games get featured less. But a month is a bit too much if you ask me, I think that every game should be featured at least once a month for the players that do like the game.
At this moment, you get 2 points for the time you survive (I believe 2 points every 30 seconds). But I think it would be better to give 1 point for surviving a player. So you would get 1 point for every player that gets eliminated while you're still alive. The same as Survival Games. It would encourage to try and eliminate other players more, and discourage teaming more, as that's allowed in Layer spleef.
Even though the game already ended, I wasn't able to just leave because I'm in a party. I believe this is a bug, and it should be fixed. As I should already be able to leave as soon as all the party members are dead. Especially when the game also ends.
The layers in Layer spleef are not perfectly above each other, in the most maps. I don't think that they have to be exactly above each other, but in some maps, you can fall all the way into the water by just falling through the most upper layer. So I think they should rethink the way some maps have their layers placed.
The leap powerup from the Melting snow layer can be really useful, and can be used multiple strategic ways. I think this would be a great addition in other layers as well. So why not add the leap powerup on other layer, like the Lava block layer, or Bow spleef?
We think it would be fun to add a new voting option. The same that already exists in Blockwars bridges. This could add new strategies to the game. So these voting options would be:
- Nothing; just the normal gamemode as it already exists
- Speed; this would make the game more fast paced
- Jump boost; this would add new strategies into the game
In the most featured games, you'll get some statistics at the end of the game. But in Layer spleef, you get another leaderboard, which you only get if you wait and get teleported to the lobby automatic instead of using /hub. I think that this leaderboard should be changed into some statistics about that game, and it should show up as soon as the game ends for you.
Every map in Layer spleef has his own number of layers. But I think it would be useful if you could see the number of layers in the map selector. Just a simple QOL feature, which shouldn't be hard to add :)
I don't really know if this is considered a bug, or a feature. But I think it isn't really fair and shouldn't be possible. But if you're on the Flame bow layer, you can shoot all TNT. Also TNT from other layers, like the TNT run layer. I would like to see this changed, so you'll only be able to shoot TNT on your own layer.

There are some problems that I see back in more featured games, so I listed them here.
You don't get xp for saying wp after a game for some reason. You do get xp for saying wp in any other game, but not in the featured games.
For some reason, you have a chance of joining the wrong featured game when pressing play again. You can join games that aren't featured at the moment, I personally like this bug sometimes. But I still think it should be fixed as it's still a bug.
In featured games, you can earn trophies. This is something from the old arcade, but I feel like this should either be removed or used. You can do side tasks or win games to earn those trophies but you can't see how many you've earned or do something with them. So I think there should be an option to see your thropies and do something with them, or they should be removed from the featured games.
There is a chance you miss click when voting for game options. In every other game, it's no problem as you can easily change your vote. After changing your vote, you have to wait a few seconds to change it again to prevent spam. But in the featured games, you can only vote once and already have to wait before changing your vote. I think they should give you a second chance in case you accidentally voted for something you don't want to vote for.
In line dash, wing rush and other games with team colours, your own team has a white colour when pressing Tab. And when a player is highlighted, it's also in white.
When voting, it makes all player names purple. I prefer the colours from the other games, where you can see the rank of the player that voted. And the vote messages in other games are more clear. So I would like to see those messages back in the featured games. They are already in Survival games, which is also a featured game.
The personal and global experience multipliers don't work in the most featured games.
In every game the hotbar items are organised in the same way, but for some reason not in Survival games.
Survival games
Other games
I've too many images, as the forums only allow 40 in a thread. So from here on, the images will be uploaded through imgur :)
I've too many images, as the forums only allow 40 in a thread. So from here on, the images will be uploaded through imgur :)
After a game of paintball ends, you'll get a countdown before teleporting to the hub. This countdown is in the experience bar. And this small feature makes it possible to see how long you can chat / say gg, this like that before teleporting to the lobby. It's something small, but I would like to see it back in other (featured) games. Especially for party owners, it makes it easier when to press play again without being teleported to the lobby and giving party members enough time to say gg.
The games that were Arcade games in the past, have side tasks. But I think it would be fun to also implement these side tasks in the other games. Like Survival games and Battle zone. Mainly because I think that all the featured games should be the system as much as possible, as it's all in the same rotation nowadays.
In some of the games, you'll get your statistics about the game when you leave. But not if you use /hub or something similar, but only when you wait the whole game and get teleported to the lobby automatically at the end of the game. So the only way to see your statistics about the game, is by waiting till the whole game ends. I think you should be able to see your statistics sooner. Just when the game ends for you.
The players with a plus rank can have emoji's next to their name. Normally this would be in front and after your name, and this should be visible for everyone if you press tab. But in the paintball lobby, it doesn't work. You can only see the plus emoji in front of the player's name and not the emoji after the name.
Note: Some of the bugs might already been fixed in the past month, but the most are still there.

Some problems with the play again function in the featured games.
You can't use play again when you're dead. You have to wait for the whole game to end. I think you should be able to go to the next game when you're dead without spectating the whole game.
This is also a problem in other games, but I didn't want to start another thread for it so I placed it here. When you press play again right before teleporting to the Hub, your play again function gets cancelled. I think it shouldn't stop searching for a new game, and just teleport me to the next game. Even when I was teleported to the Hub because the game already ended.

I feel like the current system could use an upgrade. It's been here for a long time, and unlike the other games, the featured games never got an update. So I would like to see some changes, that might make it better. At least more fun for me.
Current system: At this moment, there is one game. Every two days, there will be a new featured game. You are not able play any other featured game, besides the one that's the current featured game. There also is an option to vote for a featured game, the most voted game will be featured for 2 extra days. When your game is featured, you are lucky and you can play it all day. If you like a game that's not featured that much, or when you're not able to play when your favorite game is featured, you'll have to wait a long time before playing the game you like again.
My idea for a new system: I would like to play games without them being featured. But I get that there aren't enough players to make it separate games. So I think it should still be one NPC for all the games, but you join a random game. When joining a game, you join the game that's currently waiting to be filled. You'll play a different game every time, so there will be some variation. To avoid joining a game that you don't like and leaving it again, there should be an option to see what game is waiting. So by hovering over the join item, you get to see which game you'll join if you join at that moment. To give a little more space in what you want to play, there should be a game selector. This is the same as the map selector, and will only be available for ranks. To prevent games from not filling up, there would only be 2/3 games available to join, even for ranks. If there is no game available that you like, you'll have to wait until this game is available.
This would also give an option to do something with trophies. They could be used to make a new leaderboard, based on who has the most trophies.
There is one other problem, which is the statistics and achievements. I think you should still be able to view your statistics per game. By clicking on the statistics icon, you'll get the menu that you get now. But with all the featured games next to each other. The same goes for achievements, by clicking the achievements emerald, you'll get a menu where you can select for what game you want to view the achievements.
Possible problems with the new system: This new system makes it harder to play with parties. As you'll join different games, with different team sizes. Of course, if there's someone with a rank, you can select the games where your party fits in. But it might be less fun for bigger parties. Another problem is that you can't play you favorite game all day anymore, which is now possible when your game is featured. But with this new system, you can play the game more then only 2 days in a month. And there is more variation in what you play.
My idea for a new system: I would like to play games without them being featured. But I get that there aren't enough players to make it separate games. So I think it should still be one NPC for all the games, but you join a random game. When joining a game, you join the game that's currently waiting to be filled. You'll play a different game every time, so there will be some variation. To avoid joining a game that you don't like and leaving it again, there should be an option to see what game is waiting. So by hovering over the join item, you get to see which game you'll join if you join at that moment. To give a little more space in what you want to play, there should be a game selector. This is the same as the map selector, and will only be available for ranks. To prevent games from not filling up, there would only be 2/3 games available to join, even for ranks. If there is no game available that you like, you'll have to wait until this game is available.
This would also give an option to do something with trophies. They could be used to make a new leaderboard, based on who has the most trophies.
There is one other problem, which is the statistics and achievements. I think you should still be able to view your statistics per game. By clicking on the statistics icon, you'll get the menu that you get now. But with all the featured games next to each other. The same goes for achievements, by clicking the achievements emerald, you'll get a menu where you can select for what game you want to view the achievements.
Possible problems with the new system: This new system makes it harder to play with parties. As you'll join different games, with different team sizes. Of course, if there's someone with a rank, you can select the games where your party fits in. But it might be less fun for bigger parties. Another problem is that you can't play you favorite game all day anymore, which is now possible when your game is featured. But with this new system, you can play the game more then only 2 days in a month. And there is more variation in what you play.

Some pretty cool games got removed in the big change. And I think that some games might be able to come back with a new system. It would be cool to play some old games again. Of course they don't have to bring them all back, but bringing back some old gamemodes would be nice. Or they could take some time, and try to come up with some new and original gamemodes. If you have a gamemode that should be brought back as a featured game, let me know, I'm really interested!
In this gamemode, you where placed in an hourglass. All kinds of things, like sand, anvils and mobs would drop out of the sky. Also chest can spawn, giving you loot to give you a higher chance of survival. The goal is to be the last player standing!
Out of all the players, a few players are chosen to be the seekers. There goal is to kill all the hiding players, once killed they will help to find the other hiders. The hiding players are transformed into blocks, so the seekers have to find blocks that are moving or standing on places where there shouldn't be a block. For the seekers, it's the goal to find all the hiding players. The hiders have to survive till the timer ends.
In this gamemode, a few players are chosen to be infected from the start. They have to find and kill the survivors. In the meantime, the survivors have to hide, run or fight against the infected to prevent getting killed. To do this, they can mine and make better gear for themselves. If a survivor gets killed, he will become infected and has to kill other survivors. Once all the survivors are infected, the infected won. But if you survive the whole five minutes, you won as survivor!
TNT trouble is the perfect game for players who like to blow things up. There are two teams, with both castles. The goal is to defend your castles and blow the castles of the other team up. When you pick up TNT, you have a certain amount of time to place it, to blow the other castle up. Failing to do so, will result in you blowing up!
UHC is suggested many times to come back. I'm not sure if this would be a great idea, but I decided to give it a chance and suggest it here. It's a survival game, where the goal is to be the last player standing. The problem is that natural regeneration is disabled, so you have to heal by using items like golden apples and potions.
In bingo, you get a map. This map has 25 items on it, and it's the goal to gather at least 5 of these items. It needs to be 5 in a row. When you gathered 5 items that are in a row on your map, you won. You can gather these items by survivaling. So it's basically survival, with the goal to obtain 5 items in a row on your map. First player to have 5 items in a row, wins!
In Barn brawl, you need to punch animals into your barn. Every animal has his own value of points, and the team with the most points wins the game. There are also special animals to keep the game more active and fun. Animals that are worth double points or negative points.

I would like to see multipliers for the featured games. It has been suggested multiple times before, and I think it's a good idea. I know there are personal multipliers nowadays, but a purchased multiplier would also work well. It might boost the players for featured games, and it would be nice to be able to have a multiplier for a game that changes once in a while. (Or for different games at the same time, in case my idea gets implemented).

I'm not the only one that would like to see some changes. So I looked for some other threads with ideas for changes and listed them here. As these are also great ideas and some may be very similar to some of my ideas. While searching for other threads, I found out that there are way too many threads about featured games to link here. So this will just be some examples of other threads about the featured games. PLEASE, do not necropost on these threads!
A suggestion from @Maaarijn, where he also suggested to remove the featured games. And make a mixed arcade, blockwars, survival games and islands games gamemode.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-update.276776/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-update.276776/
A suggestion from @Maurijst, he also suggested to change the featured games NPC and create some new rotating games.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-suggestion.278706/
And another quite similar suggestion: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/split-up-arcade-featured-games-and-pvp-featured-games.217983/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-suggestion.278706/
And another quite similar suggestion: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/split-up-arcade-featured-games-and-pvp-featured-games.217983/
A suggestion from @KnolraapBram, who suggested to bring back some of the old games into the featured games.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games.269413/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games.269413/
A suggestion from @iLuvQwls, I've seen this one many times. But it's about having a second featured game NPC, to have two games to choose from if you want to play featured games.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/a-second-feature-games-slot.260372/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/a-second-feature-games-slot.260372/
A suggestion from @powerofbeds, who actually suggested the same as iLuvQwls, to have more featured game NPCs.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/two-featured-games-active-at-a-time.220774/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/two-featured-games-active-at-a-time.220774/
A suggestion from @littlemoocow, he suggested to make Survival games a permanent game.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/i-think-survival-games-should-be-a-permanent-game.260473/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/i-think-survival-games-should-be-a-permanent-game.260473/
A suggestion from @ItzEnd3r, the suggestion was to bring back some of the featured games as normal gamemodes.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/b...d-games-when-separate-lobbies-release.243309/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/b...d-games-when-separate-lobbies-release.243309/
A suggestion from @Eli, who suggested that popular featured games should be separate from the other featured gamemodes.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/should-popular-featured-games-be-separate.222313/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/should-popular-featured-games-be-separate.222313/
A suggestion from @xXIIIIIIXx, his suggestion was to bring Bingo to the featured games.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/add-bingo-as-featured-game.220372/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/add-bingo-as-featured-game.220372/
A suggestion from @CatsLoveRainbows, who suggested to bring back some old games in the featured games. This by a nostalgia week for games, where there will be a week with some old Cubecraft games.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/nostalgia-week-for-games-featured-game-system-revised.219494/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/nostalgia-week-for-games-featured-game-system-revised.219494/
Another suggestion from @CatsLoveRainbows, to make two featured games NPCs, but one will only be rotating once a week.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-suggestion.216723/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-suggestion.216723/
A suggestion from @SanCookie, to make a featured games multiplier.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-point-multiplier.218707/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games-point-multiplier.218707/
A suggestion from @TakeMyGear, to bring eggwars variations to the featured games NPC.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games.217394/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/featured-games.217394/
A suggestion from @Jevmen, to bring TNT trouble back as a featured game.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/bring-tnt-ttrouble-back-featured-game-poll.216659/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/bring-tnt-ttrouble-back-featured-game-poll.216659/
A suggestion from @EntityBlom, to bring back Barn Brawl as a featured game.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/bring-back-barn-brawl.286991/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/bring-back-barn-brawl.286991/
A suggestion from @LightsOn_, to fix some issues with the featured game Battle Zone.
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/battle-zone-updates.287806/
You can check the suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/battle-zone-updates.287806/
To be more straight to the point, there are lots of suggestions about the featured games. Mostly about making it separate gamemodes, or having two featured game NPCs. So I think there should change something, maybe not exactly how I suggested it, but there need to be some improvements.
Thanks to @99th_DutchNubnub and @99th_DutchVoid for helping me creating this thread!
This was the thread. Of course, no one will agree with all of these ideas. So if you have some suggestions or improvements, feel free to share them here. The main point of this thread is to give some more attention to the featured games, and hope there will be some improvements in the future. Please let me know what you think about these ideas, and if there should be some changes around the featured games.
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